Summary of VAC Roundtable #44 I Beg Your Pardon, No Schedule 2!

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this video, experts discuss the implications of President Biden's pardon of federal marijuana offenders. The panelists note that the pardon applies only to simple marijuana possession charges, and that states should continue to arrest marijuana offenders until the federal government makes a decision on the plant's classification. The panel also discusses the benefits of pardoning marijuana offenders, and points out that alcohol prohibition ended with the states no longer enforcing the law.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, 18 Fontan, moderator of the VAC Roundtable, discusses drug schedules and the DEA's website. The five schedules are based on the drug's potential for abuse and dependency. Schedule 1 drugs, which have no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse, are examples of schedule 1 drugs. Schedule 2 drugs, with a high potential for abuse and potential to create severe psychological or physical dependence, are also considered dangerous. Schedule 3 drugs, with a moderate to low potential for physical or psychological dependence, have a lower abuse potential than schedule 1 and 2 drugs, but more than schedule 4 drugs. Schedule 4 drugs, with a low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence, are examples of schedule 4 drugs. Finally, schedule 5 drugs, with a lower potential for abuse and limited quantities of certain narcotics, are examples of schedule 5 drugs.
  • 00:05:00 The presenter discusses the five schedules of controlled substances, which are based on the DEA's own definitions. Other requirements and restrictions are imposed at the federal, state, and local levels. Schedule 1 substances have the most strict manufacturing controls, while schedules 3-5 are eligible for refills and have less stringent labeling requirements. Inventory records and reports are tightly regulated for all schedules.
  • 00:10:00 The speaker discusses how the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have differing views on cannabis, and how the FDA is more likely to approve cannabis products as over-the-counter drugs.
  • 00:15:00 The conversation about cannabis scheduling is multifaceted, with simple conversations combined with more complicated discussions. One particular discussion that caught the audience's attention was about the difference between cannabis and its active ingredient, THC. The drug, Marinol, was originally scheduled to be in a more restrictive schedule, but was later changed to schedule three when it became clear that there was low abuse potential. The plant material, cannabis, remains in schedule one, despite the active ingredient being in a more restrictive schedule.
  • 00:20:00 The panel discusses marijuana's classification, with the majority of participants arguing that it should be classified as a plant and not a drug. They also discuss the need for consumer protections, such as counter indication forms, and the need for FDA oversight of the industry.
  • 00:25:00 The video discusses the differences between alcohol, which is socially accepted and not a drug, and cannabis, which is not socially accepted and has been shown to cause pain and suffering. They argue that Schedule 5 is the only option for cannabis because it is different from the other drugs on the list and has a higher potential for abuse.
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses the DEA's schedule of controlled substances and whether or not the change in cannabis' schedule at the international level mandates the federal government's compliance with the treaty. The speaker argues that cannabis should be descheduled from the schedule altogether and that the current schedule is not compliant with the treaty.
  • 00:35:00 The presenter discuss how the current federal regulatory system for cannabis is not working, and how a bifurcated system where cannabis is available in both commercial and medicinal forms would be more appropriate.
  • 00:40:00 The VAC Roundtable discussed the issue of states arresting people for possessing medical cannabis, with many people agreeing that it should stop. The group then went on to propose ways in which this could be accomplished, with the most popular suggestion being a rescheduling of the drug.
  • 00:45:00 In this video, a panel of experts discusses the implications of President Biden's recent pardon of federal marijuana offenders. The panelists note that the pardon applies only to simple marijuana possession charges, and that states should continue to arrest marijuana offenders until the federal government makes a decision on the plant's classification. The panel also discusses the benefits of pardoning marijuana offenders, and points out that alcohol prohibition ended with the states no longer enforcing the law.
  • 00:50:00 The speaker discusses constitutional issues surrounding marijuana, and how the states can break federal prohibition. He also speaks about the difficulties of reaching people who are still breaking marijuana laws, and how the public can help by educating themselves and speaking out against injustice.
  • 00:55:00 In this video, various participants discuss the current situation in the United States with regards to the War on Drugs. They discuss the various ways in which the prohibitionists have used the law to control people, and how pardoning (a nicer term for expungement) is not going to be enough to fix the problem. They also note that the new Congress is unlikely to do anything before the situation gets worse.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

The video discusses various aspects of the cannabis industry, including its history, use as a medicine, and the challenges of legalization. The presenter argues that the federal government should legalize cannabis to better use the resources available on Earth.

