Summary of #72: Las SUBIDAS DE TIPOS de la FED causan duras CAÍDAS EN BOLSA| Macroeconomía

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses how the stock market has been dropping due to the different types of Fed policy, and how this could lead to a severe market crash. The speaker believes that this trend is now coming to an end, and that another big news story will be revealed soon.

  • 00:00:00 In today's video, the official population spoke about very little today. We will not be talking about everything today. Rejected Well, [Laughter] We have good news. The Minister is doing well. The Minister and the Minister of Cheese Mother What good news. I was jumping around the office on Wednesday for people who don't know what happened in England. A massive drop in taxes for the entire world one thing is spectacular - cheese in the heart. I carry it especially to the rich. A lot of the rich have lowered their taxes to everyone. What's happening is that the rich who had high tax rates exaggerated the tax burden on the poor. But the poor can't buy bread, but tax rates for the rich have been lowered. I am content. Our guest has come back to our show twice, but Elias Julián Elías, Ceo. of the investment firm, Play Business Greco, today's third guest on our discord, the second time he's been on our show. How are you, Greco? Good afternoon. How are you
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses the recent stock market crash and how it may be related to the 2020 U.S. presidential election. It also points out that the stock market has been in a downward trend for a while and that it is possible for a small rebound to occur soon.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses how the stock market falls when there are different types of Fed interest rates, and how this affects the economy. It talks about how the Fed has been raising interest rates slowly, but they may need to do more in order to get the economy back on track.
  • 00:15:00 In this video, the host talks about how the recent falls in the stock market are related to the lack of liquidity in the market. He also discusses how investors are becoming increasingly risk-averse, and that this could lead to a future downturn. He also mentions that gold and bitcoin are doing well at the moment, but that they may fall later on.
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses the effects of different types of Fed policy on the stock market, and how these policies are likely to continue to have negative effects on the economy. It also covers why gold and other commodities are likely to continue to rise in value.
  • 00:25:00 The video discusses the stock market's recent declines and the reasons behind them, including a decrease in liquidity. It also mentions that this could lead to a sale of assets at a loss, which is dangerous for people who rely on their investments to secure their future.
  • 00:30:00 The journalist discusses the inflation of the past 40 years, which is incorrectly written as "that phrase is wrong" according to this writer. He goes on to say that something is wrong with the graph, which is actually not that important. The real point is that we may be starting a major market downturn for bonds and stocks. The final point is that faith has shown its willingness to break something, or in other words, faith is committed to taking measures to end inflation. These measures may be painful, but it appears that faith is willing to take them nonetheless. This is referred to as "medium-term painful," but it means that someone is going to die. The rival with the weakest foundation will be sacrificed, and we don't yet know who that is. A suggestion is made that it could be somebody from the financial sector, who would then become sacrificed on an altar. This has some humor because it is similar to an ancient Greek practice where they would take a stupid person and dress them like a king for one day. If they survived, they were treated like a king or queen for the rest of the day. At the end of the day, they would kill the person and sacrifice them in a ritual. This is funny because the expression the Greeks used for
  • 00:35:00 The video discusses the increase in interest rates by the Federal Reserve, which has caused a drop in the stock market. It points out that this is not the first time this has happened, and that in the past it could lead to people who have mortgages refinancing their loans at a much higher rate than they previously were. It also mentions that some institutional investors have moved their investments to variable interest rates in order to take advantage of these high rates. While the market is recovering slowly, it is still susceptible to a sudden collapse.
  • 00:40:00 The video discusses how the stock market has been dropping, and how this could be a sign of a recession. It also talks about how JP Morgan CEO, Michael Burry, has given similar stock market predictions to those of goldman Sachs CEO, Lloyd Blankfein. It also talks about how Harris Corporation, a top investment company, has been dropping in stock prices due to the current recession.
  • 00:45:00 The video discusses the recent credit default swap (CDS) high of 72, and how it compares with 2008, when the financial system was in a crisis. It also mentions the German energy company, Endesa, who, along with other banks, have had to nationalize some of their assets due to their current financial state.
  • 00:50:00 This video discusses how Germany's recent increase in interest rates on government bonds may be hurting the economy, as investors are selling these bonds at a loss. Additionally, the sharp increase in bond prices due to the interest rates is also causing the value of these assets to decline. The article mentions that this problem is likely to get worse as Germany's economy becomes increasingly intertwined with the global economy.
  • 00:55:00 The video discusses how, due to the different types of Fed policies, severe stock market crashes have occurred in the past. The speaker believes that this trend is now coming to an end, and that another big news story will be revealed soon. He also mentions that, due to the increasing debt levels in Europe, the continent may not be able to handle another few years of this type of economic growth.

01:00:00 - 01:55:00

In the video, "#72: Las SUBIDAS DE TIPOS de la FED causan duras CAÍDAS EN BOLSA| Macroeconomía", macroeconomist Raúl Greco discusses how the Federal Reserve's different types of stimulus measures have caused severe stock market declines. He also mentions that, while he doesn't think the Fed can successfully arm these measures with good economic data, he doubts they will be able to do so at all.

