Summary of CRAZY SJW lecturer threatens student... BACKFIRES SPECTACULARLY!

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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

In the video, Jonathan Butler, a black student at an American university, discusses the oppression of black people in America. He also points out that, although 20th century colleges were "basically expensive day care centers," there was some progress made this week when Melissa Clique, a social justice warrior, was fired. Butler and his demonstrators demand that the university president, Tim Wolfe, apologize to the student demonstrators and hold a press conference to admit his negligence in allowing his driver to hit Butler with his car. Melissa Click was also in attendance, and she was happy to tell the police officers to get their hands off of the demonstrators.

  • 00:00:00 The video features Jonathan Butler, the son of a multimillionaire, who is studying at an American University. Butler discusses the oppression of black people in America, and notes that the media often demonizes them with unfounded lies. He also points out that, although 20th century colleges were "basically expensive day care centers," there was some progress made this week when Melissa Clique, a social justice warrior, was fired. Butler and his demonstrators demand that the university president, Tim Wolfe, apologize to the student demonstrators and hold a press conference to admit his negligence in allowing his driver to hit Butler with his car. Melissa Click was also in attendance, and she was happy to tell the police officers to get their hands off of the demonstrators.
  • 00:05:00 This YouTube video features a lecture by a professor at a university about protesting. The professor discusses how some students are protesting in a way that is racist and motivated by hate. She also discusses how one of the students, a black son of a multi-millionaire, has decided to go on a hunger strike. The professor calls for the president to apologize for hitting the student with his car, for the excessive violence used by the police, and for the resignation of the university president.
  • 00:10:00 A YouTube user named "Melyssa click" threatened a student with legal action after the student complained about the lack of black faculty at Missouri University. However, the student's threats backfired spectacularly, with the number of black faculty at Mizzou increasing significantly as a result. Bravo, Melissa click!

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