Summary of 【年度】我的效率系统 2022 升级版(阅读篇) 001 【年度】我的效率系统 2022 升级版(阅读篇)

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00:00:00 - 00:20:00

In this section, the presenter discusses their 2022 personal efficiency system and shares their experience using various tools and software such as RareSearch and book management techniques. They reflect on their past experiences and successes, using them to inform their current approach to personal efficiency. The speaker emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement and the need to adapt and take advantage of new opportunities to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness. The section covers topics such as goal setting, reading, and task management.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the topic of their 2022 personal efficiency system, starting with an overview of the outline, which covers various aspects of efficiency such as reading, task management, and goal setting. The speaker then dives into each of these topics in-depth, discussing their experience using various tools and software such as RareSearch and book management techniques. They reflect on their past experiences and successes, using them to inform their current approach to personal efficiency. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement and the need to adapt and take advantage of new opportunities in order to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker describes their efficiency system for 2021 and discusses their reading workflow. They highlight the usefulness of using Revice, which automatically synchronizes content to their notes software, such as highlighting links to the original sources. The speaker also mentions that they use book support for different formats, including ebooks, email, news, and PDF. They emphasize that book reading has given them valuable insights and a greater understanding of the material. The speaker then discusses the importance of using margin notes to combine with a progressive summary method. They mention Tiago's CODA framework, which involves capturing, organizing, and destr extraction. They explain how this process involves fusing and linking elements together, resulting in a knowledge structure specific to the individual. The speaker then compares this method to a waterdrop-shaped pyramid structure, which involves filtering and extracting key concepts and transforming them into personalized note cards. This approach allows for the creation of a knowledge structure specific to the individual. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement and utilizing various resources to achieve their goals.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker demonstrates how to use Margin Note to read and study efficiently. They explain how the app's features can be used to complete tasks in a tedious process. The speaker shows how to read through a workflow by using Margin Note's Learning mode, which allows for easy navigation and quick access to information. They also show how to use hand-off and the Research tab to access information seamlessly across devices. The speaker also discusses how Margin Note's vast array of detailed notes and information can be exported for review and introductory purposes, making it easier to revisit and study information later. The speaker highlights some unique features of Margin Note, such as the ability to import a book's entire index structure within the app, and how users can navigate by using a visual model within Margin Note. Additionally, Margin Note's visual model and highlighters can be used to quickly locate relevant information, and the title link feature allows users to refer back to their notes while reading the source material. Overall, the speaker showcases Margin Note as a powerful suite of tools that can help users work more efficiently and effectively, allowing them to increase their work output while reducing risk. By leveraging Margin Note's advanced features and capabilities, users can immediately begin working on tasks and take control of their productivity.
  • 00:15:00 In this section of the video, the presenter discusses how to organize information within a system related to risk management and certifications. The presenter notes that risks are closely related to the organization of certificates within a system, indicating that examining risk related content and key concepts is often more beneficial when organized by the reader's needs and structure. The presenter offers two different ways to organize content: by following the author's structure or by organizing content according to the reader's own structure. The presenter acknowledges that there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach and suggests that if the reader lacks a foundation of strong concepts in the subject matter, they may prefer to learn from the author's structure first. If the reader has already gained a foundation of concepts related to the subject matter, they may prefer to organize content according to their own framework.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker emphasizes the concept of parallelism, which is similar to atomicity in notes. By adding notes' atomicity, they become more reusable, which can be seen by exporting them to wry search and then viewing the original atomized content from previous notes. The speaker also discusses how to use tags, highlights, links, and renresearch's attribution feature to connect materials while reading. The video's first part focuses on fragmentized reading and book reading, but it highlights the importance of book reading, even when the fragmented content is more than 80%.

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