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00:00:00 - 00:45:00

In this video, Brian Tracy discusses the importance of self-discipline and sacrifices for achieving long-term success. He offers tips on developing the habit of self-discipline, including the nine disciplines that can improve all areas of life, the importance of clear thinking, the discipline of daily goal setting, and the disciplines that lead to financial independence. Tracy emphasizes the importance of persistence and courage by training your mind to overcome fears and working towards your goals even in times of adversity. Finally, he explains that practicing self-discipline can lead to personal greatness and offers seven benefits to those who do so.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, Brian Tracy discusses the importance of sacrifices and self-discipline for achieving long-term success. He explains that successful people are willing to put in the extra work, stay focused on their goals, and delay gratification in the short-term to enjoy greater rewards in the long run. Tracy notes that the payoff for practicing self-discipline is immediate in the form of liking and respecting oneself more, which results in better attitudes and reactions towards others. Developing the habit of self-discipline can be challenging, but it can be learned with practice and repetition. Tracy advises people to be patient with themselves, to fight the battle of self-discipline every day, and to understand that it takes about 21 days to develop a new habit.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, Brian Tracy discusses the common denominator of success, as outlined by Earl Nightingale's pamphlet. The common denominator of successful people is their ability to make a habit of doing what unsuccessful people don't like to do. Although successful people and unsuccessful people both may not like doing the same activities, successful individuals still choose to do them as they recognize that this unpleasant work will lead to the achievement of their goals. Tracy offers insight from Rich DeVos, who advises that sacrifices must be made in the present to enjoy future rewards. He then introduces the nine disciplines that can improve every area of life, with the discipline of clear thinking being the most important. Tracy emphasizes that the ability to think clearly is essential in making quality decisions and choices, which lead to desired results and quality of life. He shares Drucker's advice to take time to think and stresses that fast decisions tend to result in mistakes. Finally, Tracy encourages the practice of taking long, uninterrupted periods of time to create carefully considered decisions that shape an improved life.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, Brian Tracy discusses how the discipline of clear thinking can be developed through solitude, or Mind Calming, which involves sitting quietly by yourself with no noise or distractions. It enables one to activate the super conscious mind and intuition, leading to better decisions and the ability to hear the still Small Voice from within that often leads to miraculous solutions. Writing down every detail of a problem or situation and reflecting on your experiences while going for a walk are other ways to improve thinking. Tracy also emphasizes the importance of being open to doing something completely different, as it opens up your mind to new possibilities and clear thinking. Finally, he talks about daily goal setting and how the discipline can change one's life.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, Brian Tracy talks about the discipline of daily goal setting as a habit that everyone should practice. He believes that people should ask themselves what they really want to do with their life, and then write down ten goals they would like to achieve, in the next twelve months or so. He advises writing goals in the present tense as though they already existed, using the word “I” and an action verb. Writing down goals every day before starting the day reprograms the subconscious mind, and after 21 days of doing this, one will start to see changes that are astonishing. Finally, he suggests the discipline of daily time management, starting daily planning by making a list of everything to be done that day, preferably the night before.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, Brian Tracy discusses four disciplines that lead to success and self-discipline. The first discipline is the ability to create a list of priorities, where you use the 80/20 rule to determine which items on your list will generate the most value. If you start your day with your most valuable task and complete it, you will have more motivation and energy to tackle the other tasks. The second discipline is time management, which branches out to all other disciplines. The third discipline is courage, which can be practiced and developed by training your mind to overcome fears. Finally, the fourth discipline is the discipline of excellent health habits. By cultivating healthier behaviors, you can achieve better health and longevity.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, Brian Tracy advises users to set the goal of living to be 100 years old and lists ways to achieve this. The key to physical health is a five-word formula: eat less and exercise more. Discipline yourself to exercise daily, preferably in the morning, which releases endorphins and makes you feel happy and positive. To get rid of extra weight, eliminate the three white poisons: flour, sugar, and salt. If you only eat fruits, vegetables, and proteins and drink lots of water, you will see yourself losing weight from the first day. Eat salad and light meals before 6 PM, get regular medical and dental checkups, and clean your teeth 4 times a year with an orthodontist to maintain good gum health, which is related to overall well-being.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the focus is on the discipline of regular saving and investing for financial independence. Setting a goal of financial independence and getting out and staying out of debt are essential. It is encouraged to dislike debt and save 10-20% of one's income for investment. Even starting with saving just 1% of a monthly income and gradually increasing it will help develop the habit of living below one's means. Delaying major purchase decisions and buying used things instead of new also helps accumulate more money for saving and investment. By changing one's mindset from enjoying spending to enjoying saving, a person can gain financial independence, rewire their brain, and enjoy a happier life.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, Brian Tracy discusses the various disciplines that can help people achieve long-term financial success. He emphasizes the importance of avoiding mistakes in investing by taking the time to investigate and only investing in things that you know and understand. Tracy also promotes paying cash as often as possible, saving money, and working hard as key disciplines for financial success. He suggests that people should work all the time and avoid time wasters to maximize productivity, performance, and output. These disciplines can help people accumulate wealth, attain freedom and opportunity, and avoid the pitfalls of financial insecurity.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, Brian Tracy talks about increasing income and becoming more valuable by simply working one hour earlier, working through lunch, and staying one hour later. He emphasizes the importance of focus and getting uninterrupted work time to increase productivity. Tracy also stresses the discipline of continuous learning, where he encourages reading, listening to CDs, and attending seminars to gain new knowledge and skills to become one of the most proficient and highest paid people in your field. Lastly, he introduces the discipline of persistence, which is continuing to work towards your goals even when facing adversity and quitting seems like the easier option. Tracy emphasizes that persistence is the greatest test of self-discipline.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of persistence and self-discipline in achieving success. He explains that the courage to begin a task is just as important as the courage to endure through difficult times. Persistence is an indication of your belief in yourself and your work, and it leads to increased self-esteem, further persistence, and greater self-discipline. The seven benefits of practicing self-discipline include guaranteed success, increased productivity, promotion and higher pay, greater self-control and personal power, improved self-esteem, increased self-confidence, and the strength of character to persist through obstacles. In this way, practicing self-discipline can lead to personal greatness.

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