Summary of 08_Cap. 5: Hábito 2: Comenzar con el fin en la mente_Los 7 háb de los adoles alt efec_Sean Covey

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this video, Sean Covey discusses how following the seven habits of successful people helped him become successful in weightlifting and athletics. He talks about his goals for weight loss and explains how he stuck to his plan by following the successful people's habits.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, Sean Covey discusses the concept of Habit 2, which is starting with the end in mind. Habit 2 is about controlling your destiny, and it can be applied to both external and internal matters. One example given is that if you want to be successful in life, you need to have a clear vision of where you want to be and how you want to get there. Without a well-defined goal in mind, it's easy to get lost and never reach your goals. The video also discusses the importance of beginning with the end in mind and how it can help you achieve success in life. By focusing on the future, you can create a plan and start making progress. This is something that can be helpful when you're feeling discouraged or frustrated. Finally, Covey encourages viewers to begin building their life goals by using their imagination. By doing this, you can clear your mind and access your creative side. Once you have a clear vision of what you want, it's time to start making changes. This process can be difficult at first, but with practice, it will become easier.
  • 00:05:00 In this video, Sean Covey, an undergraduate from preparatory school, shares the reasons why it's important to have a goal in mind when crossing the stage of life, and how to make the most of your opportunities. He also discusses the importance of friends and how to choose them wisely. Finally, he shares a story about a close friend who struggled with addiction and how it changed his outlook on life.
  • 00:10:00 This video is about how to make good choices when choosing friends. It talks about how to be prudent when choosing friends because it's important to have friends who will fill a hole in your life. It also talks about how to make sure your future is shaped the way you want it to be by choosing your education path carefully. The experience of Crista teaches us that it's rewarding to start with the end in mind when you're in your first year of college. She was one of the few students who was able to watch the series about the war in civil-war-torn America. After completing her report, she discovered that she was one of the few students who was able to see the series.
  • 00:15:00 This transcript excerpt from a YouTube video is about a young person's experience of creating a personal mission statement. The young person describes how writing down a personal mission statement can be a way to control one's own destiny, and how it can be helpful to have a set of values that are shared by many people in society. He also discusses the importance of having a sense of purpose in life, and how often young people these days confuse being "inspired" by others with actually having a mission. The young person ends the excerpt by sharing an example of a personal mission statement that he likes.
  • 00:20:00 Productivity, exercise, and objectivity are discussed in this video with the story of Sean Covey, who met a teenager from North Carolina named Adamson. Adamson had seven habits that Covey found to be very valuable and helpful in his own life. One of the seven habits is "begin with the end in mind." Covey advises that in order to achieve anything, you must first have a clear goal and plan of action. This is especially important when it comes to sex, as many young adults are not ready for it when it comes to their career or personal life. Covey also recommends creating a personal mission statement daily, which will help you stay on track and stay motivated. He also recommends establishing goals that are both challenging and achievable, and taking time each day to help others who are less fortunate. In the end, Covey recommends that you read and reflect on your personal mission statement every day. This will help you stay on track and motivated, and remind you of what is truly important in life.
  • 00:25:00 This video is about the famous Jewish Austrian psychiatrist, Sigmund Freud, and his theory that humans don't invent their talents, but rather detect them in other areas of life. Freud discussed his theory with Sean Covey, who shares his own experience of being inspired to become a writer at a young age. Freud's experience of starting his academic career with a plagiarism accusation was not a good beginning for four years of literature classes, but it was more interesting than they were to him. At the university, he took a class on short stories with a high note from the professor, who recognized his passion for writing. Freud shares that he always takes the time to think about his mission and his goals before starting to write. He recommends that people try one of four methods to help them write their own mission statement: 1) Thinking of someone you know who has made a difference in your life and try to describe their qualities 2) Make a list of 10 things that you enjoy doing and try to write about one of them 3) Imagine you were a character in a movie and write a scene in which you are that character 4)Write a sentence describing what you feel when you are inspired 5)Remember a time when you were really motivated to do something 6)Write about
