Summary of Python Full Course - Learn Python in 12 Hours | Python Tutorial For Beginners | Edureka

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video tutorial explains the basics of programming with Python, including variables, data types, functions, loops, and conditional statements. Additionally, it covers web development basics and the use of popular Python libraries.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, Edureka's Python instructor discusses why Python is popular and its benefits for developers. He goes on to explain how Python can be used for various tasks, such as machine learning, web development, and more. Finally, he provides a guide on how to get started with Python programming.
  • 00:05:00 Python is a programming language that is simple to use, has a large library support, is interpreted line by line, supports portability, and is growing in popularity due to its usefulness in various industries.
  • 00:10:00 In this video, Edureka's Eddie Rekha explains how Netflix uses Python in various sectors, including for its CDN, which is open connect Fordham. This allows various other software's to be written in Python, and the network devices underlying the CDN are also written in Python. Additionally, Eddie Rekha discusses how Netflix uses Python for its demand engineering, its engineering team's responsibility for handling Netflix clouds, and its fleet efficiency. Finally, Eddie Rekha discusses how Netflix uses Python for machine learning, including deep neural networks and tensorflow Kara's, and how XG boost and light GBM for gradient boosted decision trees are used by the Big Data team.
  • 00:15:00 Python is used extensively at Netflix, with 450 projects in total. It is used for scientific experimentation, information security, monitoring and auto remediation, and for creating applications that can be integrated with the present ones. In 2019, Python overtook JavaScript as the most popular question language on Stack Overflow.
  • 00:20:00 Python is growing in popularity as a programming language, with many job roles available in the market. Python developers can earn an average of $88,000 per year in the US. Python is easy to learn and is growing in popularity due to its many features.
  • 00:25:00 Python is an easy to use programming language that is widely used in a variety of industries. It is free and open source, and has a very active community. There are a lot of libraries available for Python, and starting out as a Python developer can be a little expensive, but the pay scale is generally higher than in other programming languages.
  • 00:30:00 This video tutorial explains the basics of programming with Python, including variables, data types, functions, loops, and conditional statements. Additionally, it covers web development basics and the use of popular Python libraries.
  • 00:35:00 Python is a widely used programming language that is easy to learn. It is useful for web application development, scripting, and data analysis.
  • 00:40:00 In this 1-hour video, Python instructor Edureka covers the basics of Python, including its popularity on Stack Overflow and its usefulness for data analysis and machine learning. He also discusses the various job roles for Python professionals and the different libraries and tools they'll need to be proficient in. Finally, he provides a roadmap for mastering Python code.
  • 00:45:00 Python is a widely used programming language that is easy to learn and has many applications. This 12-hour course covers the basics of Python, including MVC architecture, HTML and CSS, data science, machine learning and deep learning, web scraping, and more.
  • 00:50:00 Python is a popular programming language that is easy to learn and use. This video tutorial explains how to install and use Python on a Windows computer. Additionally, the video covers how to install development environments (IDEs) for Python, and how to write a simple hello world program in Python.
  • 00:55:00 An IDE, or integrated development environment, is a graphical user interface used by programmers to write and produce their final products. It unifies all essential tools required for software development and testing, helping the programmer to maximize his output.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

This video introduces the different data types available in Python, including strings, lists, and dictionaries. The author demonstrates how to create and access values in each type of data. The video also discusses the different types of data structures in Python, and shows how to use the collections module to create and access these structures.

  • 01:00:00 This YouTube video introduces the top 10 best ideas for Python at opposition 10 is Idle. These ideas include an IDE, a cross-platform, open-source program, a simple, and lightweight IDE, and a cross-platform program for machine learning and data science.
  • 01:05:00 PyCharm is a popular Python IDE that supports multiple platforms and offers a variety of features to help programmers write code efficiently.
  • 01:10:00 PyCharm is a Python IDE that provides code navigation, refactoring, support for web technologies, and a visual debugger.
  • 01:15:00 Pycharm is a Python IDE that comes with features to simplify application testing, development, and management. It allows developers to perform unit testing, deliver high-quality software by implementing behavior-driven development, and connect with various machines to build software applications remotely.
  • 01:20:00 This 1-minute video introduces Python, explains how to install it, and shows how to write simple code. PyCharm provides helpful features, including auto-suggestion for code, which significantly reduces the time needed to write code.
  • 01:25:00 This video introduces the different types of comments in Python and covers when to use them. It also covers the benefits of using comments to help others understand your code, and discusses pitfalls to avoid.
  • 01:30:00 Python has comments that are preceded by a hash character and are ignored by the interpreter. Comments can appear either in an individual line or in line with other code. When writing comments, a hash character must be present in the first two lines of code. Comments can also appear in a jupyter notebook. Single line comments appear in an individual line and multi-line comments must be preceded by a hash.
  • 01:35:00 In this Python tutorial, the author demonstrates how to comment multiple lines at once using shortcut methods. Comments and docstrings are not the same, and docstrings are used to describe something about the code. When including a docstring after code, it returns the output for the code as well as the string itself.
  • 01:40:00 In this video, Python instructor Edureka teaches how to declare variables and data types in Python. Numerical data types (ints, floats, decimals), strings, lists, dictionaries, and sets are all covered. Finally, the range data type is introduced.
  • 01:45:00 In this video, the author introduces the different data types available in Python, including strings, lists, and dictionaries. The author demonstrates how to create and access values in each type of data.
  • 01:50:00 In this video, the presenter explains the different types of data structures in Python, and shows how to use the collections module to create and access these structures.
  • 01:55:00 The video discusses the different Python data types, including lists, doubles, dictionaries, and namespaces. It then shows how to use the collections module to create custom data types.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

