Summary of Lopez Rega.

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00:00:00 - 00:25:00

Lopez Rega was a controversial figure in Argentine politics who was accused of masterminding the assassination of General Jorge Rafael Videla. He was also in charge of the presidential security detail and organizing the return of President Perón from exile. Lopez Rega died in Madrid in 1984.

  • 00:00:00 Lopez Rega is the mastermind behind Argentina's most infamous terrorist group, the ultraderechist, anticommunist "Argentine Anarchist Police" (APD), which would terrorize the country between 1973 and 1976. Lopez Rega was injured in an assassination attempt on Senator Hipólito Solari in 1973, which was allegedly carried out by the APD. Lopez Rega was born on October 17, 1916, and developed an interest in spiritual matters and religious matters by the time he was 27. He married Isabel Perón in 1944 and joined the Federal Police during Perón's first regime. Thanks to Velasco's support, Lopez Rega became an assistant secretary within the PPF and was later appointed head of the presidential security detail. He became close to Perón's three wives- Aurelia "Tyson" Perón, Evita Perón, and Maria "Estela" Martínez Cartas- and claimed to know them very well. It was Estela who would leave the most significant marks on Lopez Rega's history. In 1965, while living in exile in Spain, Isabel arrived in Argentina on a mission from her husband, Augusto Vándor, leader of the Peronist Revolutionary Army
  • 00:05:00 In 1971, after six years in exile, President Perón returned to Argentina. Lopez Rega was his personal secretary and spiritual adviser, and was instrumental in his return. After the Justicialist victory in the 1973 elections, Lopez Rega became Minister of Social Welfare, a position he retained until his death in 1984. He was a controversial figure, as he was simultaneously in charge of a ministry with a large budget and responsible for fighting the left wing of Perón's movement. On July 13, 1973, after months of preparation, Perón returned to Argentina in a triumphant ceremony. Lopez Rega was in charge of organizing the event. In 1984, after Perón's death, Lopez Rega became a controversial figure once again. He was accused of masterminding the assassination of General Jorge Rafael Videla, which many believe was carried out by the Montoneros paramilitary group. Lopez Rega died in Madrid in 1984.
  • 00:10:00 Lopez Rega is a recently appointed foreign mission president who, when his predecessor falls, is left with the opportunity to take over as President of Argentina. Lopez Rega's candidacy is met with skepticism from many in the political establishment, as his health is questionable - he may only last a few months in the new job. Vice President becomes key part of the political leadership's plan, as they understand that Lopez Rega can easily take control of the government through his influence over Isabel. Lopez Rega has recently published an important meeting. Today, Argentina's youth are rallying behind President Perón in support of his candidacy for Vice President. However, Lopez Rega also has the ambition to take over the Presidency, and his meetings with Ricardo Balbín, leader of the Radical Civic Union, haven't yielded an agreement. Perón meets with the Youth Peronist leadership on 4 August, but Lopez Rega remains present throughout the meeting. The meeting ends with Perón appointing Lopez Rega as his successor, and the organization becomes known for its paramilitary activities. Exile begins to take its toll on Perón, and on 23 September 1973, his original vice president, Héctor José Cámpora, takes over as President after winning the presidential elections with over 60
  • 00:15:00 The Lopez Rega organization is made up of former police officers who were expelled from the force for serious crimes. They were then re-hired by Raul Lastiri through a presidential decree. They were joined by thugs from the orthodox unions, the peronist radical right, and the peronist youth movement. The triple-a announces its first attacks while Lopez Rega is proud of his ministry's accomplishments. At this moment, the president continues his tour of mental hospitals. As president of the nation, he is responsible for guiding the nation in its mission. The rega group also participates in social action alongside Isabel through the cross-party foundation, Cruzada por la Solidaridad. This institution functions in close collaboration with the Ministry of Social Welfare, from which it administers private contributions and collects lottery revenue. The lady of Perón, like General Perón, have this ministry as their caste and as the task of the lady of Perón at the foundation will be very similar to what this ministry does, it is natural that she wants to see how it is run and what its mechanism is, but she is not here at her home if she wants to see the offices, she has them all. Minister of Health, Law, and Order,
  • 00:20:00 Notably, bombings are increasing throughout the country, and on July 31, 1974, Rodolfo Ortega Peña, a prominent national and political prisoner lawyer, is assassinated. This crime is followed by the murders of Juan José Varas, a government officials from the government of Obregón Cano, and Alfredo Curuchet, an attorney for political prisoners, both members of the Gremialista Party. Rodolfo Ortega Peña, Silvio Frondizi, and Julio Troxler, all brothers of the former President of Argentina, Evita Perón, are also assassinated. The list of political assassinations continues to grow, including the deaths of dozens of anonymous left-wing political activists, Peronists, and journalists. On September 6, 1974, Mario Firmenich, the Minister of Public Security, announces in a press conference that Montoneros has decided to again go into hiding. What is Montoneros' position with respect to the national government, with respect to the national government, we have maintained that when Javier Perón was logical and natural to assume the presidency, Isabel Perón would take over as Vice President, this does not mean our unconditional support for the government's management, rather,
  • 00:25:00 In 1975, ex-minister Lopez Rega fled to Spain after being accused of corruption and Generalissimo Francisco Franco's death. Isabel II, his former boss, pressured him to remain in the country and appoint him a plenipotentiary, but he refused, feeling that he could not stay and watch his crimes go unpunished. In 1986, Lopez Rega was arrested in Miami and extradited to Spain, where he was sentenced to death for several crimes. He died in Switzerland while awaiting trial.

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