  • 00:30:00 This YouTube video is about how to write an enunciado de misión, or mission statement. The seven habits of highly effective people are discussed, and the first habit is to collect inspiring quotes. This method is used to formulate a personal mission statement. The second habit is to write for 15 minutes, without stopping, and to dump all of your ideas on the paper. You then reflect on the answers you gave to the big discovery, and use that to start your imagination moving. You take another 15 minutes to fix and organize your ideas, and then you have a draft of your mission statement. The fourth habit is to use the lema "I am all that I am capable of being" from the Army of the United States of America. This is a quote that means a lot to the speaker, and it is an inspiration to write a mission statement. The fifth habit is to take a long retreat, like a full day, and choose a place that you like and where you can be alone. You should think about your life and what you want to do with it. You should also review your answers to the question "What is your mission?" There are two more examples of mission statements in this audiobook. The first is from Katie Holmes, and
  • 00:35:00 The video discusses how people can be labeled with labels, such as "lazy," "stupid," or "smart." It goes on to say that these labels can become self-fulfilling prophecies and lead to negative consequences. The speaker recommends avoiding labels and instead focus on achieving personal goals. Finally, the speaker warns that people can become lost if they continuously pursue the wrong path.
  • 00:40:00 In this video, Sean Covey shares seven principles of habit formation. The principles are: 1) Begin with the end in mind, 2) Set specific, achievable goals, 3) Be realistic about the costs and benefits of achieving goals, 4) Write down your goals, 5) Be willing to make sacrifices for your goals, 6) Visualize your goal and feel its power, 7) Choose goals that are manageable and have benefits. Finally, consider making your goals smaller.
  • 00:45:00 According to this YouTube video, Sean Covey shares the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. One of these habits is "begin with the end in mind." The author shares a story of a captain and lieutenant who were debating sending a letter to a famous general. The lieutenant finally convinced the captain to send the letter, and the captain in turn inspired the lieutenant. The author states that this is a great lesson to live by--to always have an end goal in mind and to be specific about it. He also recommends reading one or more stories about Cortes to help remember the key points. Finally, the author shares a story of a friend who was struggling financially. His friend went out and bought a lottery ticket and won $1 million. His friend was inspired to start investing and began to make more money. This story reminds the author that even if he doesn't achieve his ultimate goals, he is still making progress.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses how habits can be started with the end in mind, and how seven habits of successful people can be followed. After two years of being together, Sean Covey remembers the excitement he felt when he created a new list of girls with which to go out. This is one of the "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People." In 500 or 600 years, the beautiful process of burning flowers will be reborn again in the same way, we can regenerate ourselves between the ashes of a bad experience. Frequent failures and tragedies can work as a staircase to change. learn to use the power of crucial moments to set goals and commitments. When you're in a good mood, you can also do it. When you're not, it's the true test of your character. Someone once said, "Character is discipline. Discipline is the ability to persist when you don't feel like it." Sean Covey's story illustrates this point perfectly. When he tried out for the football team at his high school, he weighed only 45 kilograms and was only 50 centimeters tall. He was too small for the team, but he tried out anyway and ended up being the smallest player on the team. He eventually became the captain of the team.
  • 00:55:00 In this video, Sean Covey talks about his habit of starting with the end in mind. He shares the seven habits of successful people, and how they helped him become successful in his various endeavors. He finishes the video by sharing his goals for weight loss and athletics, and how he stuck to his plan through tough times. In this video, Sean Covey shares how he became successful in weightlifting and athletics by following the seven habits of successful people. He talks about his goals for weight loss and explains how he stuck to his plan by following the successful people's habits.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

In the video, Sean Covey discusses the seven habits of highly effective people. He emphasizes the importance of beginning with the end in mind and staying focused on realistic goals. He also talks about how being part of a team can help develop qualities that lead to success in life.

  • 01:00:00 In this video, Sean Covey shares the seven habits of highly effective people. He talks about how beginning with the end in mind helped him achieve his goals. He shares how he stayed focused during tough times by setting realistic goals and always striving for progress. He also talks about how being a captain on his high school track team helped him develop some of the qualities and strengths that have helped him achieve success in life.
  • 01:05:00 The video discusses how habits can be started with the end in mind, and how seven habits of successful people can be followed. It discusses how people of the past were like "food for the young boys" who, while looking at old photos, may or may not believe it, but eventually will die. It asks viewers to think about how some of the young boys in the photos have now passed away, and how their lives might have been different if they had heeded the advice of the educator. The video goes on to talk about how most of us will never achieve great things, but that we can make small accomplishments that have a lasting effect. It reminds us that life is a mission, not a career, and that we need to be more organized, confident, and outspoken in order to make a difference. The video finishes with a reminder about the importance of writing down our goals, and the importance of taking the time needed to achieve them.

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