Summary of Documental: 1% esquizofrenia. Director: Ione Hernández. Producción: Julio Médem

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This documentary explores the phenomenon of 1% esquizofrenia, which is a mental illness that affects a small percentage of the population. The documentary interviews people who have been diagnosed with the disorder, and discusses the symptoms and effects of the disorder. The documentary also covers the history of schizophrenia and its relationship to violence. The documentary concludes with a discussion of the benefits of schizophrenia therapy and the need for more awareness of the disorder.

  • 00:00:00 This documentary film discusses the 1% esquizofrenia, which is a rare mental illness that includes symptoms such as paranoia, hallucinations, and delusions. The director of the film, Ione Hernandez, talks about her brother's experience with the disorder and how it has changed her life.
  • 00:05:00 This documentary discusses the phenomenon of 1% esquizofrenia, which is a human response that is more than just people with mental illness. It is a vulnerable situation that is mysterios, compelling, and produces panic. We still don't know what 1% esquizofrenia is in its crucial stage of life. In adolescence, it is key that individuals stay isolated. However, as they enter adulthood, they risk losing social functioning. The most significant experience of esquizofrenia is the loss of self-ownership of one's life. Esquizofrenia also has a dual impact: it can by removing, or lessening, earning power, and at the same time, leaving people less able to handle stress. This has been a conflict for me because I felt bad and started to hate people. I was afraid of losing my job, of not being able to see my friends, of not being able to control my emotions. For some, this fear is united with their own madness. It is said that madness is like death. If one takes it away, the person ceases to be who they were. This fear is universal and is what faces us when we confront reality and reality itself. Anxiety is the fundamental
  • 00:10:00 This documentary explores the origins of 1% schizophrenia, which is often caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. It increases over time and is still isolated a great deal from the rest of society. You cannot go along presenting yourself as a 326 friend and I have certain trains as possible that the world has organized civilly with some levels of exclusion so great and so justified socially, politically, and institutionally scientifically. We have a group of people, so unfortunate, who still haven't heard a word about schizophrenia when other people are being added to it, almost everywhere poverty and problems of exclusion exist instead of saying that this is an esquizofrenic who was fairly bad and now is like a daisy knows, really mad mother. No, you can't go along too. If we were to accept the behavior of different people in an environment, it would cost a lot in the Spanish dictionary. Schizophrenia would be a better word to use that has sometimes very macabre connotations like the word schizophrenia. We would have to look for another word that has similar connotations, such as father. My father who is ill mentally is a stranger to us. He didn't go to a mental hospital and he couldn't be assisted well
  • 00:15:00 The video, "Documental: 1% esquizofrenia. Director: Ione Hernández. Producción: Julio Médem" follows the story of a person with esquizofrenia and their family. The person talks about how difficult it is to communicate with family members who don't understand the disorder. The family members often misunderstand the person with esquizofrenia, and they also struggle to provide the necessary support. The person says that without family support, they would not be where they are now.
  • 00:20:00 In this documentary, director Ione Hernandez explores the link between 1% esquizofrenia and cannabis use. Those with a predisposition to the illness are more likely to develop symptoms when using cannabis, but even those without a predisposition can experience negative effects from cannabis use. One man who developed 1% esquizofrenia after smoking cannabis for years tells his story of going through bouts of paranoia and hallucinations. After quitting cannabis and drinking alcohol, his symptoms gradually subsided. relapse is common in those with mental illness, and often results in a return to an earlier, more primitive stage of the disorder.
  • 00:25:00 The documentary "1% esquizofrenia" follows a group of individuals who have symptoms of esquizofrenia, a mental disorder. One percent of the population has this condition, which is characterized by delusions and hallucinations. This documentary shows the progression of the disorder and how it can affect a person's life.
  • 00:30:00 This documentary explores the 1% of people who suffer from schizophrenia, which is a disorder characterized by unusual thoughts and behavior. The filmmaker interviews people who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia and discusses the symptoms and effects of the disorder. The film also covers the history of schizophrenia and its relationship to violence. The documentary concludes with a discussion of the benefits of schizophrenia therapy and the need for more awareness of the disorder.
  • 00:35:00 In this documentary, director Ione Hernandez interviews people who have been diagnosed with 1% schizophrenia. Most of the interviewees share stories of how their diagnosis has changed their life for the better, but there are also those who discuss the negative aspects of being a 1% schizophrenia sufferer, such as feeling fear all the time and not being able to trust anyone. One interviewee shares how she was almost forced into a psychiatric hospital after being involved in a fight, and eventually lost her legal battle to stay there. The documentary also features interviews with family members of schizophrenia sufferers who have been forced to live away from them, as hospitals only have limited resources to deal with the condition. The documentary provides a candid look at the life of a 1% schizophrenia sufferer, and although it is difficult to watch at times, it is an important reminder that schizophrenia is a real and physical condition that can affect a person's life in a variety of ways.
  • 00:40:00 This documentary explores the connection between mental illness and artistic expression, specifically pointing to schizophrenia as an illness that often leads to creative expression. It interviews various artists about their experiences with schizophrenia, and shows how the disorder has shaped their lives in ways that are often difficult and challenging. The documentary also discusses the use of drugs and mental illness in general, and how this can lead to creative expression.
  • 00:45:00 The video discusses the role of artists in society, and how they can be affected by mental illness. It discusses the case of a famous Spanish painter who became psychotic and stopped creating art entirely. However, despite his condition, he was still a creative person. The video then goes on to describe how mental illness can affect creativity, and how it is a necessary part of the creative process. It concludes by discussing how mental illness should not be seen as a barrier to creativity, and how it is important to have a supportive environment in which to work.
  • 00:50:00 This video discusses the dangers of 1% schizophrenia, which is a mental illness that affects 1 in 100 people. The video highlights the dangers of current treatment methods, which rely heavily on drugs. It also discusses the benefits of psychotherapy, which can help a person with schizophrenia live a relatively normal life.
  • 00:55:00 The documentary "1% esquizofrenia" explains that 1% of the population suffers from esquizofrenia, an illness characterized by irregular and uncontrollable thoughts and behaviors. The video also interviews a psychiatrist about the treatment of esquizofrenia.

