Summary of V. Completa. Cómo nos define nuestro lenguaje. Estrella Montolío, lingüista y profesora

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The video discusses the importance of conversation, and how it plays a role in our lives from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. Estrella Montolio, a Spanish language professor at the University of Barcelona, discusses how our biology and instinctual need to eat lead to the reflexivity we experience when talking about food. Enrique Escandón, an educator specializing in communication and direction, discusses how conversation is one of the most important mechanisms through which we learn, seduce, build relationships, and achieve goals. The lack of reflection on conversation in the modern world is surprising, as humans are born with reflexes that come from our biology and evolutionary history as primates.

  • 00:00:00 The video discusses the importance of conversation, and how it plays a role in our lives from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. Estrella Montolío, a Spanish language professor at the University of Barcelona, discusses how our biology and instinctual need to eat lead to the reflexivity we experience when talking about food. Enrique Escandón, an educator specializing in communication and direction, discusses how conversation is one of the most important mechanisms through which we learn, seduce, build relationships, and achieve goals. The lack of reflection on conversation in the modern world is surprising, as humans are born with reflexes that come from our biology and evolutionary history as primates.
  • 00:05:00 Estrella Montolío, a lingüista and professor, discusses how language defines who we are, and how it is connected to our self-identity. Conversing is a natural process that can involve a plethora of fascinating phenomena, some of which we need to pay attention to in order to understand them. For example, when two people are speaking, their voices often become synchronized, and they may alternately take on the role of speaker and listener. Interrupting a conversation is a common phenomenon, and can be interpreted in a number of ways. One example is when one person is trying to monopolize the conversation and the other is trying to get a word in.
  • 00:10:00 This video discusses how often we begin speaking when the other person has not yet finished. We do not feel this as an attack, as in the case of a friend who monopolizes conversation over another person, as long as the goal of the push is not to take away the other person's turn, but to say, "I completely agree with you." Now consider the situation when an interruption has the objective of silencing your voice so that I can speak. For example, when a relationship is clearly power-based, between a superior and a subordinate, a worker, the worker is telling what has happened, for example, in the assembly line: "No, because yesterday what we had was that speed of passage had to be greater..." "Always you're telling me the same thing." I don't let you finish, I don't let you finish because now I'm going to talk. That type of interruption is very harmful because, think about it, we have stolen your territory. Anyway, it's what we call a competitive solapamiento. The interruption is a communication phenomenon that allows us, as observers, to notice the relationships of power. We have only to think of the person we would interrupt and
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses the concept of a "conversational criminal", or someone who speaks in a way that is not in accordance with the four principles of cooperative conversation - sincerity, quantity, relationship, and manner. It also discusses the four principles of language use - politeness, accuracy, conciseness, and clarity. Finally, it discusses the concept of a "delinquent conversationalist", or someone who violates one or more of the principles of language use.
  • 00:20:00 The speaker talks about the importance of listening to others, and how children learn this skill by listening to their elders. She goes on to say that this skill is not automatic and that it requires practice to be able to listen effectively. She talks about how important it is for people to be able to communicate effectively, and how failing to do so can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. She concludes the talk by saying that it is important for teachers to teach their students how to listen, and that this skill is essential for successful communication.
  • 00:25:00 The speaker discusses the importance of listening, and how it is essential to have good communication skills. They go on to say that one of the best gifts one can give to someone is the gift of time and attention to be listened to. The speaker suggests playing a game to improve communication in the home. These are the two rules of the game: 1) everyone in the family participates in the same activity to get together; and 2) there are no devices in sight.
  • 00:30:00 This video discusses the fourth rule of language: no one will be interrupting each other. It discusses how this rule can be implemented in families and other social groups. The video argues that by following these four rules, we can improve our children's ability to communicate and build relationships. One example given is how children who have had little interaction with other people through face-to-face conversations may have difficulty empathizing. The video ends with a message for parents, advising them to make sure their home is a place where technology is used sparingly and communication is actively encouraged.
