Summary of La noche temática La nueva ciencia de la comida

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00:00:00 - 00:40:00

The video discusses the new science of food and how it can help us better understand what we should and shouldn't be eating. It also discusses how this new way of thinking about food has the potential to reverse the current obesity epidemic.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, Tim Spector discusses his work on a new science of food, which focuses on analyzing the ingredients in various foods and looking beyond just carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. While this may sound simple, we've been told that we cannot eat bread, cheese, or eggs because they contain 'bad' fats, and we are instead advised to eat leeks and greens instead. This new way of eating is called 'sensible eating,' and it is based on the theory that food is much more complex than we've been taught. For example, every food we eat contains hundreds of different chemical ingredients, making it a lot more complex than just containing carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. In addition, this new way of eating has the potential to reverse our current obesity epidemic, as it is packed full of nutrients and fiber.
  • 00:05:00 Jean-Claude Mubarak, an investigator in Canadian nutrition, is exploring the connection between diet and health in Brazil, which is quickly approaching Canadia in terms of obesity rates. In this video, he compares the two countries' diets and rates of obesity, highlighting the importance of ultra-processed foods in Brazil. He also discusses his project, which is to develop a new way of measuring food.
  • 00:10:00 Jean-Claude Séralini and his mentor, Carlos Monteiro, have created a new and daring guide to healthy eating, based on the science of food processing. The guide avoids complicated dietary rules, concentrating on how to reduce processed foods. Some of the foods popularly considered healthy, such as bread and donuts, are actually loaded with sugar and other additives, and are therefore not an enjoyable or sustainable diet. The industry-funded research that has been critical of the book has been conducted by scientists who are financially beholden to the food industry. Therefore, the reader should be skeptical of the book's conclusions. However, the billions of dollars spent on advertising food products processed in ways that affect our brain's pleasure center have not yielded positive results. Jean-Claude and his team have succeeded in creating a healthy diet that is based on sound science, and which parents can easily follow.
  • 00:15:00 This video discusses a study in which participants who were over weight were given sound waves that helped them lose weight. The study found that the participants who ate healthier foods and fewer processed foods lost more weight than those who ate more processed foods. This suggests that it is possible to change one's brain in order to lose weight.
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses the new science of food, which investigates the amount of food we eat and how it can depend on how we think about a dish. In an experimental study, 80 women were given a dish that was either an appetizer or a full meal, but were told that it was only an appetizer. Those who ate the appetizer ate more food than those who ate the full meal. The next discovery was even more surprising. When participants were asked to try three different types of food, those who thought the pasta was an appetizer ate nearly as much as those who thought it was a full meal. The reason for this is that sitting at a table with a fork seems to change the way we eat, and humans are designed to eat mainly carbohydrates and sweets if they want to survive. However, if we want to avoid eating any fats or sugar, nature hasn't given us much help. We need calories and sugar is one of the many ways nature provides them. But if sugar isn't available, we may need to go without food altogether because nature didn't equip us with a dislike for that type of thing. Harry and his team are working on creating their own flavor combinations of expensive and less expensive relics, in an effort to find
  • 00:25:00 The video discusses the latest science of food, which has taken 20 years to develop. It discusses how many people hate tomatoes but love pre-cooked food, which is how the "Gardenia" food item was born. It also discusses how magical calorie-laden foods are, and how most people have no idea what they are. A calorie is a unit of energy that is very simple to see and is the amount of fuel we get from what we eat. Calories are crucial for Americans, who average 500 more calories per day than in 1975. The video also discusses how difficult it is to measure calorie-wise, even for experts, and how diets can be hiding calories even if someone has a doctorate in nutrition. In the end, the video talks about how our culture encourages us to eat more and how people who are resistant to this change might gain weight.
  • 00:30:00 These two researchers studied how people eat and how this affects their calorie intake. They found that people tend to overestimate the amount of calories they are consuming when they eat out. They also found that people who eat healthy foods tend to eat fewer total calories than people who consume unhealthy foods.
  • 00:35:00 In this video, Jean-Claude discusses the importance of cooking and how it can be used as a tool to help improve one's diet and health. He also discusses how cooking can be a positive activity for both men and women, and how the government of Canada is working with him to create a new guide on food. Jean-Claude and his team at the open kitchen on the campus of Columbia University in New York are hoping to change the way that many people view food, by teaching them that healthy, tasty meals can be easy to prepare. Eight months is all that is needed to convince first-year students at Canadian universities to make a change in their diet and health.
  • 00:40:00 In this video, Tim Spector explains how dietetics can help people make better decisions about their food choices. He and his team are conducting a unique study in which they will eat common foods and study people's responses individually. Tim is trying not to faint and his twins, Ross and Hugo, are identical twins. They are the first pair of twins to participate in a study about nutrition called "Predict." This study will analyze the effects of a person's diet on their blood, saliva, and intestinal bacteria. The brothers Turner are adventurers who always have the same vibe, but even though they share the same interests, they sometimes don't share the same tastes. One of Tim's weaknesses is chocolate, and now they want to find out if people's biological responses to food are also different. Each person is different, even between twins. If we don't study food, we won't know how to help people eat the right way for their individual body and mind. This is something we should all be thinking about on Earth.

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