Summary of Curso El Libro de los Salmos - Sesión 2

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this video, the instructor explains how to interpret Psalms 22 and 40, which are about Jesus Christ. He says that Psalm 22 is from a human perspective, while Psalm 40 is from Christ's perspective as He was incarnated. The instructor also discusses Psalm 69, which is from a distance. This is a reminder that no matter how far away Christ may seem, He is always with us.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, Pastor Luis García Cháidez introduces the second session of a course on the book of Psalms, an intensive course for students on duty during the day. He then invites Reyes Rodolfo to lead a prayer. The class then proceeds to study each chapter of the book, with a focus on Psalm 42-72. The authors, classification, and date of composition for each Psalm are also covered. Finally, each chapter is discussed in relation to the authors' views on David's authorship. This list of authors was found in Pablo Hoff's book, The Book of Psalms: A Comprehensive Commentary.
  • 00:05:00 This video discusses the authorship of some of the Psalms, specifically Psalms 49 and 104. It mentions that some of the anonimous Psalms may have been composed by David. Additionally, it discusses how the poetic and emotional attitude of David is reflected in these Psalms. This evidence leads scholars to conclude that David wrote some of these Psalms.
  • 00:10:00 The author of this video explains that the style of writing, the feeling experienced by the author, and the emotion David experiences are all special. David's theologians say that, when he was anointed to be king, the Holy Spirit died within him and he no longer separated himself from it. This affects me because we know perfectly well that the Holy Spirit operated occasionally throughout David's life, helping to bring about supernatural events--such as miracles--and helping Saul overcome supernatural events. We also see Elias working miracles--such as descending fire from the sky--but I'm particularly interested in David and the Holy Spirit's consistent presence, which makes him stand out in his writings, according to the circumstances. We see the combination of David's poetic sensibility and his temperamental nature in each of his writings, just as we see it in ourselves today, thanks to the operation of the Holy Spirit combined with our character and temperament. Many wives are praying to God for their husbands' salvation, and I ask you to please help my husband overcome his bad character and Genius. He's not going to be able to get rid of either of them, but God will use that combination of temperamental and poetic talent to make him something great. That's why it's so important for
  • 00:15:00 This video discusses the difference between the terms "ungido" (meaning "anointed") and "sacerdote." Ungido refers to the prophets, priests, and kings mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, while sacerdote refers to any person who has been anointed by God. The video also points out that, in contrast to the previous era, when most people believed in the second coming of Jesus, nowadays there is a debate among Christians about whether or not it will happen.
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses the difference between biblical and Messianic Psalms, and how biblical Psalms cannot be called Messianic without a Messianic context. The theologian Paint warns that simply quoting a New Testament verse does not make a Psalm Messianic. He goes on to say that the mere fact that a New Testament writer cites a Old Testament verse shows that he has listened to it and is applying it to Christ or His kingdom, but does not mean that the Psalm is entirely Mesianic. He then goes back and finds a few verses to support his point, and finishes by saying that we should not assume all Messianic Psalms are about Christ because some are about Israel's judgeship. We should also remember that before he became Saul, the king, Jehova was the one who was directing all of Israel. This is why Psalm 3:15 says "He [Jehova] is here; let me enter into Your house." The New Testament kingdom is also helping to preserve the character of God as king, as shown by the priests in the Old Testament. This Messianic Psalm kingdom helps us understand why the woman wept in Samuel's presence (1 Samuel 12:16-17) and why the
  • 00:25:00 In this video, we revis the context of some of the Psalms, specifically Psalm 5. In verse 5, the speaker reproaches and destroys nations, and forever destroys their memory. Jehová remains forever righteous, and will judge the world with justice. The psalmist also says in verse 8 that Jehová will judge the world with truth and righteousness. In Psalm 31, the speaker speaks of Jehová's hand entrusting his spirit to him. This is a mesiánically-charged Psalm, as the speaker references Christ implicitly in many ways. The psalmist also declares that David's descendants will always have a king, and Christ will be this king. Finally, in Psalm 2, the speaker addresses God as "Truly, truly, I am your God," and declares his faith in Jehová. This establishes Psalm 2 as a mesiánically-charged Psalm. In Psalm 31, the speaker speaks of Jehová as the one who saves him from his enemies. In Psalm 2, the speaker declares his faith in Jehová even though he does not specifically mention Christ. This establishes Psalm 2 as a mesiánically-charged Psalm