  • 00:35:00 In order to be successful in the future, it is important for students to be well-versed in language. This is what recent surveys and social experiments have shown. Some important aspects to focus on when teaching language to students are: -The importance of developing students' writing skills -The importance of teaching students how to use language to communicate effectively -The importance of teaching students how to use language to build relationships and create projects. It is undeniable that academic curriculums include content in language, which is important for teachers to impart to their students. Additionally, students need to be aware of the vast possibilities that language provides in order to fully exploit its ability to express emotions, cooperate, and understand. As such, it is essential that teachers provide students with the necessary skills in order to use language effectively.
  • 00:40:00 The video discusses the process of learning to write, and the importance of being able to express oneself clearly and concisely. It explains that this process is long and complex, and that it does not end once a person reaches adulthood. Writing is a skill that can be used throughout a person's life, and can provide many satisfactions when done well. We all experience receiving an email we don't know, from someone we don't know, and being able to understand it easily. That person has written well, and has done their research. We can also receive an email from someone we know, and be able to understand it easily. That person has written well, and has taken the time to present their ideas in a clear and concise manner. It is important to learn how to write effectively, both orally and in written form, in order to be able to communicate our ideas effectively. It is also helpful to be able to use various linguistic techniques when discussing a disagreement, in order to reach a consensus. Sometimes expressing an opinion is more harmonious than doing something when we disagree, and then criticizing the person immediately. It is important to be aware of different linguistic techniques when debating, in order to be able to reach a compromise.
  • 00:45:00 This video discusses the importance of using personal pronouns correctly, and how to do so without being rude or blunt. The speaker goes on to explain that often, when we complain to our friends, we say things like "you always do this" or "you never listen to me." To be more assertive, we can phrase our complaints in the third person, "He says that you always do this." This change of perspective allows us to put the responsibility on the other person, rather than ourselves, and helps build more harmonious relationships.
  • 00:50:00 This video discusses the importance of being specific in language, and how it can be useful in communicating with others. It discusses the two main ways that language can be helpful in communication: by providing specific instructions or feedback, and by promoting equality between men and women. The speaker points out that, due to the way that language is structured, women often face discrimination in communication. He discusses the ways in which language can be used to reproduce social structures and the ways in which this can perpetuate gender discrimination. He points out that, by being more reflective and aware of what's happening in our conversations, we can help to improve the situation for women. This talk is inspiring, and it provides us with concrete ways to start improving the way that we communicate with each other. All of us can benefit from becoming more reflective in our conversations, and by doing so, we can help to promote gender equality.
  • 00:55:00 The video discusses how women are interrupted more frequently than men in public spaces, and this can be seen even in Google search results. Women experts are often interrupted by male presenters in television programs, who consider themselves more qualified to talk about physics than the female physicist on the show. This, along with other trends such as women being seen as more feminine and seductive, leads women to use indirect methods such as saying "could you please have the report ready by Monday morning" instead of directly asking for it. This is also a common tactic among mothers to daughters, teaching them that it is better not to be too assertive and authoritative, and to let the man make the decisions. It is an ironic paradox that women know so much implicitly, and yet are often afraid to speak up for fear of being too visible or assertive. To counteract this, some innovative companies have asked for Ms. Montolio's help in training their female employees to be more visible and assertive.

01:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses how women in the Western world typically preface their opinions with self-deprecation. This is interesting, as it shows how when a woman is in charge of moderating a meeting, she interprets the prefatory speech as ritualized and not as a personal opinion. Furthermore, women speak less in meetings and have shorter speeches than their male counterparts. These findings underscore the importance of teaching children how to communicate effectively, both in private and public contexts.

  • 01:00:00 This video by Estrella Montolío, a linguist and professor, discusses how women in the Western world typically preface their opinions with self-deprecation, in order to not seem authoritarian or know-it-all. This is interesting, as it shows how when a woman is in charge of moderating a meeting, she interprets the prefatory speech as ritualized and not as a personal opinion. Furthermore, women speak less in meetings and have shorter speeches than their male counterparts. These findings underscore the importance of teaching children how to communicate effectively, both in private and public contexts.

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