This video is a tutorial on how to use the Python programming language. The instructor covers the different data structures available in Python, how to create and manipulate arrays, and how to use dictionaries.

  • 02:00:00 This video explains the different data structures available in Python, including a name double, a deck, and a chain map.
  • 02:05:00 In this Python tutorial, the instructor demonstrates how to use the counter, the most common function, and the subtract function. He then introduces the order dictionary, a dictionary subclass that preserves the order in which entries were added.
  • 02:10:00 The video discusses the different data structures Python has to offer, explaining the differences between order and default dictionaries, user lists, and user strings.
  • 02:15:00 In this video, Python instructor Edureka covers what an array is and how it differs from a list. She then demonstrates how to create arrays in Python using three different methods. Finally, she shows how to use arrays in different ways, including how to multiply and divide arrays by values.
  • 02:20:00 In this video, the presenter shows how to create and access arrays, demonstrate basic array operations, and show how to find the length of an array and append, extend, and insert elements into them.
  • 02:25:00 In this video, the instructor demonstrates how to use the Python append, extend, and remove functions. He also shows how to use the pop and remove functions without specifying a parameter.
  • 02:30:00 In this video, the presenter demonstrates how to use the Python pop and remove functions. They also discuss array concatenation, which is when two arrays are combined into a single array. Finally, the presenter demonstrates how to slice an array.
  • 02:35:00 In this video, Shashank teaches Python basics, including the use of the colon (:) operator to access the values between 0 and minus 2. He also covers loops, explaining how to use for and while loops to iterate through an array. Finally, he demonstrates how to use the Len function to find the length of an array.
  • 02:40:00 In this video, Erica demonstrates how to create dictionaries in Python, and explains how nested dictionaries work. She also shows how to create dictionaries using the dict function.
  • 02:45:00 In this video, Python instructor Edureka demonstrates how to access values in dictionaries and hash tables using key value pairs, functions, and the for Loop.
  • 02:50:00 In this video, the presenter demonstrates how to use the Python language to manipulate data in a dictionary. They first show how to create a dictionary and then show how to update and delete items from the dictionary. They then show how to convert the dictionary into a data frame.
  • 02:55:00 In this Python tutorial, the author explains the arithmetic operators, assignment operators, and other operators. He shows how to use them in a jupyter notebook.

03:00:00 - 04:00:00

This video is a 12-hour course on Python programming, covering topics such as data structures, loops, functions, and databases. The course starts with an introduction to the Python language, followed by a full 12-hour course on Python programming.

  • 03:00:00 The logical operators in Python allow you to combine conditional statements. The logical and operator checks if both of its operands are true, while the logical or operator checks either one of its operands is true.
  • 03:05:00 The video explains the difference between identity and membership operators, and shows how to use them in Python. It also introduces bitwise operators.
  • 03:10:00 The video explains the bitwise and bitwise or operators and how they work. It then goes on to discuss how to use loops to execute a particular task multiple times.
  • 03:15:00 A while loop allows you to execute a group of statements multiple times based on a condition. This example uses a count variable to keep track of how many times the loop has executed.
  • 03:20:00 This video introduces the while loop and shows how to use it to code a guessing game.
  • 03:25:00 The video discusses how for loops work in Python. For Loop provides a syntax for specifying the number of iterations that are required, and the video shows an example of how for loops work.
  • 03:30:00 Python is a high-level, interpreted, general-purpose programming language which is widely used in web development, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and other fields. In this video, the author discusses how to use a while loop and for loop. He demonstrates how to use nested loops in order to simulate a bank ATM.
  • 03:35:00 This 1-hour Python video course teaches beginners how to use Python programming language. The course starts with an introduction to the Python language, followed by a full 12-hour course on Python programming. The course covers topics such as data structures, loops, functions, and databases.
  • 03:40:00 This 1-hour video teaches Python basics, including how to use a for loop and while loop.
  • 03:45:00 In this video, Edureka instructor Eddie will be explaining how for loops are used in Python programming. He will start with a simple pyramid program, and then move on to discussing star pattern programs. He will show how to make these programs with jupyter notebooks.
  • 03:50:00 This video teaches Python in 12 hours, starting with printing a blank space. The next program prints a triangle, and the last program prints a start button.
  • 03:55:00 In this video, the presenter demonstrates how to write a program for a ride by writing three different patterns. The first pattern is a start pattern, the second is a left start pattern, and the third is a class pattern.

