Summary of How to Discover Your Supernatural Gifts

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00:00:00 - 00:20:00

In the "How to Discover Your Supernatural Gifts" YouTube video, the speaker emphasizes that every person has unique gifts from God to fulfill their calling in life, which can be categorized as oracle or serving gifts. Oracle gifts include speaking and prophecy, while serving gifts include helping others and craftsmanship. The speaker uses biblical examples to illustrate these giftings, such as Bizel becoming an expert craftsman after being filled with the Spirit of God. The speaker encourages listeners to identify and use their gifts to serve others and fulfill their God-given callings. The speaker also discusses the concept of supernatural gifts, drawing from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, and emphasizes the importance of using these gifts for God's intended purpose and having wise leaders to guide their use. The speaker shares personal stories of individuals who received their gifts at birth or through impartation and encourages listeners to determine how effective they can be in their gifts and seek wisdom to multiply their days and add years to their lives. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of recognizing and utilizing one's God-given gifts for the glory of God, using the story of a doctor who felt called to serve God despite resistance from a senior pastor.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the "How to Discover Your Supernatural Gifts" YouTube video, the speaker emphasizes that every person has been given unique gifts from God to fulfill their calling in life. These gifts exceed natural abilities and can be categorized as either oracle or serving gifts. Oracle gifts include speaking and prophecy, while serving gifts include helping others and craftsmanship. The speaker uses examples from the Bible to illustrate these giftings, such as Bizel, who was filled with the Spirit of God and became an expert craftsman. The speaker encourages listeners to identify and use their gifts to serve others and fulfill their God-given callings.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the concept of supernatural gifts, drawing from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. According to the speaker, the Tabernacle in the Bible represents the church, and each person is a Temple of the Living God, given unique gifts by God to build up His church. The speaker warns against misusing these gifts and provides an example from Exodus 31, where Aaron, under the influence of the people, used his gift to create an idol that led the Israelites astray. The speaker emphasizes the importance of using these gifts for God's intended purpose and having wise leaders to guide their use. The speaker also mentions that gifts can be given at birth or received at a specific time through an impartation from the Word of God. An example of a gift given at birth is the talent of a worship leader who emerged with an extraordinary ability to captivate audiences and lead them in worship.
  • 00:10:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "How to Discover Your Supernatural Gifts," the speaker discusses two ways in which individuals receive supernatural gifts: at conception and through impartation. The first example given is of a man named John, whose mother was visited by an angel while she was pregnant with him. The angel told her that John would lead millions into the presence of God and that he would have a gift for recognizing complex piano pieces without sheet music. The speaker also mentions other individuals, such as a painter named Akana and John the Baptist, who were born with supernatural gifts. The second way gifts are received is through impartation, as described in the Bible in Romans 1:11. In this case, Paul expresses his desire to impart a spiritual gift to others to help establish the church. Examples given include King Saul, who received the gift of prophecy through impartation, and Timothy, who received the gift of prophecy through the laying on of hands by the eldership. The speaker emphasizes that these gifts are irrevocable and can be neglected or underestimated.
  • 00:15:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "How to Discover Your Supernatural Gifts," the speaker shares a personal story about how he discovered his writing gift despite his past experiences of struggling with English and creative writing. He explains that God spoke to him and imparted the gift, but he did nothing about it for ten months due to his past experiences and fear. However, two women came to him with the same message, urging him to write what God was giving him to write. Fearing God, he made a contract with God and began writing. Today, his books are in tens of millions and in various languages around the world. The speaker emphasizes the importance of determining how effective we can be in our gifts, using the wisdom of God to multiply our days and add years to our lives. He uses the analogy of a dull ax and a sharp ax to illustrate the importance of wisdom in operating successfully in our gifts.
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "How to Discover Your Supernatural Gifts," the speaker shares a story about a doctor who felt called to serve God during his one week off from medical practice each year. However, the senior pastor tried to discourage him from doing so, leading the doctor to feel deeply troubled. The speaker uses this story to emphasize the importance of recognizing and utilizing one's God-given gifts for the glory of God. He explains that God has gifted individuals in various areas, such as medicine, teaching, and athletics, to promote His kingdom. The speaker encourages listeners to seek the wisdom of God to understand the significance of their gifts and to develop them for God's glory. He quotes Proverbs 4:7, emphasizing the importance of gaining wisdom as the most crucial thing one can do.

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