Summary of Первая мировая война. Все серии. 1914-1918

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The first world war began in 1914 with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and ended in 1918 with the defeat of the Central Powers. The war was fought on the Western Front, in the East, and in the Balkans, with huge losses on all sides. In the end, the Allies were victorious.

  • 00:00:00 This video covers the origins of World War I, which began on 28 June 1914 when Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, was assassinated by a 19-year-old Slav nationalist, Gavrilo Princip. Austria-Hungary responded by sending an ultimatum to Serbia, which was rejected, and the war began. Within hours Austrian forces were shelling Belgrade, and the war progressed rapidly from there. The Russian Tsar, Nicholas II, felt honor-bound to help Serbia and ordered the Russian army to mobilize. Germany knew war with Russia meant war with France, its ally, and so developed the Schlieffen Plan in order to meet this threat. However, Belgian resistance at the fortress-city of Liège delayed German troops long enough for Britain to declare war on them, and the war eventually spread to Europe's other great powers.
  • 00:05:00 In 1914, World War I began with a French offensive into German territory. But the Germans drove the French back with heavy losses, and the Allies made their stand at the River Marne. Their desperate counterattack saved Paris and drove the Germans back. The two sides suffered a quarter of a million casualties. In 1915, the Allies attempted to outflank each other to the north with costly clashes at the First Battle of Ypres. But the Germans held their ground, and the two armies dug in along the entire 350-mile front. Trench warfare had begun. In 1916, British warships won the first naval battle of the war at Heligoland Bight, sinking three German cruisers. The aim of the British blockade was to bring Germany's economy to its knees and force its surrender. But a week later, the British cruiser HMS Pathfinder became the first victim in history of a lethal new weapon - the submarine-launched torpedo. German submarines had a surface range of 9000 miles and could attack undetected from beneath the waves. In 1917, Russian armies invaded East Prussia and blundered into disaster at the Battle of Tannenberg. The Germans won with a brilliant victory, taking 90,000 prisoners and destroying an entire
  • 00:10:00 World War One began with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, which set off a series of events that led to the war. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire all fought against the Allies (Britain, France, Russia, Serbia, and Montenegro), with Germany ultimately emerging as the victor. In Europe, the war was fought on the Western Front, while in the East, Japan fought against Germany and Austria-Hungary. The war was also fought in the Balkans, the Caucasus, and Poland and the Baltic. By the end of the war, over one million soldiers had died, and the Central Powers had been defeated.
  • 00:15:00 The first world war was a conflict between the European powers that began in 1914 and lasted until 1918. Germany declared the waters around the British Isles to be a war zone, where its U-boats would attack Allied merchant ships without warning. This led to Britain relying on imported food to feed its population. Germany planned to starve her into surrender, but was unsuccessful. On the Eastern Front, German Field Marshal von Hindenburg launched a Winter Offensive and inflicted another massive defeat on the Russian army at the Second Battle of Masurian Lakes. The Russians lost up to 200,000 men, half of them surrendering amid freezing winter conditions. The Russians have more success against Austria-Hungary, recapturing Przemyśl and taking 100,000 prisoners. The Allies land ground troops at Gallipoli, including men of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, the ANZACs. Their goal is to take out the shore forts that are preventing Allied warship from reaching Constantinople. But they immediately meet fierce Turkish resistance, and are pinned down close to the shore. The day before the landings, the Ottoman Empire begins the systematic deportation and murder of ethnic Armenians living within its borders. The Armenians are a long-persecuted ethnic and religious
  • 00:20:00 This video follows the history of World War I, from the start of the conflict in 1914, to the end of the war in 1918. The video covers the major events of the war, including the Battle of Artois, the Battle of Vimy Ridge, the Battle of Aubers Ridge, the Battle of Festubert, the Battle of Artois, the Battle of Champagne, the Battle of the Isonzo, the Battle of Ctesiphon, the Battle of Kut, and the Battle of Baghdad. The video also discusses the Italian front, the Russian front, and the Middle Eastern front.
