Summary of 💥Tesis de EURODRY 🚢 | Clip El SANEDRÍN

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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

The video discusses the effects of new regulation on shipbuilding, and how EURODRY thinks it will affect the market. EURODRY thinks that the new regulation will cause shipbuilding companies to close down, and that the value of their ships will go down by around 50%.

  • 00:00:00 The video discusses a small, private company called EURODRY that has been growing rapidly in recent years. The company has low costs associated with its shipping industry, and it has announced plans to purchase more ships in the near future. The market is volatile, but EURODRY is doing well overall.
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses the Drydock company, which is seeing its stock price go down because of the lock-down of coal prices. However, the company still expects its ebitda (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) to be around 8 million euros in this third quarter, which is down from the earlier estimate of 10 million euros. The company also projects that its ebitda will be 11.2 million euros in the second and third quarters of 2022, but that it will be 0.29 million euros in the fourth quarter of 2023 for the older boats.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses the effects of the new regulation on shipbuilding, and how EURODRY thinks it will affect the market. EURODRY thinks that the new regulation will cause shipbuilding companies to close down, and that the value of their ships will go down by around 50%.

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