04:00:00 - 05:00:00

This video is a tutorial on how to use Python to create patterns. The presenter starts with the basics of the language, covering topics such as variables, data types, loops, and functions. They then go on to show how to create a range of values, an inverse pyramid, and a half pyramid pattern. The tutorial also covers file handling and how to use the for and write loops.

  • 04:00:00 The video teaches how to create a range of values, create an inverse pyramid, and create a half pyramid pattern in Python.
  • 04:05:00 This 1-hour Python tutorial covers the basics of the language, covering topics such as variables, data types, loops, and functions. The video also covers the use of patterns, showing how to create a diamond-shaped pattern and a star pattern.
  • 04:10:00 This video demonstrates how to create a basic Python program that calculates a Pascal's triangle pattern.
  • 04:15:00 In this Python tutorial, the author demonstrates how to create a descending order pattern and a binary number pattern program. They also show how to create a character pattern program.
  • 04:20:00 This video gives a brief introduction to Python, covering the basics of syntax, variables, functions, and data structures. The presenter then goes on to explain how to create pattern-based programs that resemble shapes such as cakes and triangles. The last part of the video covers a diamond-shaped pattern using characters.
  • 04:25:00 In this video, an overview of file handling in Python is given, along with a flow diagram of the required steps. The file creation process can be done either manually or through the use of the Python interpreter. There are a variety of file operations that can be performed, including reading, writing, and deleting.
  • 04:30:00 This video shows how to open a file in Python using the open function. The open function takes two parameters: the filename and the mode. The mode can be one of read, write, append, or create. The read function is used to read the contents of the file.
  • 04:35:00 The video demonstrates how to use the read mode in Python to read files line-by-line. It also demonstrates how to use the file dot read function to read a file line-by-line, and how to use the read lines function to read a file line-by-line and return every line.
  • 04:40:00 This video explains how to use the for and write loops in Python. The for loop is used to read lines from a file, while the write loop is used to write lines to a file. In addition, the video shows how to create a new file using Python.
  • 04:45:00 In this Python tutorial, the author discusses functions and how to return a function from a function. He demonstrates these concepts by creating three functions. The first function takes a name as an argument and returns the string "Hello, world!" The second function takes the same name as an argument and returns the function that was passed as an argument. The third function takes a function as an argument and returns the string "How are you doing?"
  • 04:50:00 In this video, creator John Vincent demonstrates how to use first class objects and functions in Python. He covers how to pass functions as arguments and return functions from functions.
  • 04:55:00 In this video, Python instructor Edureka demonstrates how to use functions and decorators in Python. He first shows how to define a function and decorate it with arguments, then shows how to define a wrapper function with arguments and use it to print the same statement multiple times. Finally, he demonstrates how to use a function that returns values from a decorated function.

05:00:00 - 06:00:00

In this video, Edureka goes over how to use Python to decorate a class, create a Singleton class, and use class decorators. He also covers lambda functions and how they can be used to reduce the size of code. Finally, he demonstrates the map, filter, and reduce functions, and explains how they can be used together.