  • 00:25:00 World War One was a long and bloody conflict, with huge losses on all sides. The Allies were unsuccessful in achieving a decisive battlefield victory, while the Central Powers continued to hold onto territory. In 1915, the Allies experienced enormous losses, for no tangible gains, and a new tactic, industrial warfare, was developed from earlier failures. At sea, the British maintained their naval blockade of Germany, preventing the import of food and other vital raw materials. The war continued to rage for a year and a half, with new offensives planned for 1916. On the Western Front, French, British and Belgian troops were dug in opposite the Germans, both sides trapped in the bloody stalemate of trench warfare. On the Eastern Front, the Russians had ended their long retreat and stabilised the line, but their army had suffered huge losses. On the Italian Front, Italian troops had launched a series of costly, unsuccessful attacks against strong Austro-Hungarian defences. The war had raged for a year and a half, with no end in sight.
  • 00:30:00 The first world war began in 1914 with a series of battles on the Western Front. The British were the last to be issued with steel helmets, which provided limited protection from shell splinters and shrapnel. In March 1917, Germany declared war on Portugal, which led to the Portuguese African colony of Angola being seized by German forces. The Eastern Front saw Russia launch an attack near Lake Naroch that failed disastrously. In the Italian front, Austro-Hungarian forces launched a surprise attack at Asiago that succeeded in breaking through Italian defenses. At sea, the British hit a mine and sank the German cruiser HMS Hampshire. In the Middle East, British forces at Kut surrendered after five months of siege. General Townshend led 9,000 British and Indian soldiers into captivity. Britain wanted Arab support in its fight against the Ottoman Empire, but this was not realized until after the war when the Sykes-Picot Agreement was signed. The Russian attack on the Eastern Front achieved its aims, and the Central Powers were forced to redeploy troops from other fronts to shore up the line. In the North Sea, the British and German fleets clashed at the Battle of Jutland, with the British suffering heavier losses but claiming victory. In the Western Front, the Battle
  • 00:35:00 In World War One, the Allies tried to break the deadlock of the trenches with the help of tanks, but the first tanks were too few in number and too prone to mechanical failure. Meanwhile, on the Eastern Front, Russia's Brusilov Offensive comes to an end and casualties estimates vary wildly. Neither the Russian nor the Austrian army ever fully recovers. In 1916, World War One became a war of attrition, with both sides focused less on winning victory on the battlefield, than grinding down the enemy and inflicting such enormous losses they would be forced to surrender. In 1917, the strategy will push Europe's major powers to the brink of collapse.
  • 00:40:00 This video covers the first world war, from its start in 1914 to its end in 1918. The main focus is on the battles on the Western Front, with particular attention paid to the Battle of Arras and the Battle of Vimy Ridge. The video also covers the Russian Revolution, the Battle of Messines Ridge, and the Greek War of Independence.
  • 00:45:00 This video covers the First World War from 1914-1918, focusing on the various battles and events. The Russian army has collapsed, the Central Powers' counterattack is almost unopposed, and the Allied tide is turning in the U-boat war. In 1917, the Allies grow to include Brazil, China, and Siam, all of which declare war on Germany in response to German U-boat attacks. The Allies win at Gaza, and General Allenby leads British troops into Jerusalem, ending 400 years of Ottoman rule.
  • 00:50:00 In 1917, the Allies were on the brink of victory, but the arrival of American troops changed the tide of the war. The Germans, knowing they were losing, began planning a last-ditch offensive, which ultimately led to their defeat.
  • 00:55:00 The First World War was a conflict that took place from 1914 to 1918, and saw the rise of air power on the battlefield. French General Ferdinand Foch was appointed Supreme Commander of Allied Forces, and together with British and Australian troops, they managed to halt the German advance. This culminated in the Second Battle of the Marne, where the Germans were defeated. The war continued on with more battles, but ultimately the Allies emerged victorious.

01:00:00 - 01:05:00

This video covers the events of World War One, from the beginning of the war in 1914 to the final armistice in 1918. The video covers the Allied victory on the Western Front, the collapse of the Central Powers, and the formation of new states in Europe.

  • 01:00:00 This video covers the events of World War One, from the beginning of the war in 1914 to the final armistice in 1918. The video covers the Allied victory on the Western Front, the collapse of the Central Powers, and the formation of new states in Europe.
  • 01:05:00 This video covers the first world war, which saw millions of casualties and widespread destruction. New states were born, old empires vanished, and lives were changed forever.

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