Summary of Defender a un jugador que tiene balón | Baloncesto

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00:00:00 - 00:00:00

In this video, you will learn how to defend a player who has the ball. You will learn how to defend an attacker who can vote, if the attacker is voting, and if the attacker has stopped voting.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, you will learn how to defend a player who has the ball. You must be able to distinguish between these three situations: if the attacker can vote, if the attacker is voting, and if the attacker has stopped voting. First, you'll see how to defend an attacker who can vote. The important thing is to prevent the attacker from shooting or passing the ball. You'll need to place yourself between the basket and your opponent closing off his/her shooting path. Leave a distance of approximately one arm's length between the attacker and you. Place one hand below to keep him from passing and another hand in the air to block shots or passes. If your opponent is closer to the basket, move forward to try to block shots without jumping. If the attacker is quick and has the ball down low, give him some space to move around. Second, if the attacker is voting. The objective of the defender is to pressure the opponent so he/she doesn't advance or shoot. You'll need to tension your legs and position yourself close to the attacker, forcing him to direct himself towards the sideline. Keep your arms stretched out to block shots and obstruct the ball's path. If your opponent is faster than you, you'll need to retreat a

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