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The panelists at the C-IP2 2022 Fall Conference discuss how well the antitrust approach fits the biopharma space. They talk about how the goals of antitrust law have changed over time, and how the law now embraces intellectual property rights. They also discuss how the law can be difficult to apply in the biopharma space, and how the Supreme Court's decision in American Apparel has compromised the risk of loss that patent holders might face.
The panelists discuss how the antitrust approach fits or does not fit the biopharma space. They note that there is less going on in this space, less patents being produced, and that the main question is whether or not the changes are micro or generic. The panelists also discuss how the antitrust approach is constrained by data, and that when a big result is observed, the bias and data against the researcher is often strong, leading to a huge result that may look big but is actually biased.
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