Summary of Nick Fuentes Talks Pokémon & Ben Shapiro - Cobra's NASTY Poots | # 980

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Nick Fuentes is a YouTuber who was banned from multiple platforms and has created a new channel called "Grippers, Scrapers, and Freakers." In this video, he discusses his opinions on Pokémon, Ben Shapiro, and free speech. He also talks about how Shapiro is a member of the communist Chinese party and is getting kicked out of China because of it.

  • 00:00:00 Nick Fuentes and Ben Shapiro discuss Pokémon and Shapiro's belief that the game encourages violence. Fuentes argues that the game is not violent and Shapiro fails to provide evidence to support his claims.
  • 00:05:00 Nick Fuentes talks about his "tick tock" video, in which he records his dog playing with other dogs. He says that the video is funny, but he has to turn it down because he doesn't want the music to be too loud. He talks about his latest video, in which he and a friend dress up like characters from the Matrix and make fun of the new movie.
  • 00:10:00 Nick Fuentes is a commentator for a video game show, and he discusses his hypothetical character, a pokemon named "Nazi Chew." Shapiro asks Fuentes if he would be a good pokemon trainer, and Fuentes responds by saying that if he were a pokemon, he would be a nazi chew with an ability that allows him to speak extemporaneously for 120 minutes without stopping.
  • 00:15:00 Nick Fuentes discusses Pokémon with Ben Shapiro and compares them to Magikarp, which he claims is "completely uh its only move is struggle." Shapiro points out that Magikarp can turn into a Gyarados if you get enough of them, and the two have a laugh about the hypothetical.
  • 00:20:00 Nick Fuentes, a YouTuber who has been banned from multiple platforms, discusses his experiences with Pokémon, Getter Three, and Ben Shapiro. He suggests the new Twitter account he created, @getter_three, as an alt-right platform. He then discusses his experience with getting banned from that account, and suggests the username "groiper" as a possible username for his new account.
  • 00:25:00 Nick Fuentes has created a YouTube channel called "Grippers, Scrapers, and Freakers" in which he discusses Pokémon, Ben Shapiro, and free speech. Shapiro's Cobra's NASTY Poots video is discussed, in which Shapiro challenges Fuentes to a fight.
  • 00:30:00 Nick Fuentes talks about how Ben Shapiro is a member of the communist Chinese party and is getting kicked out of China because of it. He goes on to talk about how Gavin Wax is also a member of the communist Chinese party and is doing bad things with it.
  • 00:35:00 Nick Fuentes discusses his opinion on the current state of the American man, criticizing those who have abandoned the traditional role of being a provider and hero. He says that the current generation of men is weak, and that they will never be able to live up to the ideal of the "classic American man."
  • 00:40:00 <could not summarize>
  • 00:45:00 Nick Fuentes talks about his views on Pokémon and Ben Shapiro, and how Shapiro is not a mama's boy and doesn't stand on his own. Fuentes also talks about how he would convert Shapiro if he could, and how Planned Parenthood is providing condoms to middle school children.
  • 00:50:00 <could not summarize>
  • 00:55:00 Nick Fuentes talks about the difference between guitarist Tommy Shaw and Joan Jett, and how one is better than the other. He also makes a funny joke about sex ed.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In this YouTube video, Nick Fuentes talks to Ben Shapiro about Pokémon and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He also shares his thoughts on the changes to the Canadian national anthem, and talks about Scott Shapiro, his family, and his career as a sumo wrestler. Finally, he discusses the dangers of the radical left and the alt-right, and argues that the two groups need each other in order to stay marginalized.

  • 01:00:00 Nick Fuentes discusses Pokémon with Ben Shapiro, and explains that while Tommy Shaw may be less known than some other musicians, the public is more likely to hear Tommy Shaw's music than someone who says "sticks and even stick some judgmental guitar player." Fuentes states that by lying about who is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, people can get their favorite musicians in there, even if they are not actually worthy. He also mentions Joan Jett, who is on the list of the top 100 guitar players, but not Mark Farner, who is considered a "grand master."
  • 01:05:00 Nick Fuentes is a mentally ill man who is doing well in interviews. He talks about technology and how it has progressed since the 50s, and how things will change once the truth about taxes is revealed. He also mentions that a Patreon account will give people access to a monthly "mother load" of content, as well as exclusive Discord chats. Finally, he talks about a live stream that he and another person are doing next Saturday. If the goal is not met, they will do an episode with everyone.
  • 01:10:00 Nick Fuentes discusses Pokémon and Ben Shapiro. Fuentes discusses how Pokémon and Shapiro share a common theme in that both are popular because of their "grossness." Fuentes also discusses how Shapiro's "grossness" is more tolerable to some people because it is associated with being a man.
  • 01:15:00 Nick Fuentes discusses Pokémon with Ben Shapiro, and shares his thoughts on the changes to the Canadian national anthem. He says that he likes the original anthem, but is not a fan of the current version because it includes the word "nword."
  • 01:20:00 Nick Fuentes discusses Pokémon with Ben Shapiro and talks about Scott Shapiro, his family, and his career as a sumo wrestler. Nick's goal is to get rid of the Nazis, and he asks viewers to send in donations to their PO Box. John Tenta, a sumo wrestler, is mentioned.
  • 01:25:00 Nick Fuentes discusses Pokémon with Ben Shapiro, and discusses the dangers of the radical left and the alt-right. He says that both movements were born of the alt-right, and that he wants to talk about something else. He brings in Teddy Rubskin and Magicus to discuss the matter.
  • 01:30:00 Nick Fuentes and Ben Shapiro debate the ideologies of the radical left and the alt-right. Fuentes argues that the alt-right and radical left need each other in order to keep each other marginalized. Shapiro disagrees, stating that the alt-right is full of "stupid" individuals who would not be able to implement their views into a real ethno state.
  • 01:35:00 Nick Fuentes and Magicus discuss the best magic card, Dragonite. If either Fuentes or Magicus get the same answer, they both get points. Fuentes says his favorite pokemon is Dragonite, and Magicus says his favorite magic card is Butterfree.
  • 01:40:00 In this YouTube video, Nick Fuentes discusses Pokémon with Ben Shapiro. Shapiro criticizes Fuentes for advocating for criminal behavior, and the two men start a competition to see who can correctly identify the theme song to their favorite 1980s prime time television show. Billy wins the first round, but Joe gets the second.
  • 01:45:00 In this video, Nick Fuentes talks about his favorite 80s prime-time show, "Moonlighting." Joe shares his guess, which is "Say Otherwise Elsewhere." Billy gets the correct answer, "Dallas."
  • 01:50:00 In this video, Nick Fuentes discusses Pokémon with Ben Shapiro. Fuentes says that growing pains are a common occurrence during adolescence, and that the song "Four to Two" was popularized in the 1980s. Joe's turn arrives, and Fuentes plays the next song. The song is "Night Court" and Joe incorrectly guesses its title. Fuentes then plays the song "China Beach" and Joe loses the game. Joe reveals that he grew up watching these shows, and that he was younger than Nick when they first met.
  • 01:55:00 Nick Fuentes tells a story of a time when he and a friend were on the phone, and the friend said that she would back anything Nick did. Nick recommends that the friend talk to Ben Shapiro alone to convince him that she put a baby in a dumpster.

