Summary of Conferencia: ¨Capital Humano para la Industria Marítima¨.

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses the importance of human capital for the maritime industry, and how experienced professionals can help ensure the safety of operations. The talk also highlights the importance of investing in training, and how recent technological advances have made it easier to get a certification or course.

  • 00:00:00 The Universidad Marítima Internacional de Panama welcomes the Capital Humano conference on maritime industry, which will feature experts from the field. The event is organized by the Transport Maritime Faculty and the Extension Directorate of the Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Posgrado Extensión. The conference's main purpose is to understand the demands and opportunities for work in the maritime sector, and thus includes the participation of experts from the field, such as President of the Canal Maritime Association Enrique Cleman, Captain Fernando Jaén from Canal Panama, and Aristides de Graces from the University of Panama. Rector Victor Luna Barahona welcomes the participants and remarks on the university's 50th anniversary of naval training. The speakers include Dimas Polanco, professor of Maritime Transport and today's speaker, and the team from the Transport Maritime Faculty, including the dean, the decan, and Polanco. The vicerrectoría's Tomás Díaz, Karla Díaz, and Victor Luna Barahona give a brief introduction to the university's educational programs for maritime and canal industry workers. Finally, the audience is given a chance to ask questions of the speakers.
  • 00:05:00 In this speech, the speaker discusses the importance of human capital in the maritime industry and how the Universidad Marítima Internacional of Panama can help improve the skills of its workforce. He also talks about his experience in the maritime industry and how speaking English was instrumental in his entry into the field. Finally, the speaker shares his thoughts on the current state of the maritime industry and how the Universidad Marítima Internacional can help improve it.
  • 00:10:00 The speaker discusses how English learning is different today than when he learned it, and how today's technology makes it easier to get a certification or course. He also talks about the importance of the maritime sector and how recent labor unrest may have a negative impact on it. He emphasizes the importance of keeping technology and language issues in the forefront, and talks about the importance of the Panama Canal in this regard.
  • 00:15:00 The speaker discusses the importance of human capital for maritime industry, and how the sector needs to cooperate in order to develop sustainable transport systems. They talk about their experience working with various stakeholders, and how open discussion is the key to success. The speaker mentions a port project in Chiriquí that is in the early stages of development.
  • 00:20:00 The speaker discusses the human capital that is necessary for maritime industry, and how the current government has played an important role in developing port infrastructure. They mention a project to develop a multipurpose port in Panama City, and discuss how transport companies are waiting for the project to be finished in order to avoid short distance trips. He goes on to say that there is an opportunity for agricultural producers in the city to sell their products to the surrounding provinces, and that a chain of storage centers should be considered to support this process.
  • 00:25:00 The presenter, a licenciado Clemente, discusses Panama's canal project, which has seen significant investment in recent years. He discusses the importance of capital humano, or human capital, in industry, and gives a brief overview of the Canal's mission and values. He then presents the Canal's management with a brief overview of their experience and backgrounds.
  • 00:30:00 The Panama Canal channel produces yearly income for the country which exceeds that of previous years. In order to ensure the channel's future, it is essential to invest in training and development; here, I would like to make a very important point. This is because with the pandemic, we have not seen as many people involved in virtual reality. A virtual reality that maybe was going to arrive in Panama within 5-6 years, has accelerated and arrived immediately after the pandemic began. This has led us to change our training strategy. At least for the Canal, and the future vision of training needs to be kept in mind, as things seen traditionally in the Canal will take a complete turn in the near future as mentioned by Licenciado Damián Clamato. In terms of strategic objectives, the Canal has 8 objectives, one of which is human capital transformation, based on education and skills acquisition. We are focusing on three pillars - a robust platform for training; including content in each training course; and, in the virtual reality realm, no training is possible without virtual reality. Neither of the two previous pillars is possible without virtual reality; the line of focus for training within the Canal is based on three pillars: professional development and system design; maritime training;
  • 00:35:00 The video discusses the importance of maritime training, and how Sigma Marine Simulation, a Panama Canal-based company, provides training to both canal-based employees and those from other countries. Several examples of maritime training given include training for pilots, draggers, and pier personnel. The video also discusses the company's new remote piloting simulator, which is in use to train crew for the new cruise ship terminal in Amador.
  • 00:40:00 The speaker discusses the importance of having a human capital for the maritime industry, and how the Canal has been able to attract a high number of skilled workers in recent years. He also mentions the Canal's employment portal, which provides information on available positions. Finally, he shows a few videos from the Canal's training center.
  • 00:45:00 The video shows two marine training centers - one in Panama City, Panama, and the other in Uruguay - and their respective simulators. The Panama City center offers state-of-the-art simulation technology for maritime professionals, while the Uruguayan center is focused on training pilots in advanced manoeuvers. However, both centers benefit from the use of 360-degree virtual reality simulators to replicate real-world conditions. The video also features interviews with various maritime professionals about their experiences with the simulators.
  • 00:50:00 In this video, an instructor discusses how to perform emergency maneuvers using real-world examples. He recommends training for these maneuvers in both theoretical and practical formats, in order to be prepared for when they are needed. He also shows a video of a ship in a rainstorm.
  • 00:55:00 This talk discussed the importance of having a human capital for the maritime industry, and how the experience and knowledge of experienced professionals helps to ensure the safety of operations. The talk also highlighted the importance of investing in training and highlighted the experience and knowledge of professionals working in the maritime industry.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

At the conclusion of this conference, Captain Ernesto Cordobés, dean of the maritime transportation department at Santiago's University of Engineering, gave a speech about the importance of human capital in the maritime industry. He talked about the diversity of attendees at the conference, and how their experiences could be shared and lessons learned. He also talked about the importance of English language skills in the maritime industry. The university's maritime international school had progressed since its beginnings thanks to international events, he said, and urged the young people in the audience to take advantage of this opportunity and learn as much as they can.

  • 01:00:00 At the conclusion of this conference, Captain Ernesto Cordobés, dean of the maritime transportation department at Santiago's University of Engineering, gives a speech about the importance of human capital in the maritime industry. He thanks the guests for coming, and says that it's been a pleasure to share their time with them. He talks about the diversity of attendees at the conference, and how their experiences can be shared and lessons learned learned. He also talks about the importance of English language skills in the maritime industry. The university's maritime international school has progressed since its beginnings thanks to international events, he says, and urges the young people in the audience to take advantage of this opportunity and learn as much as they can. Finally, he thanks the organizers and invites all attendees to stay for a photo album.
  • 01:05:00 The speaker discusses the importance of capital humano in the maritime industry and how to improve the workforce.

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