Summary of Horizon: A 4D Video Game (ITP Thesis Show 2014)

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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

The ITP student in the video presents their 4D video game called "Horizon." In the game, the player can use a simulated plane to recall points in time and manipulate 3D objects. The game's creator believes that the mechanic makes the game more personal.

  • 00:00:00 Omer discovered that video editing is simply moving a bunch of images through a volume, and that video games can be created by exploiting this mechanic. He created a game called "Horizon" that exploits this mechanic, and people can have fun with it.
  • 00:05:00 Horizon: A 4D Video Game (ITP Thesis Show 2014) uses a mechanic similar to that found in Jonathan Blow's game, Braid. The player uses a simulated plane to recall points in time and manipulate 3D objects in order to create slitscans. However, the solution to the problem is not always clear and the player must rely on experimentation to find a working solution.
  • 00:10:00 In this video, an ITP student presents a 4D video game called "Horizon." In this game, the player can climb up objects and reach new areas. The game's creator believes that this mechanic- which allows the player to create their own geometry- makes the game more personal. The student also thanks various people for their contributions to the game.

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