Summary of How To Break Your FOOD ADDICTION To Lose Weight & LIVE LONGER! | Susan Thompson & Lewis Howes

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In the video, "How to Break Your Food Addiction to Lose Weight and LIVE LONGER!," Susan Thompson and Lewis Howes discuss the psychology of food addiction and how to overcome it. Thompson discusses her personal story of addiction and how she overcame it. The pair offer advice on how to break the addiction, including following brightline rules and pre-planning meals.

  • 00:00:00 Susan Thompson and Lewis Howes discuss the psychology of food addiction and how it can vary depending on a person's personality and genetic makeup. They also discuss how addiction can be manifested in different ways and how it can be overcome.
  • 00:05:00 Susan Thompson discusses how her food addiction and drug addiction spiraled out of control, leading her to walk out of a crack house and start her journey to recovery. She credits the Catalyst for her turning point to realizing that it was not a matter of choice but rather a non-choice that had led her to this life.
  • 00:10:00 Susan Thompson and Lewis Howes share their story of how they overcame food addiction and lost weight. After realizing they were addicted to food, they worked to overcome the addiction through recovery and academic success.
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses how food addiction is harder than drug and alcohol addiction, and how sugar and flour addiction are harder than drug and alcohol addiction. The video also discusses how Thanksgiving can be a challenging holiday for someone who is recovering from food addiction, as they will be faced with temptations to eat pumpkin pie and sugar-laden food.
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses the increasing obesity rates in the U.S. and how obesity is not just about being genetically predisposed to gain weight, but an addiction to food. It also discusses how obesity can have many negative consequences, including mood disorders, dementia, 13 different types of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, joint problems, arthritis, and psychological problems. The video encourages people to fight against obesity by changing the way they think and eat.
  • 00:25:00 In this video, Susan Thompson and Lewis Howes discuss how addiction and food addiction can be caused by trauma. They note that healing the trauma is necessary for sustained long-term recovery.
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses how food addiction works and how it can be difficult to break. The speaker suggests using different words to describe different types of foods, and says that it is important to eat good carbohydrates.
  • 00:35:00 Flour and sugar are both addictive, and can be turned into drugs through extraction and refinement. While these substances don't have any negative effects on humans in and of themselves, eating them in large quantities can lead to problems like high blood sugar, weight gain, and addiction.
  • 00:40:00 The video discusses how food addiction can be difficult to overcome, and offers advice on how to break the addiction. Brightline Eating, a program that addresses food addiction, is mentioned.
  • 00:45:00 Susan Thompson and Lewis Howes discuss how to break your food addiction and lose weight in a healthy way by following brightline rules. These rules include not eating food until you are truly hungry, not eating food excessively, and eating healthy quantities. The book "Willpower" by Roy Baumeister discusses how to use brightline rules for temptation and willpower control. The program "Brightline Eating" helps people recover from food addiction and reach their natural body weight.
  • 00:50:00 Susan Thompson and Lewis Howes discuss how to break your food addiction and lose weight, emphasizing the importance of a structured program and pre-planning your food. They talk about how this approach works in similar ways to stopping drinking, and how it is important to have a vision for the life you want to live and make plans to get there.
  • 00:55:00 Susan Thompson and Lewis Howes discuss how to break your food addiction and lose weight. The four categories are sugar, flour, meals, and quantum quantities. The average weight loss for a program is almost all the weight regained within a year and a half, while brightline eating helps people maintain their initial weight loss and about doubly more so.

01:00:00 - 01:30:00

Dr. Susan Thompson and Lewis Howes discuss how to break food addiction and lose weight in this YouTube video. They recommend strict adherence to a "no-go" zone in order to prevent relapse, and advise that quiz website food can be helpful in assessing one's situation.

  • 01:00:00 The video discusses how to break your food addiction to lose weight and live longer. It states that in the first two months of a weight loss program, hunger and cravings decrease to negligible amounts. The speaker recommends strict adherence to a bright line, or "no-go" zone, to help prevent relapse. The video concludes with advice on how to be successful with food addiction treatment.
  • 01:05:00 The video discusses how to break your food addiction, and provides information on how to do so. It advises that if you are struggling with food addiction, you should take the food addition quiz website. The quiz will tell you based on your neuroscience, what your food addiction may be. It also provides tips on how to break your addiction, and how to maintain your weight after you have done so.
  • 01:10:00 Susan Thompson and Lewis Howes discuss how food addiction can negatively affect one's self-worth, metabolism, and brain function. They suggest that one day at a time is actually better, as dopamine receptors will tell the body to "don't take away my hit" once it has become accustomed to a certain level of pleasure.
  • 01:15:00 Susan Thompson and Lewis Howes discuss how to break an addiction to food, how it affects weight and overall health, and how to find support. They also suggest that quiz website food can be helpful in assessing one's situation.
  • 01:20:00 The video discusses how Susan Thompson and Lewis Howes studied how sugar and diet affect mental health, energy levels, and social support. They found that, when individuals start brightline eating, their mental health improves dramatically and their energy levels and perceived social support increase.
  • 01:25:00 Food addiction is real, and most people have some degree of addictive relationship with food. Understanding that not everyone is affected, and having a plan of structured eating, can help you live a better life. Susan Thompson shares her journey of overcoming food addiction and being clean and sober for many years. Her advice is inspiring, and her final question is a reminder to live true to oneself.
  • 01:30:00 In this video, Dr. Susan Thompson and Lewis Howes discuss how to break food addiction and lose weight. They recommend drinking two volumes of water per day and drinking in order to hydrate.

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