Summary of Especial: Cambio Climático

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00:00:00 - 00:20:00

This video discusses the effects of climate change on various parts of the world, with a focus on Houston, Texas. It discusses how the city is preparing for the future by making long-term plans and implementing safety measures for residents while also preparing for potential tornados.

  • 00:00:00 Climate change is a topic that is difficult to grasp beyond its political implications. Seeing glaciers melt, wildfires, and temperature increases in the oceans all firsthand is impressive. Alaska is the most affected place on Earth, and its effects are felt throughout the nation. Glaciers are melting, water levels are rising, and wildfires are becoming more common. The increased temperature is causing permafrost to thaw, which in turn generates rivers and lakes that humans can't drink. Scientists believe that human activity is responsible for the climate change, and Sara Kaszynski has studied the Glacier Malauna in Alaska for the past 20 years. The climate change is causing the glaciers to melt, which in turn is causing the water level to rise and the wildfire problem to worsen. There is a significant risk that by the year 2100, the ocean will be up to 3-8 feet higher than it is today, impacting coastal communities all over the world. Alaska is a vulnerable state and its inhabitants are already feeling the negative effects of climate change. Scientists from around the world are coming to Alaska to study the melting glaciers and the consequent increase in water levels. They are also investigating the impact of this water on the marine ecosystem. The glaciers are melting and the snow
  • 00:05:00 In California, the cold, fresh water from the Pacific is transported via the North Coast Current to be changing the salinity of water in the Californian coast. This water has a impact on the meteorological patterns of the Golden State, causing warm temperatures all year round, but also causing a season of rain that cuts the state's main bread-winner - wildfire. In terms of wildfires, California has a history of natural fire that, unfortunately, is becoming necessary due to the changing climate. When severe drought occurs, wildfires are also more severe and a longer-term problem. In the Central Valley of California, Santa Barbara County in particular, within just 12 hours of starting, 30 miles away, had flames reach it. This also affected the wind direction in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, which made the fire spread rapidly up the mountain slopes, causing extensive destruction and losses worth millions of dollars annually to residents in southern California. We'll be taking a look at winds in Santa Barbara County, which develop when there are high pressure topics in the Great Basin. These winds can quickly drop, suppressing and bringing mild conditions to the south coast of California. We're talking about gusts up to 80 miles per hour. This windy condition makes fire propagation and fire
  • 00:10:00 The south Florida area is well-known for its tropical climate, which is enjoyed by sports fans every day. There are beaches that are a tourist destination, and hurricane awareness is a concern for those who want to learn more about the effects of climate change on the south Florida area. Meteorologist Ariel Rodríguez from Telemundo 51 accompanies naturalist Néstor Pérez as they discuss how climate change is affecting south Florida in many ways. Changes in the level of the ocean, inundations, and problems with fishing are all examples of ways that the climate change is impacting south Florida. There is growing agreement among scientists that we are experiencing a climate change, with changes in temperature and increased levels of ocean water. In south Florida, specific impacts of the climate change are being felt due to the rise in sea level, changes in rainfall patterns, and increase in heat waves. These impacts are also being felt in other parts of the world, such as the US Gulf Coast, Central America, and Caribbean. Ariel Rodriguez from Telemundo 51 gives an update on the impacts of climate change in south Florida and how it is affecting people. Changes in population and the forgetting of environmental changes are some of the most significant impacts of climate change. Hurricanes are one
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses the challenges presented by climate change, with meteorologist Pedro Montoro of our worldwide stations 47 in the area. Tri-state station Nuestra Estación del Mundo accompanies our climate change replacement. These challenges have no boundaries, as this segment takes place in New York City, where an increase in temperature has been observed, as well as an increase in the level of maritime precipitation, both in liquid and winter forms. Interestingly, the climatic change is causing more snowfall in winter storms, as reported by the National Metrology Service in New York City. Six of the ten most intense snowfalls in the past 20 years have occurred since 1970, when climate change began to exert its influence. Human activity has taken away space from the ocean, leading to the loss of the last extension of Manhattan Island in the 1970s. Flooding related to the level of the sea has been affected in New York City, too. Transportation infrastructure here, nascent since its inception in New York City, has been adversely affected by increasing levels of the sea. The Cataratas del Niágara are one of the world's marvels, and they are fed by the River Nile. However, due to increased levels of the sea, floods related to storms have
  • 00:20:00 In this special video, meteorologist Carlos Robles discusses how Houston is currently experiencing an increase in flooding due to the effects of climate change. Between 2006 and 2017, Houston has seen 171 significant flooding events, most of which have occurred in the past 30 years. Climate change is a major challenge for humanity, and the city of Houston is preparing for the future by making long-term plans and implementing safety measures for residents while also preparing for potentialtornados.

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