Summary of Thank You For Supporting US: Our 6 Months Update - including Q&A

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The YouTube video provides an update on the progress of the Thank You For Supporting US project, which includes a description of the 10 effective strategies for dealing with doubts and the publication of a book on the topic. The project is also dependent on the completion of a website responding to anti-Islamic websites. The video discusses how the Sapience Institute plans to achieve its goals for the upcoming year, including engaging in four academic discussions/debates, translating its work into other languages, and producing more than 35 videos.

  • 00:00:00 Sapience Institute is a nonprofit organization that strives to provide a robust response to contemporary intellectual challenges, motivated by verses from the Quran. In May 2021, the organization achieved its goals for the operational year. This year, it plans to achieve its goals for the year.
  • 00:05:00 The Sapience Institute aims to fill a gap in the dawa by facilitating the empowerment and education of leaders and influentials to share islam intellectually and academically. This will help to protect and propagate islam against the broader challenges of non-muslim ideologies.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses the progress of the Sapient Thought Foundation's goals for the next year, which include empowering and training 10,000 muslims, publishing a book addressing all of the main doubts against Islam that can be found online, expanding the lighthouse mentoring service, producing 60 new videos addressing doubts and commenting on feel philosophical issues, engaging in full academic discussions and debates, and translating two Arabic books written by leading intellectuals on the proofs of Islam.
  • 00:15:00 The Islamic Reform Movement (IRM) has achieved a number of successes in the past six months, including expanding its free lighthouse mentoring service and recruiting new mentors. The IRM also plans to publish three books in the next year addressing topics such as the existence of God, science and religion and the compatibility of Islam and Darwinism. The IRM's goal is to have a "tsunami" effect on the Christian academic community by addressing their doubts about Islam.
  • 00:20:00 The YouTube video provides an update on the progress of the Thank You For Supporting US project, which includes a description of the 10 effective strategies for dealing with doubts and the publication of a book on the topic. The project is also dependent on the completion of a website responding to anti-Islamic websites.
  • 00:25:00 The video discusses how the Sapience Institute plans to achieve its goals for the upcoming year, including engaging in four academic discussions/debates, translating its work into other languages, and producing more than 35 videos.
  • 00:30:00 The book "Divine Perfection" by Dr. Osman Latif looks at the arguments and verses used by apologists for Christianity, and how these verses are misinterpreted.
  • 00:35:00 The author of the video discusses the book, "Alhamdulillah: A Muslim Response to Christian Theology," which examines the Islamic perspective on Christianity and the various arguments used by both religions. He explains that the book is not complete yet, but that it will be a good thing when it is done. He also discusses the course he recently held in Madrid, Spain, and how it was a success.
  • 00:40:00 Bilalonya provides an update on the various projects that have been ongoing since the course's delivery in Spain and Brazil. One of the most significant accomplishments is the development of a learning platform, which will be launched soon. Bilalonya emphasizes the importance of one-on-one training in order to effectively share Islamic knowledge with others.
  • 00:45:00 The video discusses the success of the US-based Q&A platform, which offers free access to courses and allows users to follow lectures and quiz themselves. The platform will eventually feature interactive features between students and teachers, as well as live Q&A sessions.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses the 6-month update of the US policy, including Bilal's work on risk assessments and relationship building. Yusuf Ponders discusses his upcoming essay, Islam as an antidote to "that" and discusses progress made.
  • 00:55:00 The video discusses the recent 6-month update of the Muslim American Society's (MAS) work, including Q&A. In the update, it is mentioned that the book, which was initially supposed to be completed in six months, is now in the process of being completed. It is also mentioned that the brotherhood is in the process of filming a course on nihilism with brother Jake, and that the author is also in the process of coaching others to have a great impact in their community.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In the video, the presenter provides an update on the work of the Sapience Institute, including the development of a course on evolution, Darwinism, and naturalism. He also discusses the arguments against the existence of God based on the theory of evolution and the argument from prior cognitive input. Finally, he provides a link to the institute's website where people can chat with the creator of the video or one of the other contributors.