  • 05:00:00 The video goes over how to decorate a class in Python using class methods and built-in decorators. It covers how to create a Singleton class and how to use class decorators to keep track of state.
  • 05:05:00 In this video, the author explains what lambda functions are and why they are useful. He also shows how to write lambda functions.
  • 05:10:00 In this YouTube video, Python instructor Edureka demonstrates how to use lambda functions to reduce the size of code. He goes on to discuss anonymous functions within user-defined functions.
  • 05:15:00 In this Python tutorial, the user covers the basics of using functions by first creating a simple function, passing one parameter to it, and using the return statement within the function. Then, they move on to covering the use of Lambda functions within filter map and reduce functions. The user demonstrates the use of the filter method by creating a list, passing elements to the filter method, and checking the expression within the Lambda function for truth against the elements in the list. Finally, they print the new list and run the code.
  • 05:20:00 The map and reduce functions in Python allow you to apply a given function to a sequence of values and return a single value. In this video, the map function is demonstrated and used to find the sum of a and b. The reduce function is then used to reduce the sum of a and b to a single value.
  • 05:25:00 In this video, the author introduces the map filter and reduce functions, which are inbuilt functions of Python. These functions enable the functional programming aspect of Python. The author shows how to use map filter and reduce functions to solve linear equations, quadratic equations, and square roots.
  • 05:30:00 The map, filter, and reduce functions in Python allow you to apply a given function to a sequence of values. The map function in particular takes a function and a sequence of iterables as parameters, and returns an output list after applying the function to each of the iterables.
  • 05:35:00 In this tutorial, the author explains the filter and reduce functions, which are similar in syntax. He demonstrates how to use them with user-defined and lambda functions.
  • 05:40:00 In this video, a full course on Python, the author introduces the filter and map functions, and demonstrates how they can be used together. Later, he shows how to use the filter function within the map function, and the map function within the filter function. Finally, he shows how to use the reduce function, and introduces the filter and map functions again.
  • 05:45:00 In this video, Eddie Rekha explains how generators work in Python and how they differ from regular functions. He then shows how to create generators in Python and demonstrates their several advantages.
  • 05:50:00 In this video, the presenter will show how to use generator expressions in Python. First, they will show how to create a generator expression using a variable. Next, they will show how to use a for loop to iterate over the generator expression and print the values. Finally, they will show how to create a generator expression using a list comprehension.
  • 05:55:00 In this one-hour Python tutorial, the author introduces the basics of the language, including generators and list comprehensions. He then demonstrates how to generate the Fibonacci series and the stream of numbers.

06:00:00 - 07:00:00

This video is a comprehensive guide to the Python programming language. It covers the basics of the language, including how to create functions and classes, and also covers more advanced topics such as inheritance and exception handling.

  • 06:00:00 In this video, Python instructor Edureka explains the range function, which can be used to generate odd or even numbers. The range function can also be used to generate sin waves.
  • 06:05:00 In this Python tutorial, the author demonstrates how to create a class and assign values to its variables. Next, he shows how to create objects for the class and assigns values to its instance variables. Finally, he demonstrates how to use class variables and instance variables together to write code that is easy to understand.
  • 06:10:00 Python is a high-level, interpreted, general-purpose programming language that is widely used in various industries. In this tutorial, the author shows how to create objects and variables in Python, and how to access and modify these values using the appropriate commands.
  • 06:15:00 This tutorial explains how to create a function in Python, and how to use it to increase the price of a car instance.
  • 06:20:00 In this video, the presenter shows how to use inheritance in Python to create a Supercar class that inherits properties and behaviors from the Car class.
  • 06:25:00 In this Python tutorial, the instructor covers the basics of the language, including the method resolution order and inheritance. He then demonstrates how to create a function and define a class, using both the getter and setter methods to ensure that the data is properly encapsulated. Finally, the instructor covers how to update values on a regular basis, depending on the level of dependency the variables have on each other.
  • 06:30:00 The init function in Python is called each time an object is created, and it can be used to override the parent class' init function.
  • 06:35:00 In this video, Edureka's Python full course, Python tutorial for beginners, the instructor demonstrates how to create a child class, override the parent class' init method, and use multiple inheritance.
  • 06:40:00 This video demonstrates how to create and use inheritance in Python, as well as how to override methods in child classes.
  • 06:45:00 In this Python tutorial, the speaker walks through the concept of exception handling, explaining that an exception is an event that normally occurs during the execution of a program, and that exception handling is the process of responding to an occurrence of an exception. He demonstrates how to code with try and except, and explains that if the exception is fixable, Python will try to fix it for you.
  • 06:50:00 In this video, the presenter goes over how exception handling works in Python. If a condition occurs, the statement can be complemented with a custom exception. If a program comes to a halt, an assertion error is thrown. Finally, the presenter shows how to throw an exception on your own in order to make use of raised.
  • 06:55:00 The video presents a full course on Python, beginning with an introduction to the language and its built-in exceptions. It shows how to use a function to handle an exception, and how to capture an exception and print its information. Finally, it demonstrates how to use a try block to control how a program responds to different exceptions.

07:00:00 - 07:05:00

This video provides a comprehensive introduction to the Python programming language, covering topics such as variables, exceptions, and the else clause. It is aimed at beginners and those new to Python, and teaches the language in 12 hours.

  • 07:00:00 In this tutorial, the author teaches Python basics, covering how to use exceptions and the else clause. They then go on to explain how to use the finally clause.
  • 07:05:00 The video teaches Python in 12 hours, and covers topics such as exceptions and variables. Knowing these concepts can be very helpful when coding, as they can help you take advantage of the computer's abilities.

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