Summary of Amazon Scribe 10.2" Notetaking EReader, The Giant Enters the eNote Ring!

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00:00:00 - 00:25:00

The Amazon Scribe 10.2 is a new E-reader that allows note taking and is available for pre-order in the US only. The Kindle scribe has a range of prices and options, and is on the expensive side. The Kindle Scribe 10.2 comes with a higher resolution screen than any of its competitors, and the pen is well-made. However, the glare-free filming angle and the offset when underlining text make it difficult to see the precision of the pen in all angles.

  • 00:00:00 The Amazon Scribe is a new E-reader that allows note taking, and is available for pre-order in the US only. The Kindle scribe has a range of prices and options, and is on the expensive side.
  • 00:05:00 The Kindle Scribe 10.2 comes with a higher resolution screen than any of its competitors, and the pen is well-made. However, the glare-free filming angle and the offset when underlining text make it difficult to see the precision of the pen in all angles.
  • 00:10:00 The Amazon Scribe 10.2 device is a magnetic notetaking device that is designed to be attached magnetically to an eReader device. It has a concave shape to fit around the rounded edges of the device, and features shortcuts for premium buttons and a vacuum layer that allows for precision and responsiveness in the writing experience. It also has a Wacom layer on top so that the paper white display has a layer that the image has to go through. Handwritten notes can be added to books without clutter, and there is no charge or setup required for the device.
  • 00:15:00 The Amazon Scribe 10.2 is a notetaking eReader that allows for direct integration into Microsoft Word, as well as the ability to write in PDF and other formats. Additionally, the device has a dual front light and a recycling system.
  • 00:20:00 The Amazon Scribe 10.2 is a lightweight, stylish ereader with a large battery and passable pen writing capabilities. Its screen glare and cover are excellent, and it is reasonably priced.
  • 00:25:00 The Amazon Scribe is a new eReader that is pitched as a better option than the competition. It has a 300-ppi screen and supports PDF and note-taking. It is currently unavailable for pre-order in Europe, but Supernode and books are still threatened by its arrival.

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