  • 01:00:00 The YouTube user provides a brief update on their upcoming book, "The Failed Hypothesis," which includes discussions of naturalism, Darwinism, and atheism. They also mention an upcoming interview with a prominent intelligent design proponent.
  • 01:05:00 The video discusses the development and delivery of a course on evolution, Darwinism, and naturalism, to be delivered in Turkey early next year. The Londoner, a poem written to preserve the Islamic sciences, will be delivered in London in a couple of weeks time. The video also discusses how hijab can be worn.
  • 01:10:00 The Londoner is a documentary about the history and current state of sapiens in the Muslim world. It aims to promote dialogue and understanding between East and West, and to equip Muslims with new knowledge about other religions.
  • 01:15:00 The video discusses recent Sapience updates, including the Sapience poem and explanations, and how these help to promote understanding of the existence of God. The presenter says that Evolution does not undermine God's existence, and offers advice for Muslims who have doubts about God's existence due to Evolution.
  • 01:20:00 The video discusses the arguments against the existence of God based on the theory of evolution and the argument from prior cognitive input. It also features a discussion with a Brother Civil regarding the book Marshall's march and how it applies to the issue of God's existence. Finally, the video provides a link to the lighthouse sapience institute website where people can chat with the creator of the video or one of the other contributors.
  • 01:25:00 According to the presenter, a new powerful Quranic-based argument for the existence of a transcendent, knowing, and willed being exists which challenges the naturalistic explanations of evolution and cognition offered by scientists. The learning platform launching in December 2016 will include courses on how to develop doubt-resistance, awaken the truth within, and engage in Islamic missionary work.
  • 01:30:00 The video discusses the issue of intersex and how there is a lot of discussion around it. It goes on to say that there are currently fatwas that are coming about as a result of this discussion, and that the first step is for books on the topic to be updated.
  • 01:35:00 The author provides an update on their work translating arabic content, including courses and online programs. They mention that there are also many good offline arabic programs. They mention that one way to learn arabic, especially the classical language, is to use online programs.
  • 01:40:00 The presenter briefly summarizes the progress of the Sapience Institute's No Doubt course, which has seen a 100% completion rate thus far. They mention that one of the course's translators, who is also working on a book on doubts, is Bosnian. They explain that sometimes due to communication and logistical issues, decision-making is difficult. The Bosnian translator has already finished the translation and it is expected to be published soon.
  • 01:45:00 Brother discusses the concepts of free will and dependency in relation to the concept of necessary existence. He points out that, according to the dependency principle, contingent things always make up dependent holes, no matter the form. Yusuf offers another perspective on this principle which focuses on the dependency of parts on the whole.
  • 01:50:00 The video discusses the six-month update for the "Thank You for Supporting US" campaign, including Q&A. The video explains that although the principle of dependency does not fall into the fallacy of composition, it is still fallacious to infer from the part to the whole with this particular quality.
  • 01:55:00 In this video, Bilal discusses his six-month update, including a Q&A. He notes that one of the main issues he faced was the example of taking a hot chocolate or tea, as the choice between these options does not have a clear reason behind it. He argues that the example should be applied to the universe as a whole, as we do not have a full knowledge of what is outside it. He also mentions the fallacy of composition, which states that anything that is made up of parts is generated, and therefore the universe is generated. He argues that this is a logical conclusion based on our ability to conceive of it, and that any such multiverse would be dependent on its parts.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

In this video, the speaker discusses the updates to their book, "Thank You For Supporting US." They mention that they have received feedback on the manuscript, and that anyone is welcome to book a session with them to discuss it further. The speaker also speaks about the new theological argument for the existence of Allah, and how it is being used in contemporary circles.

