Summary of Let's Read Homestuck - Act 1 - Part 4

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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

In the YouTube video "Let's Read Homestuck - Act 1 - Part 4," the protagonist captures a stuffed bunny from his internet friend and tries out the beta of a new adventure. He is disturbed by the appearance of a razor in his room and decides to get rid of it. The player explains that they are the host user and that they have established a connection with the other player. They then ask the other player to start the game.

  • 00:00:00 The protagonist discusses a comet that is going to destroy the Earth with a friend, who does not believe him. He OHs that he is famous for it and is asked what he has been up to lately. He reveals he has been dissecting a cake to make it bigger and more delicious, but is interrupted by his dad. The protagonist enters the bathroom to clean up the cake mess, and discovers a swingset and pogo ride in the backyard. He takes the razor and surgery to remove the cake ingredients, and puts them in the toilets. He returns to his room and reveals a Milkmaid poster on his wall.
  • 00:05:00 The protagonist captures a stuffed bunny from his internet friend, which he finds to be authentic. He decides to try out the beta of a new adventure, although he is not sure if he should switch back to the stack modus. He is disturbed by the appearance of a razor in his room and decides to get rid of it.
  • 00:10:00 The player explains that they are the host user and that they have established a connection with the other player. They then ask the other player to start the game.

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