  • 00:30:00 In this video, a Spanish-speaking instructor discusses how to interpret Psalm 22, in which God speaks to His Son, Jesus, from a human perspective. He says that although it is not precisely clarified that Jesus' throne is sitting next to God's Father, it is still one throne, and there is no separation between the Father and Son. Christ's Spirit remains with Him and is present in all of His expressions, both spiritual and literal. This is a beautiful example of how God works in our lives. The instructor mentions another example from Psalm 40, in which Christ speaks to the Israelites as their Messiah from a personal perspective. He says that although this aspect of the Psalm is often interpreted as Christ speaking from a distance, it is really Him speaking as He was incarnated, Son of God in human form. Christ never leaves us alone, and we should thank Him for His love in this moment. Finally, the instructor discusses Psalm 69, in which Christ speaks to His people as their God from a distance. This is the most personal of all the Psalms, as it is Christ speaking to His people as He Himself is God. This is a beautiful reminder that no matter how far away He may seem, Christ is always with us.
  • 00:35:00 The video tutorial "Curso El Libro de los Salmos - Sesión 2" covers the second session of a three-session course on the book of Psalms. The instructor points out that while the expression "you will not let my soul perish" is unique to Psalm 23, the rest of the Psalms speaks of other things. The Lord's matters are David's, and the rest is "David's" (meaning, not from the Lord). The Psalms are divided according to their content into poems that reflect the three functions of Jesus Christ- Prophet, Priest, and King. Melquisedec, who had the three functions, is mentioned in the book of Genesis as having been a Prophet, a Priest, and a King. Christ, who is King, Prophet, and Priest, is described in each of these roles in the Psalms. The Psalms are real descriptions of human experience, and their excessive detail about Christ's sufferings in relation to our experience is a remarkably precise description of His coming Kingdom. We are reminded that we cannot be both a priest and a Christian, and that Christ, as our priest, is fulfilling His prophetic and priestly functions at the same time. The Psalms leave us with a sense of
  • 00:40:00 In this video, Bible teacher and author Rick Warren explains how the Holy Spirit helps inspire and guide the Psalms. He points to examples from the book of Genesis, including when God breathed life into Adam and when he spoke to Moses from the burning bush. He also mentions how the Holy Spirit has always been involved in the lives of Jews and Gentiles, and how it is important for Christians to remember this. He then goes on to say that it is very difficult to be overcome by the temptation, because we are constantly occupied by God's work in our lives. We need to have long-term, medium-term and short-term goals, and each one must have evidence that we are working on it. Warren concludes the talk by calling attention to how the Holy Spirit helps us to accomplish our goals, even when we don't have the ability to do everything on our own. These Psalms teach us about the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and how he helps us to stick to our goals, even when we face difficulty.
  • 00:45:00 In this video, a course on the book of Psalms is explained, with particular attention paid to the way the Holy Spirit inspired the authors to write. The course then goes on to discuss the 150 psalms in detail, noting the author, theme, and book of the psalm. Finally, the video discusses how individual Christians should approach the five books of the Old Testament.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses the different types of Psalms, and how to classify them based on their author, Solomon and also the other authors. The Psalms can be divided into the second book, which are from chapter 42 to 72. This division is found in a book that I found, and I thought it was beautiful, so I'm sharing it with you. You can also classify the Psalms this way, according to their Mesianic, Supplicatory, or instructional nature. This information is useful when preaching, because you can choose a Psalm to preach from any day, based on the context and culture. The Psalms are also a way to reflect on your own life, and how it relates to God's word. This information can be helpful when you're studying the Bible, because you can look up a Psalm by its name or by its author. Remember that the sacred names of God are often mentioned in the Psalms, and you don't need to be afraid to say their full name. We no longer have a problem with that, because we now understand that these names were used in different ways by different authors.
  • 00:55:00 This video discusses the characteristics of the compositions in the second book of the Psalms, which authors express the same faith in God, the same confidence that he will save them from those afflictions, and the same high concepts of spiritual nature of worship to God found in the first book and expressed in the same manner in the second book. The desire of the true Israelite is not only to go to the temple, but to reach the presence of God alive. This same desire should be the desire of true Christian, not only go to the temple but reach the presence of Christ Himself. Sacrifices consumed at the altar are of little value to the eyes of the one who is Lord of the world and of everything contained in the pleasing sacrifice to God. Some high concepts found in these Psalms include concepts of the spiritual nature of worship to God, such as in Psalm 42, which speaks of longing for the house of God that occurred after what happened, and Psalm 43, which speaks of the destruction of or the elderly who survived the 70-year captivity returning to the temple and knowing Solomon's temple. Compared to what Solomon rebuilt, only Babel and Josue built a temple that is very different - a temple that does not have the magnificence