  • 02:00:00 The author discusses the idea of a contingent, infinite multiverse, and how it can be conceived of in another way. If something has a beginning, that indicates contingency. If something is necessary, it cannot be necessary at some points but not be necessary at other points. The author argues that the laws of nature cannot be necessary, and that even if they are, the postulation of a necessary existence is still valid.
  • 02:05:00 In his 1-paragraph summary, the author discusses the concept of abstract objects in metaphysics. He points out that just because something is eternal doesn't mean it is necessarily existing.
  • 02:10:00 In this video, the presenter discusses the various positions taken by Islamic thinkers on the issue of two plus two equals four. Al-Ghazali, for example, could be argued to be a conceptualist who believes that two plus two equals four is only a concept in the mind of someone, not something that exists in the real world. This could lead to problems in trying to make comparisons between Allah and two plus two, as two plus two does not exist in the real world. Other Islamic thinkers, such as Ibn Tamiya, believe that two plus two equals four is a necessary fact and can only be true in the mind of someone who understands the laws of logic.Still other Islamic thinkers, such as Razi, argue against both positions, claiming that two plus two equals four is a logical fact that exists in every possible world, even if people do not understand it. This discussion sheds light on the complex and nuanced philosophical positions taken by Islamic thinkers on the issue of two plus two equals four.
  • 02:15:00 In this video, the uploader discusses 6 months of updates on their fitness journey. He notes that, although it can be imagined that the thing can be taken apart to a point of non-existence, if it is necessary, then it is impossible to call it necessary. He goes on to discuss how the dependency principle is dependent parts make up dependent holes.
  • 02:20:00 In this six-month update, the speaker discusses their progress in completing the book, "Thank You For Supporting US." They mention that they have received feedback on the manuscript, and that anyone is welcome to book a session with them to discuss it further. The speaker also speaks about the new theological argument for the existence of Allah, and how it is being used in contemporary circles.
  • 02:25:00 The speaker discusses how some people argue that because of fine-tuning in the universe, Allah exists. They argue this is done by using scientific data that can be changed, and that it's an undue burden for skeptics to have to use this data. The speaker points to the Quran, which says that Allah has perfected everything.
  • 02:30:00 The video discusses the philosophy of science and how it is important for scientists to have assumptions about the uniformity of nature in order to have any positive knowledge. Christopher Hitchens approvingly refers to this as "the most powerful argument." The video also discusses one of these assumptions, the assumption of nature's uniformity, and how it can be limiting.
  • 02:35:00 The video discusses the argument that the universe is fine-tuned for human life, and Craig Forster points out that the argument is based on the assumption that chance cannot be the source of the universe's constants. Craig goes on to say that this assumption is a false trichotomy, and that chance can be used to explain similar questions in other areas of knowledge. He argues that this reveals a psychological perspective on the question, and that it exposes hidden presuppositions.
  • 02:40:00 The speaker discusses the inconsistency of using chance to explain the universe and life. He points out that chance is not a good explanation for anything, and that it is not even a possible explanation. He argues that chance is the substitute of god, and that it should be resisted because it is not justified.
  • 02:45:00 This video discusses the "design argument," which is a metaphysical argument that states that there is evidence of design in the universe. The presenter notes that, while some people may believe in this argument, jealousy is a dangerous game and can lead to negative mental health outcomes.
  • 02:50:00 The video discusses how a person's psychological temperament affects how they should approach life, and how to identify and adjust to the varying needs of different people. It also cites a hadith in which the Prophet Muhammad says that giving someone poison will only make them sick, and that different people need different types of help.
  • 02:55:00 The speaker discusses the psychological and spiritual aspects of wearing a hijab. He notes that there is a spiritual side to jealousy, which is healing over time. He encourages people to practice dawah with good etiquettes, and to be reflective upon themselves. The speaker plugs the Lighthouse Project, a website that provides information on Islam and its teachings.

03:00:00 - 03:00:00

The video discusses the "Lighthouse Project" which is a service where Muslims can have one-on-one conversations with Islamic scholars to gain guidance in their religious life. The video features interviews with several participants in the project, including the founder, Abdul Rahman, Jake from the "Thought Adventure" podcast, Fahad Tazlim from the "Safety Check Doctor" podcast, and uthman Latif from the "Islamic Mentor" podcast. The attendees discuss the importance of the project and how it has helped them grow in their faith.

  • 03:00:00 The video discusses the "Lighthouse Project" which is a service where Muslims can have one-on-one conversations with Islamic scholars to gain guidance in their religious life. The video also features interviews with several participants in the project, including the founder, Abdul Rahman, Jake from the "Thought Adventure" podcast, Fahad Tazlim from the "Safety Check Doctor" podcast, and uthman Latif from the "Islamic Mentor" podcast. The attendees discuss the importance of the project and how it has helped them grow in their faith.

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