02:00:00 - 02:55:00

In this YouTube video, Nick Fuentes talks about his love of Pokémon and his rivalry with conservative commentator Ben Shapiro. Fuentes reveals that Shapiro is wrong about many things and that the Pokémon fandom is full of "nerds on ice."

  • 02:00:00 Nick Fuentes, a YouTuber and game critic, discusses Pokémon with conservative commentator Ben Shapiro. Shapiro challenges Fuentes' assertion that babies don't go in dumpsters, and Fuentes reveals that the baby was not real. After Joanne, Shapiro's wife, starts laughing and cannot speak, Fuentes realizes that she put the baby in the dumpster and calls her back, telling her the baby is dead. Joanne confesses that it was all a prank, and the two discuss the power of lying.
  • 02:05:00 Nick Fuentes discusses his experiences moving to Osu in 2013, and how it was less than a year before he moved out. He then discusses his experiences living in Dublin, and how he was arrested at a mega church there. He concludes the video by talking about his experiences living in Osu again, and how it has changed since he last lived there.
  • 02:10:00 Nick Fuentes and his friends talk about their experiences with Pokémon and Ben Shapiro. Joe discusses how he became more violent after moving to Ohio, and Matt suggests a game show. Ariel chooses to battle magicist one-on-one. Joseph, captain snacks, and Matt end up competing against magic.
  • 02:15:00 <could not summarize>
  • 02:20:00 In this YouTube video, Nick Fuentes talks with Ben Shapiro about Pokémon and their rivalry. Spec, an AI Pokémon, was originally supposed to be a contender, but left the lineup. The audience votes between a small phallic object, Ariel, Matt Jar Jose, and Zero Ron to determine who will enter the final round. Ariel is eliminated, and the final round will be between Matt Jar Jose and Zero Ron.
  • 02:25:00 In this YouTube video, Nick Fuentes talks about his experiences dating, including some funny stories about Matt Joseph and Ariel Ghosted him. In the next few seconds, the vote will be taken for who will win the competition - Matt Joseph or Magicus.
  • 02:30:00 In this video, Nick Fuentes and Ben Shapiro talk about Pokémon and Shapiro's recent debate with Matt Jojo. Shapiro criticizes Fuentes for his involvement in the Pokémon craze and argues that the series is rigged in favor of children. Fuentes responds that he has spent time with each of the contestants and that they are all biased against him. They then play a game in which each contestant must answer a question without giving away the answer. Shapiro wins the game, but Fuentes points out that the audience can vote on who they like the best and he doesn't care if the answers are right or wrong.
  • 02:35:00 In this YouTube video, Nick Fuentes interviews Ben Shapiro about Pokémon. Shapiro criticizes Fuentes for choosing bacon as his favorite Pokémon, and Magic responds by saying that if winning means rejecting bacon, he doesn't want to win.
  • 02:40:00 Nick Fuentes discusses Pokémon and Ben Shapiro. Fuentes claims that Pokémon is a corporate champion and that it's up to the individual to try to be the most cringe-worthy. He also discusses his love for tabletop games BattleTech and Vampire: The Masquerade.
  • 02:45:00 Nick Fuentes discusses his love of the DC comics universe and discusses some of the characters and storylines he is familiar with. He goes on to talk about how Marvel still doesn't have full rights to some of their characters, like Hulk, and how DC still owns some of their properties, like Sandman. He finishes the video by mentioning that he and his friend used to play a tabletop RPG game where they could play as different characters from the DC universe.
  • 02:50:00 <could not summarize>
  • 02:55:00 Nick Fuentes, a YouTube personality, talks about his love for Pokémon and Ben Shapiro, a conservative talk show host. Fuentes says that Shapiro is wrong about many things and that the Pokémon fandom is full of "nerds on ice."

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