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The YouTube video "TUTORIAL 3, LOS TRES NIVELES DE TU CEREBRO" discusses the three levels of brain function: the primitive brain, the emotional brain, and the rational brain. The primitive brain is responsible for survival instincts and basic emotions, while the emotional brain is responsible for processing emotions. The rational brain is responsible for abstract thought, self-awareness, and self-control. The video concludes with a lesson on the second level, which covers the states of the self and personality traits.

  • 00:00:00 The brain is our center of command, at the level of the body, for our whole organism. The brain is located in the skull and it controls our behavior. It is a complex and highly evolved organ. Something that we all need to learn to use and about which there is little known knowledge among people. The brain can be a powerful resource or a source of their greatest disasters because the brain is where behavior is controlled. Now, let's take a look at a model created by x + león, which is the brain triune / model. This model is an adaptation to describe reality that is useful. It is not perfect, there is no perfect information, simply useful. Models are forms of us understanding and explaining reality. Because the model of Makled is useful, it shows the development of that apparatus in tremendous detail. Over time, with the development of time, other structures were created and a structure emerged that is between the reptilian brain and the crescent-shaped structure called the cerebrum colliculus. This brain lobe, the límbico, or limbic system, processes emotions. It operates in interaction with the cortex to generate stereotyped reactions, or pre-programmed, for organisms that use it.
  • 00:05:00 The first layer of our brain is called the "reptilian" or "primitive" brain due to its similarity to the brains of reptiles. This layer is made up of the spinal cord, brainstem, and cerebellum. Primitive brain functions include survival programs and reflexes aimed at keeping us alive. This brain is also responsible for basic emotions, such as fear and aggression. Some basic skills, such as martial arts, can be learned through neural training, which can improve reflexes and programming in the primitive brain.
  • 00:10:00 The purpose of this video is to explain the three levels of brain function. The first level is the primitive brain, which is composed of different structures that are created when other species of animals are combined, such as mammals and reptiles. This system processes emotions, such as changing chemical levels in the body through neurotransmitters and hormones. Above this system is the cerebral cortex, which has a límbico structure and a cortex that modulates chemical levels. This system allows for learning, memory formation, and exploration, which is why mammals surpassed reptiles in brain function. The emotional system is composed of neurotransmitters and hormones that lead to specific responses in behaviors stereotyped, or those that reflect six basic emotions and their gradations. This system also allows for behavioral changes that predispose a person to a certain type of action, such as laughter and happiness to sadness and fear. Finally, the system is integrated with the autonomic nervous system and emotions occur before we are aware of them, which is a fundamental part of this system. This system operates 12 times faster than our conscious level of awareness, and you can see this with the primitive brain operating at a speed of 20 times faster than the neocortex. The last level of brain function is the neocortex, which comes
  • 00:15:00 The narrator discusses the three levels of brain activity: the primitive brain, the emotional brain, and the rational brain. We cannot control our emotions, but we can control our response to emotions, which is demonstrated by the example of a person who can't control getting angry, but can control how angry they are and the consequent effects on their behavior. The neocortex, located in the frontal lobe, enables abstract thought, self-awareness, and creativity. It allows us to think about the future, analyze the past, and organize ourselves. It creates extraordinary conditions for learning and modifying reality.
  • 00:20:00 This video covers the three levels of brain function, from perjudicial to beneficial. At the perjudicial level, our weak or useless areas of the brain are controlled by others, so we need to learn to manage our brain and use its strengths in each area. Keys to this are understanding our individual strengths, modifying what we can modify, and using our brain's power for our benefit, not someone else's. This first diplomado in intelligence and emotional intelligence is about breaking through the barriers to understanding and taking action. Participants in the forum will receive additional information. The video concludes with a lesson on the second level, which covers the states of the "I" (ego), and temperament. Welcome to this first step in learning how to use your brain to become more effective and fulfilled.
  • 00:25:00 The brain is where behavior is controlled, and in this tutorial, you'll learn about the three levels of brain development. The brain tribune model is an explanation of reality that serves as an operational tool. It is not perfect, and there is no perfect information. Models are useful ways for us to understand and explain reality. The model of Makled is useful 2. It shows the development of that amazing apparatus, the brain, and its main structures. The first structure of the brain is the reptilian and tree-like complex of the brain of vertebrates or brain primitive. The brain primitive evolved over 500 million years ago in vertebrates. Before that, there were brain-containing organisms. These organisms reacted to reality because the cells were sensitive and living organisms. A group of animals developed a structure to integrate sensory information and process it. This led to the development of the reptilian brain, which was specific to vertebrates and has a series of characteristics. Hello. With the development of time, over the brain reptilian was created other structures, and a structure between the brain reptilianian and cortex was created- the brain límbico or the structures límbico- which is the system that processes emotions.
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses the three levels of brain function, which are the safe zone, the primitive brain, and the conscious brain. The safe zone is where we are prevented from taking risks and engaging in activities by the brain's safety mechanism because there is a brain that is afraid of danger and risk and will stay in the safe zone, even if the routines have lost all meaning and usefulness. The primitive brain reacts 20 times faster than the conscious brain, which means that it acts in reflex mode. We can train the primitive brain by changing its genetic programs. The primitive brain is composed of a reactive brain, a brain that operates based on fixed reaction patterns, and a cortex, which is above the primitive brain and modulates the brain's chemical structure. The important thing to understand is that we understand that these brain components were formed when other species were joined together, such as mammals and mammals. We have a process-driven brain that generates emotions, which results in changes in the body's chemistry through neurotransmitters and hormones. We also have a limbic system, which is above the primitive brain and controls our emotions, and a cortex, which is above the limbic system and controls our thoughts.
  • 00:35:00 The three levels of brain activity are used to create emotions, reactions, and rapid responses that have to do with survival and, in contrast to reptiles, who stay within fixed zones and don't improvise the limbic system, allows learning, memory fixation, and exploration, which led to mammals surpassing reptiles in emotional system development. There are neurotransmitters and hormones that lead to specific responses in behaviors that are stereotyped, meaning we have behaviors that reflect the six basic emotions and their gradations, which change our body and change our internal state, predisposing us to a certain kind of action, such as laughter and happiness to sadness and fear. From anger and annoyance to embarrassment and revulsion, all these emotions have different levels of recording, and that level of degradation is what generates emotional wealth, but all emotions involve a change in physical energy to produce a response in our behavior. Emotions provide energy for reacting and acting, and also allow us to learn and not create memories and open the possibility of exploring and expanding the world, the appearance of the limbic system involved a revolution at the level of species because it allowed memory and learning. Emotions occur before we're aware of them, and that level of degradation is what generates
  • 00:40:00 This video covers three levels of brain function: primitive, limbic, and neocortex. The neocortex is responsible for abstract thinking, self-awareness, and self-control. It also allows us to project the future and analyze the past. This course is designed to help you learn how to use your brain to its fullest potential.
  • 00:45:00 This first lesson takes notes. Join the forum for evaluation. Connect with the community for extra information. We'll see you in the forum and then for lesson 2, which will cover states of the self and personality traits. Welcome.

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