Summary of What Went Wrong: How to Fix Charity - Inman Connect SF - Brett Hagler

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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

The speaker discusses how transparency and accountability are key to fixing the charitable sector, and provides examples of organizations that operate with these values. He suggests that, if you care about a particular cause, you should choose a charity that is transparent and accountable in order to ensure that your donation is used effectively.

  • 00:00:00 Charity can be difficult to trust, especially when it comes to where the money is going. Brett Hagler, CEO of New Story, talks about how transparency is key to rebuilding trust in the charitable space. He shares a story of how his family vacation led to a conversation about charity, and how NPR's article on the Red Cross' Haiti relief showed just how widespread the issue of trust is.
  • 00:05:00 The speaker discusses how transparency can be a key part of fixing charity, and provides examples of an organization that operates with transparency and an organization that has had success with their donor experience. He concludes that if more charity operated with transparency, it would have a greater impact on the world.
  • 00:10:00 The speaker discusses how transparency and accountability can help ensure that charity money is used effectively, and how this can be applied to all causes. He suggests that, if you care about a particular cause, you should choose a charity with these characteristics.

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