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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Malintzin was an indigenous woman who played a key role in the Spanish conquest of Mexico. She served as a translator and intermediary between the two cultures, and her work helped to establish Mexico's colonial era. Her story is a reminder of the power of intelligence and curiosity in the face of adversity.

  • 00:00:00 In Mexico's history, before the country existed as a nation, a woman was able to overcome two universes dominated by men by her intelligence and character. She became the most powerful man in the world's slave trade. Malintzin, whose real name we don't know, was born around 1501-1504 in central Mexico. Her mother was likely one of the concubines of a noble Maya, and as a child she must have been curious and intelligent like she later showed. When she was 8-12 years old, Malintzin lost her freedom and was bought by traders in the market for young girls, where she was sold to a noble Maya. She then traveled to Putumayo, a region south of Veracruz, where she was captured by an unknown tribe of jungle dwellers and enslaved. Malintzin's story demonstrates the power of intelligence and curiosity in the face of adversity. She survived by being resourceful and clever. When she was 18 years old, Malintzin lost her life in an unknown way. Although her story is enigmatic, her intelligence and curiosity made her an essential asset to her time and she is remembered as a remarkable woman.
  • 00:05:00 In this video, an individual named Malintzin talks about her life as a Maya slave and how she eventually became something of a curiosity online, thanks to her intelligence and insatiable curiosity. She reflects on the different society she lived in and how it differed from her own, noting that she was a common slave in a very different world. Malintzin tells the story of how she rose through the ranks of her slave society and eventually became something of a valuable asset, despite not having any rights. However, her story takes a different turn when she learns of rumors of strange beings from beyond the sea that are coming to the land to visit some of the important men in her society. This news changes her life forever, as she is now able to learn more about her own culture and her own people.
  • 00:10:00 In 1519, Hernán Cortés arrived on the shores of the Mexican Gulf and named the river after the Spanish king who had sponsored his expedition. The Maya of the Botón Chan tribe fought against the Spaniards, but were eventually defeated. Some of the Maya warriors decided to stay and settle in the area, and gave themselves over to Spanish domination. As a result, women from the Maya tribes were commonly given as tribute to the Spanish in order to keep the peace. This custom of giving women as a form of diplomatic negotiation continued for centuries, and is still practiced in some Mesoamerican cultures. Julián Yan Ocu, a musician and songwriter, tells the story of Hernán Cortés and the Maya in his song "Malinzin, la historia de un enigma."
  • 00:15:00 Spanish explorer Hernán Cortés arrives in Mexico and is met with resistance from the native people. One woman, Malinzin, stands out from the others for her bravery and her ability to speak the native language, Nahuatl. Cortés gifts her with a new name - Marina - and sets her on a path to become a ruler in Mexico. Marina quickly learned Spanish and converted to Christianity, and her luck seems to have continued even after she took on the name of a Spanish queen. However, Cortés' conquests would come at a high cost, as he took advantage of her position to take advantage of her people. Marina became known as Malinzin, Malinche, and finally, Cortés' mistress, Doña Marina. Despite her troubled history, Marina remains a symbol of strength and resilience in the face of oppression. Her story is a reminder that no one is immune to the effects of colonialism and conquest.
  • 00:20:00 Malintzin played a role in the Spanish colonization of Mesoamerica, as she was the only woman able to speak both Spanish and the native language of the region, Maya. She was also able to translate for the Spanish envoys, allowing them to communicate with the various indigenous people in the area. When Moctezuma learned of this, he appointed her as his translator, which allowed for greater communication between the Spanish and the indigenous people. When Cortez and his men landed in Mesoamerica, they were met with resistance from the local people. However, Cortez was able to quash the rebellion with the help of Malintzin. Although she was a woman in a traditionally male-dominated field, Malintzin was able to achieve success and make a lasting impact on Mesoamerican history.
  • 00:25:00 This video tells the story of Spanish explorer Hernán Cortés and his attempt to take over the Aztec Empire. Cortés and his men landed near the coast and were attacked by the indigenous people, who were ruled by Moctezuma II. The Spanish captain, determined to take the empire, ordered his men to abandon their ships and march to Tenochtitlán. One of Cortés's men, speaking out of turn, caused the Spanish ships to sink, and the Spanish captain was determined to punish him. Cortés and his men crossed the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and reached Tenochtitlán, where they met with Moctezuma's representatives. The Spanish captain explained that he was there to take over the empire, and the indigenous people were surprised to hear a woman's voice speak. The Spanish captain then met with the cacique (lord) of the Totonacs, who was not only Moctezuma's vassal, but also a powerful man in his own right. The Totonacs were not friends of the Mexicas (the Mexicas' rivals), and were often forced to pay tribute to Moctezuma. Cortés was able to understand and appreciate the Totonac