  • 01:00:00 The speaker discusses the difficulty in getting legislation passed through Congress, and recommends that patients instead focus on standing up to law enforcement and working with researchers and doctors to create a better understanding of cannabis. They also recommend patience, noting that the current situation will change over time.
  • 01:05:00 The video discusses how the legalization of marijuana is closer to happening in the United States and how the upcoming elections will determine the course of marijuana policy.
  • 01:10:00 The video discusses the problem of the federal government interfering with medical marijuana, and recommends that the industry start funding public service announcements to educate people about the benefits of cannabis.
  • 01:15:00 The video discusses the history and use of cannabis, and highlights the contradictions in current drug policy. It argues that the federal government should legalize cannabis to better use the resources available on Earth.
  • 01:20:00 The video discusses the history of cannabis and its use as a medicine. The presenter says that, currently, there are many different cannabis products available on the market, but that it would be beneficial to create a separate schedule for cannabis products to allow for more precise and standardized dosage and delivery. The presenter also says that, while Americans for Safe Access is proposing this concept in draft legislation, there is no guarantee that it will be adopted or even completed.
  • 01:25:00 The video discusses Schedule 6, which is a drug classification used in some states that allows for substances to be regulated in a way that is less restrictive than other drug classes. The presenter believes that the proposal to create Schedule 6 was inappropriate, as the survey did not allow members to vote on whether or not they support the classification.
  • 01:30:00 This video discusses the potential dangers of using benzodiazepines, which are commonly prescribed to treat anxiety and other conditions. The speaker suggests that cannabis should not be scheduled as it does not have the same dangers as some of the other drugs on the schedule.
  • 01:35:00 The presenter discusses the various issues with the current cannabis industry, from inconsistency in products to inconsistent regulations. They suggest that the hemp model, in which the plant is grown industrially for its various purposes, would be preferable to the current system.
  • 01:40:00 The speaker discusses the challenges of hemp legalization, and how Farm Bureau representatives are trying to help farmers get out of the industry. The speaker also discusses the importance of industrial infrastructure for hemp production, and the lack of a federal hemp legalization model.
  • 01:45:00 The presenter talks about how hemp has seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years, with CBD becoming a more popular and affordable product. They state that there was a conference in 2010 where D'Angelo spoke, and that CBD is not what the plan was supposed to be.
  • 01:50:00 The video discusses how the US has not been honest about the Treaty requirements and the DEA's stance on marijuana, which has led to problems in the past. The speaker provides an overview of the Treaty and its guidance on cannabis. He says that the treaty considers cannabis between hemp or not hemp based on its application, not its THC content. The speaker goes on to say that this is helpful because it allows for cannabis to be grown without the DEA getting involved.
  • 01:55:00 The presenter was a patient who benefited from the language of a Maryland law that allowed for the use of medicinal cannabis. She describes her experience of battling cancer and her decision to use medicinal cannabis to stimulate her appetite. She reveals that she was once a commissioner on the Maryland Commission on Medical Cannabis.

02:00:00 - 02:15:00

The speaker discusses the need for a "peaceful coexistence" between medical and recreational cannabis users, and how a model like Schedule 710 would allow for this. They state that while most of what medical patients need is already available to regular consumers, there are still some gaps in knowledge that need to be addressed.

  • 02:00:00 The speaker discusses their experience as a patient and advocate for cannabis, and how they believe there needs to be a "peaceful coexistence" between patients and recreational users. They state that while there are access points for patients, there are also nefarious people who won't go through the proper channels to get their hands on cannabis. They believe that a model like Schedule 710, which would allow for medical and recreational use together, is necessary to achieve this goal.
  • 02:05:00 In California, you can legally grow four plants of your own, but if you want to sell products to other people, you need to have product safety testing and education. In other words, most of what a medical patient would need is already available to regular consumers. However, there are still some gaps in knowledge, and companies need to target those areas specifically.
  • 02:10:00 The video discusses the difficulty of providing access to medical marijuana for patients with specific conditions. The speaker thanks Patient Advocates and experts in the field, and mentions the Veterans Action Council.
  • 02:15:00 Tonight's VAC Roundtable discusses Schedule 2 drugs and whether or not they should be legalized.

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