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00:00:00 - 00:30:00

The Middle Ages was a time of great change in Europe, with the feudal system gradually fading away in favor of capitalism. There were many significant events during this time, including the Black Death pandemic and the Hundred Years' War. These events had a profound effect on the population and the development of European states.

  • 00:00:00 The Middle Ages was the period of human history that spanned from the 5th century to the 15th century. This period was characterized by the power of the Catholic Church and the establishment of the feudal system.
  • 00:05:00 The social, economic and political systems of the Middle Ages were based on the monarchy, but this institution lost power with the introduction of feudalism. At the beginning of this period, the monarchs enjoyed almost all the powers and some extended their territories to form great empires. However, from the eleventh century the situation changed with the arrival of the feudal system. Although the king maintained his position, power was shared with the feudal lords. These were nobles who governed their lands independently and who paid vassalage to the monarch. The defense of the territories was in the hands of these nobles, so the royal houses had a weak position against them. Castles were one of the symbols of this type of organization. In five centuries, between the years 1000 and 1500, a large number of these types of structures were built, destined to serve as the residence of the feudal lords and as a defense against possible attacks. With the feudal system, their power increased to the point of becoming superior to that of the monarch himself. The social, economic and political systems of the Middle Ages were based on the monarchy, but this institution lost power with the introduction of feudalism. At the beginning of this period, the monarchs enjoyed almost all the powers and some extended their territories to
  • 00:10:00 The Middle Ages were a time of great change, with different social classes developing and the economy shifting from feudalism to capitalism. The main economic activities were agriculture and livestock, with the feudal system providing a way for the less favored to access better positions. Commerce and the spread of knowledge were also growing during the Middle Ages, with education only available to the privileged classes. One of the most significant events during the Middle Ages was the crusades, which were religious conflicts fought by Christian soldiers in the Middle East. Though they were successful in retaking Jerusalem and other places at the beginning, the end result was failure. The Christian kingdoms established in the East were eventually reconquered by the Muslims, while the Byzantine Empire was divided by the actions of the crusaders themselves.
  • 00:15:00 The Middle Ages, which lasted from the 5th century to the 14th century, are a long and diverse period in history with many important achievements and setbacks. During this time, the Germanic cultures that arrived in Europe and the Latin heiress of the Roman Empire began to mix, and the Western Roman Empire disintegrated. The Germanic Kingdoms that arose during this time were the Carolingian Empire, which was led by Charlemagne. In addition, during this time the great Muslim expansion took place.
  • 00:20:00 The Middle Ages were a time of great change and growth for Europe, with the feudal system gradually fading away in favor of capitalism. There were many significant events during this time, including the Black Death pandemic and the Hundred Years' War.
  • 00:25:00 The feudal system was based on vassalage and fiefdom. The first concept alluded to a political and legal relationship, while the second to an economic and social one. In this system, the kings gave fiefs to their vassals, in this case belonging to the nobility. These nobles, for their part, granted their own fiefdoms to other vassals, thereby becoming lords. In most cases, the monarch granted these fiefdoms or territories to nobles who had stood out for their services. With this delivery, the king not only intended to reward the most valuable of his vassals, but also tried to ensure the defense and union of his kingdom. The delivery was made through an act covered with great solemnity and that consisted of three phases: homage, oath to remain faithful and investiture. The vassals undertook to provide the means so that the vassal could support himself and offer him protection. In return, the vassal had to help his lord if any type of threat appeared, almost always military. Over time, the great lords created powerful armies with their vassals. Also, if any lord was captured by his enemies, his vassals were required to pay ransom for them to
  • 00:30:00 This video discusses the history of Europe during the Middle Ages, including the Black Death and Hundred Years' War. It also covers the effects of these events on the population and the development of European states.

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