01:00:00 - 01:20:00

In the video "Curso El Libro de los Salmos - Sesión 2," Pastor Rubís discusses the origins and meaning of the name Elohim, which is mentioned 164 times throughout the second book of the Hebrew Bible, the Psalms. He explains that the name means "one of the names of Yahweh" and refers to Jehová's followers. Additionally, he mentions that the name Elohim refers to Yahweh's powerful, wise, and all-powerful nature.

  • 01:00:00 The YouTube video "Curso El Libro de los Salmos - Sesión 2" is a training session for Bible study, which discusses how to read the Bible independently and how to read it together as a devotional community. The video discusses the 51st and 52nd Psalms, which focus on repentance and trust in God, respectively. The video also discusses the theme of the entire course, which is how to find peace in God.
  • 01:05:00 In this video, Pastor Rubís covers the origins and meaning of the name Elohim, which is mentioned 164 times throughout the second book of the Hebrew Bible, the Psalms. He explains that the name means "one of the names of Yahweh." Additionally, he mentions that the name is used in reference to Jehová's followers, and that it refers to His powerful, wise, and all-powerful nature.
  • 01:10:00 This video is a lecture on the book of Psalms, focusing on Session 2. The presenter reviews the various literary and historical categories for Psalms, and discusses how to apply those categories to a specific Psalm. He then goes on to discuss a specific Psalm, Psalm 103.
  • 01:15:00 This video is a pedagogical session on the book of Psalms, focusing on session 2. The speaker, a teacher, states that he was called to attention by login, and that this is his first course on another platform specifically in Brazil. We are studying the Pentateuch, and are dividing Jehovah and Elohim. It is related to what you spoke about today, and that is what fascinates the speaker about the Bible. The Bible is one of the principles not to be interpreted with the same Bible, and this is something he was missing in his previous course. Today, he found it when looking at theories in another course and comparing them to the theories in this course. This course is helping him to understand why he is not able to understand the Psalms properly, and how he can improve his understanding by studying them in another context. He is very grateful and this course on login is also helping him with his other studies on the Pentateuch. What a great blessing it is to have God willing and able to help us learn more about Him! Many thanks to Licenciado Alberto for helping us out. We will continue with the Psalms after the message and we would like you to stay and chat after that if you are still interested
  • 01:20:00 In this video, students are taught how to pray by Pastor Luis García Chávez. They begin by discussing how God will be new in the afternoon at 8:30, and then continue with classes the following day at 8:30am. They also take a tutorial on Psalms before the class with Pastor Luis. Afterwards, they hear a testimony from Guillermo. Finally, they say goodbye to the students and pray for them.

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