Summary of Entropía (Universo Mecánico 47)

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00:00:00 - 00:25:00

In the video, entropy is discussed as a measure of disorder. It is pointed out that entropy increases as the universe moves along its path, and that all real machines produce entropy. The entropy of the universe increases with time, and time also increases with entropy.

  • 00:00:00 This video discusses the principles of thermodynamics, which is the study of the properties of matter and energy in the presence of heat. The four principles of thermodynamics are the law of conservation of energy, the principle of entropy, the second law of thermodynamics, and the third law of thermodynamics. The second principle, the law of entropy, states that the total entropy of a system will never decrease. The third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a system will always increase, at an increasing rate, until the system reaches a state of equilibrium. The fourth principle, the law of thermodynamics, states that the energy of a system is always conserved.
  • 00:05:00 In theory, there exists a celestial balance state called equilibrium, but in the real world it is very difficult to find. On an island in the Pacific Ocean, the planet is squeezed and liquid fire bubbles from within. From its interior, and in the center of the Arctic Ocean, the original ice machine that created the world is working day and night. The deep and dark heart of the equatorial zone is constantly scorched by the sun with unrelenting regularity, and a liquid moves downward through the rocks toward below certainly from the beginning to through it and to its limits, Earth is a great machine that never stops working. In both the past and present, heat only moves in one direction from high temperature to low temperature. The existence of any machine on Earth, including Earth itself, depends on one of its parts being operating at a higher temperature than the other. Over time, all the available energy is spread out through thermal motion and random movement of atoms, eventually reaching equilibrium. At first glance, equilibrium appears different from the mechanical idea of stable equilibrium that prevents a body from falling. However, consider it more in detail. When a body falls, each impact is smaller than the previous one because the kinetic energy of the whole body is being transformed into the chaotic
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses the concept of entropy, which is a measure of a system's disorder or the amount of energy needed to restore order. In the context of machines, entropy refers to the tendency of machines to stop working and heat up or cool down until they reach equilibrium. The video notes that the ideal machine, which preserves energy and entropy, does not exist in the real world, but that the concept of entropy is fundamental to the study of thermodynamics. The video points out that one of the problems with machines is that they tend to produce more entropy than they consume. This is because heat is constantly moving between the hot and cold parts of the machine, but the ideal machine would be stationary and devoid of heat. The video goes on to discuss the concept of thermodynamics, which is the study of the motion and equilibrium of matter. According to the video, the concept of entropy was first introduced by R. Clausus, a German physicist, and W. Thomson, a Scottish physicist. Thomson was later able to apply Clausus's ideas to the study of thermodynamics, and he is credited with founding the field of thermodynamics.
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses entropy, which is a measure of disorder. Entropy increases as the universe moves along its path, regardless of what may be the final product. All real machines produce entropy, regardless of the conditions of the workplace. The existence of entropy grows continually, regardless of the location of work. Humans do not have the patent to produce entropy. Day after day, machines built by nature produce entropy. No one on Earth can compete with them. Every material object in any place in the universe contains entropy. Though it is not always easy to say how much entropy a body contains, it is not too difficult to determine when entropy circulates. Entropy in one body increases as heat flows out of it to the temperature of the surroundings. The entropy of the body decreases in a proportionate part when the heat flows in. When through the cosmos flows heat, entropy flows with it. All machines extract heat from a part of the sun perhaps or the furnace of a ship. Nature continually produces entropy. No one on Earth can compete with it. All machines designed by man function similarly to those made by nature. As the heat flows from a high temperature to a lower temperature, things move on wheels. While there is fuel, things stay attached. But when the fuel runs
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses entropy, which is a measure of disorder. It talks about how water or an increase in entropy is good because nature likes it. Precisely before freezing, ice needs to increase its entropy. However, before freezing, it needs to extract energy from the rest of the universe. However, if it is thermal energy, it will flow from the world towards the ice. This will reduce the entropy of the rest of the universe, and that's bad. The entropy of the rest of the universe decreases in the amount of energy that flows divided by temperature. Remember that nature always needs to increase entropy in this case, by the entropy of the ice plus the entropy of the universe. [Music] If temperature were very low, it would be very bad. Freezing the ice would produce a great entropy decrease throughout the universe. [Music] And if temperature were very high, it would not be so bad. The entropy of the whole universe would increase when ice freezes. That's why in the great scheme of things, ice never melts at low temperature. And ice never exists at high temperature. Meanwhile, back on the track, I won't speak of the adverse to its whole ensemble. There is,
  • 00:25:00 In this video, entropy increases in the universe as energy is turned into heat, and that leads to an increase in entropy. This is understood by everyone without having to be explained. It is the direction of entropy that determines the direction of time, and it is also what determines the speed of a physical object. Some people think that the second law of thermodynamics determines the direction of time, but others believe that it is a mere tautology. The entropy of the universe increases with time, and time also increases with entropy. As Keith explains, I don't think this way. I understand perfectly how time runs and naturally believe that our time has ended. So until the next time, if entropy decreases to the point it has passed before, see you then.

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