  • 00:30:00 In this YouTube video, Singh discusses the mystery of Malintzin, the history of a woman who played an important role in the Spanish conquest of Mexico. Malintzin was a Totonac princess who was captured by the Spanish and used to help them fight the Mexica. She was also romantically involved with Cortés, and was instrumental in helping him win over the Totonacs and other indigenous tribes. Eventually, she became Cortés' mistress, and was very valuable to him as a translator and negotiator. However, her relationship with Cortés was not without its tensions. Cortés used her to gain influence with the indigenous leaders, and she reciprocated by helping him provision his army and providing him with sexual favors. However, her position was not without its own dangers. She was frequently at risk of being captured or killed by her enemies. Despite these risks, Malintzin was instrumental in helping Cortés conquer much of Mexico.
  • 00:35:00 The video follows Cortez as he leads an army of Native Americans and Spanish soldiers into the city of Cholula in order to take it by force. However, the people of Cholula are friends of the Mexicans, and they are determined to stop Cortez. Cortez is aided by his allies the Cholultecas, but one old woman sees the danger and warns Cortez's son, Nikita. As a result, the Spanish and Native American forces meet on open ground and fight a bloody battle, with the eventual outcome being that the Spanish and Native Americans emerge victorious. However, the meeting is cut short when Cortez's allies cut off his retreat back to Spain, and he is forced to march through the mountains. On the other side, the Spanish and Native Americans are amazed and impressed by what they see. Finally, they reach the edge of a large lake, where they are able to communicate with each other using perfectly constructed bridges. They reach their goal of conquering Mexico, but are met by the Aztecs, who are led by the legendary emperor Moctezuma. The battle is a close one, but in the end the Spanish and Native Americans are victorious.
  • 00:40:00 In this video, Christy Martin explains the story of MALINTZIN, an enigmatic figure who has perplexed experts for centuries. MALINTZIN was a Spanish conquistador who fell in love with an Indian woman, and their relationship led to a debate between attacking war that dictated by reason, and the curiosity that fueled the drawings brought by his spies. Meanwhile, in Mexico, Juan and Ninja discuss the battle between BACH MACHINE TEAM and SHENKA, and AVILÉS wonders how long they will stay. Meanwhile, in a world governed by men, women played an important role in the most important historical moment in Mexico - Malintzin's role in communicating between the leaders of two different worlds. This video provides an interesting look into the role of women in history, and how they have often been overlooked.
  • 00:45:00 This video discusses the history of one of Mexico's most enigmatic women, Marina, who played an important role in pre-Hispanic societies as political intermediaries. Marina was a woman of great intelligence and command of languages, which allowed her to establish and maintain alliances between political leaders. When Spanish conqueror Pánfilo de Narváez arrived in Mexico in 1521, he met Marina and was so impressed with her that he made her his daughter's husband, guaranteeing her son's future as a member of the ruling Spanish dynasty. In response to Alvarado's atrocities committed during the massacre of Cholula, Marina declared war on the Spanish and led a small army of indigenous allies in a successful rebellion against their colonizers.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses the history of the enigmatic figure of Malintzin, or Málintzin in Spanish, which many Spaniards believed was made of gold stolen from Moctezuma. These Lingotes Hechos ("made with the stolen gold") were worn around Moctezuma's waist and pulled tight with a string, making them easy to carry. When the weight of the gold became too much for the poor emperor to support, his subjects took to the lake to drown and die at his feet. Lasting riches were swallowed by the lake of Texcoco for all time, as Moctezuma's defeated army retreated back to Cala Huyu. Some Spanish mineowners lobbied to kill Malintzin and return to the order they had previously established, while Malintzin and Doña Luisa, the daughter of Plato, managed to survive together. Spanish alliances gained through the machinations ofMalintzin prevented the Spaniards from retreating and seeking refuge, and they were eventually able to recapture parts of the mainland. The vate (traveler) and painter Malinzinxing (a.k.a. Malinche) is one of the two main characters in this story. His depiction in paintings and sculptures of
  • 00:55:00 In 1521, the Mexica Empire was defeated in a battle, leaving Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City) in ruins. Malintzín, a woman of great prestige among the Mexica, attempted to negotiate for the Mexica's surrender, but to no avail. The Mexica then fell victim to diseases brought in from Europe, and by August 13, 1521, the city was lost. Malintzín, however, remains a legend among Mexico's indigenous population, and her work in negotiating with the Spanish for the Mexica's surrender is credited with preventing even greater destruction. After the conquest, she continued to work closely with the Spanish and served as a translator between the two cultures. Her efforts helped to establish Mexico's colonial era and her legacy remains an important part of Mexican history.