01:00:00 - 01:10:00

This video documents the journey of a person suffering from 1% schizophrenia, and how they are trying to cope with the condition. They discuss how the condition has changed their life and how they are trying to accept it. They also discuss the fear of the future and how it affects their daily life.

  • 01:00:00 The video discusses the 1% esquizofrenia disorder, which is a rare form of mental illness that affects about 1 in 100 people. It is characterized by problems with mood, thinking, and behavior. There is currently no cure for esquizofrenia, but there is treatment that can help improve a person's ability to function and live a normal life. It is important not to despair, and it is true that we have progressed a lot in the past few decades. It is also true that there is a need for more hospital beds and social workers to help with the treatment of esquizofrenia. However, there is still much to be done in terms of mental health care. Society as a whole benefits when there are fewer conflicts between different parts of the culture. One way in which this is happening is through the increasing acceptance of people with mental illness. People with esquizofrenia are also very compassionate and are very willing to help others. This video provides a glimpse into the life of a person with esquizofrenia and their family members. It is also poignant to see how these people face enormous challenges and yet are able to overcome them. The increasing number of people with mental illness is a testament to
  • 01:05:00 This video documents the journey of a person suffering from 1% schizophrenia, and how they are trying to cope with the condition. They discuss how the condition has changed their life and how they are trying to accept it. They also discuss the fear of the future and how it affects their daily life.
  • 01:10:00 This documentary follows the journey of a woman who suffers from 1% esquizofrenia, a rare disorder that causes hallucinations and delusions. The woman's story is poignant and heartbreaking, and her struggles to cope with her condition are well-documented.

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