  • 01:00:00 The video discusses how the recent austerity measures in Spain have caused sharp stock market falls, and how this will impact the country's economy in the long term. It also discusses how the UK's system of progressive taxation benefits those at the top, while disadvantaged groups pay more in taxes.
  • 01:05:00 The video discusses how, in recent weeks, the Bank of England has been releasing statements saying that fracking is returning, which is good news for the oil and gas industry. However, the bank also announced that it is increasing taxes on income and wealth, which is in opposition to what it said a few months ago. The video argues that, because of the weak economy in Europe, the UK cannot afford to not raise taxes on income and wealth, and that this will eventually lead to a recession in other countries with similar economies.
  • 01:10:00 The video discusses how, according to the narrator, the 72nd issue of the Spanish magazine "El Economista" includes a strong warning about the risks of a possible "subida de tipos" (hike in interest rates) in the near future, which could cause harsh stock market crashes. The article points out that this is the only explanation for the recent sharp falls in stock prices. The narrator urges people to wait a year or two longer before deciding whether or not to take their lives in their hands by sacrificing energy resources. He also says that, while it may not make much sense now, it is still worth considering the possibility of releasing radiation in order to improve health. Finally, the narrator says that, in the meantime, people should not make any rash decisions.
  • 01:15:00 The video, "#72: Las SUBIDAS DE TIPOS de la FED causan duras CAÍDAS EN BOLSA| Macroeconomía" discusses how the stock market falls when different types of Fed policy are enacted, specifically when the Fed buys government bonds. The video also discusses how Ukraine has been recovering land this week and has ended its military operation. Russia has responded by partially penalizing Ukraine. This has caused Ukraine to pull out of easy positions and has allowed Russia to gain ground. I don't know what to say, but the history of wars never lasting two weeks is true. The United States had an incomparable military power to Russia's and every war they have fought in the Middle East against rice have been much more dangerous than Ukraine. Ukraine has taken a long time and spent millions of dollars, and when I said in the beginning that the war would only last two weeks, people disagreed with me. I know this because the United States has never had a physical battle with another country. On the other hand, Russia has been losing ground in Ukraine every time it intervenes. Moreover, when the United States invaded Iraq, it left a feeling that Russia might be able to win because it was a moment in time when Russia
  • 01:20:00 In this video, Macroeconomist Raúl Greco discusses the dangers of the Federal Reserve's different types of stimulus measures, which have caused severe stock market declines. He also mentions that, while he doesn't think the Fed can successfully arm these measures with good economic data, he doubts they will be able to do so at all. He goes on to say that, in case of a European-wide war, it is important for Europe to act quickly and decisively. Finally, he reminds the audience that they can support his channel by liking and subscribing to his videos.
  • 01:25:00 In this video, macroeconomist José Manuel Abreu explains the Index of Service Sector Conditions (ISSC), which is an indicator of the economic cycle. The ISSC measures conditions in the service sector from the viewpoint of business executives. Abreu says that, although the index is not infallible, it is a valuable tool that can be used to predicting future market trends.
  • 01:30:00 The video discusses the various types of stock market crashes, and how they are related to overall economic conditions. It points out that, in the short-term, stock prices are more correlated with other economic indicators than they are with long-term structural trends. However, in the medium to long-term, stock prices are more in line with structural trends. This video also explains why the stock market is currently advancing ahead of the underlying economy.
  • 01:35:00 The video discusses how the 72nd subprime crisis may be coming to an end, with the prices of oil decreasing from their current levels. It also discusses how other economic indicators have been pointing in that direction, and how the lack of demand is causing a decrease in the price of oil. The presenter predicts that the price of oil will eventually decrease to 40 dollars per barrel.
  • 01:40:00 The author of the video speaks about the importance of having a sound financial plan and how to trade the markets successfully. He specifically talks about the importance of Indexes and how they can be used to predict the future. Raúl, a successful trader, presents a valuable Index that summarizes a variety of economic indicators. The author emphasizes the importance of having a long-term perspective when trading the markets and warns that if things do not change soon, the market will eventually crash.
  • 01:45:00 The video discusses how, in order to prevent further economic decline, the United States and Europe need to take measures such as raise interest rates. However, the average American and European does not have the understanding or ability to analyze things for themselves, and so when they hear politicians say that they are going to raise interest rates to stop the economy, the average person thinks that they are going to have to go out of work. This is lamentable, as the true responsible for inflation is not the average European or American, but rather the fracking industry. It has come back and is causing a lot of earthquakes, and if you are expecting a pleasant Christmas, you might want to brace yourself, as there is going to be a lot of bloodshed. After all, they are saying that they are going to raise interest rates to stop the economy, when in reality they are going to cause unemployment and many other problems. The video then goes on to say that, in the UK, at least, people are starting to act responsibly and are actually lowering taxes. This is sensible, as it is logical and coherent, and it is done with forethought and planning. If we continue to do things this way, the Party of Greco will eventually be successful.
  • 01:50:00 In the video, the presenter discusses the idea that the Federal Reserve's types of quantitative easing (QE) are causing hard drops in stock prices. He goes on to say that this has been happening for the past few decades, and that it is strange that they are doing this now, as the economy is in a cycle of recession. He also mentions that, historically, when interest rates have gone up by 100 points or more, there has been a recession, and that the current expectations inflation rate for all bond issues is positive, meaning that borrowers are expecting inflation to rise in the future. He finishes the video by saying that this is a situation that people need to be aware of, as the economy is not like economists say it will grow 1% annually for five years.
  • 01:55:00 The video discusses the Fed's recent decision to raise interest rates, and the potential effects this could have on the stock market. Greco provides an overview of a new indicator that allows investors to see where the market is headed. He also discusses the recent rise in interest rates in Europe and their potential effects on the stock market. Finally, he finishes the video with a message of thanks to the viewers for their continuous support.

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