01:00:00 - 01:25:00

The YouTube video "MALINTZIN, LA HISTORIA DE UN ENIGMA" discusses the legend of Malintzin, a Native American woman who allegedly betrayed Mexico during its independence struggle from Spain. Various versions of Malintzin appeared throughout the 19th century, each with a different purpose and intent. The modern story of Malintzin is emblematic of the struggles of female empowerment.

  • 01:00:00 In 1522, the indigenous people of Mexico won a victory over the Spanish. Catalina, the wife of the Spanish conquistador, arrived in Mexico on a sick and tired ship. She was met with public protests when she arrived, and soon after died from a combination of illness and public humiliation. Meanwhile, in Cuba, her husband, the Spanish conquistador, was in a public argument with her. He soon after died from a stab wound. The suspicion falls on her husband and she is quickly assassinated. When Malinzin, the story of an enigma, arrived in 1524, Doña Marina, one of Catalina's slaves, was now a free woman. She was able to marry her former master, Malinzin, and together they had a son. However, because she had no legal rights, she was still a slave. The expedition continued on its arduous journey, and many people said that Ma Jin Shin was forced to go on it. However, because she was a powerful woman, it's more likely that he negotiated his way onto the expedition with Spanish cortes in search of a better future for her son. Upon arrival in Honduras, the expedition was met with terrible events: the death of Cortés
  • 01:05:00 This video tells the story of Malintzin, the last person to hear speak of Cuauhtémoc. Cortez's expedition continued forward under unfortunate omens after Malintzin learned Spanish soldiers were camped near her in Mito. When questioning the women of Ma'jin Shin, she learned Spanish soldiers had arrived two days earlier. The Spanish force's arrival marked the expedition's failure; however, not all was lost. Malin returned to Mexico City with her son, Martin, after the Spaniards made port in Honduras and Cuba and during those long months, Martin was taken to Spain by Cortez. Marina, Malintzin's wife, received an encomienda - an order granted to a Spaniard - for something extraordinary for the time. However, most of these documents - legal evidence of the disputes - were lost in a fire in 17th century Mexico City. As Marina and her husband prepared to leave for Spain, Cortez took Martin with him. This turbulent decade in Mexico City saw many Spaniards fight legal battles over their land and possessions. Malintzin and her husband were not excluded from this turmoil; they waged their own battles for rights. However, like most of the legal records of that time, drawings of the court
  • 01:10:00 Malintzin, the story of an enigma, never reached the level of surpassing her separation from her husband. She failed. Yesterday, she was felled by the separation affected by European diseases and tired from a life of intense efforts. Malintzin disappeared from history and we don't know how or when she died. Claudius Coloma wrote about her, but other Spanish chroniclers ignored her role. Two wrote critically of her, one calling her a son of a whore, and the other attacking her with degrading insults arising from anger over years of neglect. However, in the forgotten, she would not be the worst of the injustices history had in store for her. Marclay writes: "She is my love. Law. Lady Marina Piedra de tipo español, even though she appeared only intermittently in colonial reports, is better planned in Asturias than Asturias plan Marina traitor, since she is a central figure in several colonial paintings, as well as never before." Marina, traitor though she may have been during the entire colonial period, is scarcely mentioned in Spanish accounts of Malintzin's life, while 2 other authors, who wrote about her extensively, ignored her role
  • 01:15:00 The YouTube video "MALINTZIN, LA HISTORIA DE UN ENIGMA" discusses the legend of Malintzin, a woman who allegedly betrayed Mexico during its independence struggle from Spain. Various versions of Malintzin appeared throughout the 19th century, each with a different purpose and intent. The modern story of Malintzin is emblematic of the struggles of female empowerment.
  • 01:20:00 The video discusses the history of the enigmatic figure of Malintzin, who was a Native American woman who played a key role in the events leading up to Mexico's independence from Spain. Despite her negative portrayal by Spanish colonists, Malintzin's memory is slowly gaining traction among historians thanks to her written accounts. Now it is time for Mexico's people to reconcile themselves with their own history, honoring Malintzin for her role in making Mexico a great nation.
  • 01:25:00 The video features a history of Malintzin, an unknown woman who aided the Spanish conquistadors in their efforts to conquer Mexico. Despite her lack of fame, Malintzin's story is one of mystery and intrigue.

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