Summary of Las 4 claves de la semana bolsas y economía 24 9 2022 Cárpatos

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The video discusses the four key points for the week in stocks and economy. The summary of the video is that while the markets are down, there are still some good things going on. José Luis recommends watching "The Crown" on Netflix to get caught up on current events.

  • 00:00:00 This week, José Luis Cárpatos discusses the four key points for the week in stocks and economy. The summary of the video is that while the markets are down, there are still some good things going on. José Luis recommends watching "The Crown" on Netflix to get caught up on current events.
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses the latest in stock markets and economics, focusing on the 4 key points for the week. The political and world situation is not very powerful, I believe, and the first season of "The Handmaid's Tale" on HBO is starting, so I'm watching it. So far, I'm not disappointed. The first and second episodes are very in-line with what is in the series as a whole - a very intense dramatic series with a powerful message. I recommend it highly. I discovered a small treasure on Movistar TV when I started watching "Billy the Kid" series. I'm not a big Western fan, to be honest, so I was a little bit saturated with Westerns. I discovered a series about Bill and the childrenfamous pistolero, Billy the kid, and it's well done. It has a lot of message depth. It's more than a series about Billy the kid - it's a historical film. You can see how life was back then, and that's still relevant today. I think it's important to remember that everyone has their own opinion, so I'm not going to try to give advice here. You should go and do your own analysis. I'm going to tell you
  • 00:10:00 In this week's video, "Las 4 claves de la semana bolsas y economía 24 9 2022 Cárpatos," market analyst Carlos Cárpatos outlines the key points he covers in each weekly video. This week's focus is on the stock market's recent volatility and how to prepare for potential future downturns.
  • 00:15:00 The video explains the two claves to this week's market: the stock market crash and the Federal Reserve's willingness to provide liquidity. The video also talks about the demand and supply of orders for the 'buy side' of the stock market.
  • 00:20:00 The video provides information on the current state of the stock market, including the volatility of stocks and how it is affecting the economy. It also discusses the importance of bonds, explaining that while stocks are more volatile, bonds are more important because they are a store of value. The speaker concludes the video by explaining that despite the stock market volatility, banks and insurance companies will still benefit from high interest rates as long as they are not too high.
  • 00:25:00 This video discusses the current stock market condition and provides four key tips for investing. The video notes that the stock market has been in a very negative curve for the past two years, and that it is in a very invertible state- meaning that it has reversed completely within two years. The video also discusses how the Japanese yen has been playing a key role in the market conditions, and how it has adversely affected both American and European investors. The video provides a brief description of how the yen has been weakening in value for the past 24 years, and how this has made it hard for Japanese investors to cover their risk with American-based assets. The video concludes by recommending that investors keep an open mind and be prepared to adjust their strategies as the market changes.
  • 00:30:00 In the video, host Cristina Cárpato points out that the pound sterling has fallen dramatically against other currencies, and this has caused a wave of selling in British government bonds. She goes on to say that this is due to a brutal sale of British government bonds, which are backed by various other foreign government bonds. This has caused the British pound to fall, and this has affected a range of assets. For example, the American bond market has fallen as well, with 10-year yields falling by 0.4% and 30-year yields falling by 3%. Walker concluded that there was no other way to control inflation other than by continuing to raise interest rates. This has caused two consecutive recessions in the United States--the first in the 1980s, and the second in the 2000s.
  • 00:35:00 The video discusses a complex economic model that some economists are using to predict what the country's GDP might be in October. They usually get it quite a bit early, which is good because by the end of August, the indicator showed that things were slowly starting to normalized, with a growth rate of almost 2.6%. However, look at where we are now... 0.3% increase in growth, and the predictions are again negative, leading to a trend of negative one again. The trend suggests that by the end of this month, the GDP might be negative. And then, the next week's prediction will give us enough data to make a more or less accurate prediction. However, this is only based on 0.3%. If this number turns out to be negative, we're talking about three consecutive negative quarters. How can you not be recessionary when you have that kind of data? The blue line in the graph indicates moderate growth, while the blue line below that, indicating a negative trend, is becoming more frequent. The yellow line, which indicates a neutral trend, is also becoming more frequent. So, everyone needs to get their act together and start investing in places where they can make a lot of money, rather than just blindly
  • 00:40:00 Individuals have shown a great degree of pessimism in the stock market here, with the bearish camp increasing its share from 46% to 60.9%. This is very difficult to see, as there has only been a percentage of bearish sentiment this high in four previous occasions before. This would be the fifth time. We are then presented with an extreme of negativity among individual investors theoretically, as this survey has always been held by me. Here is a historical graph showing this trend. We are in one of the weeks with the most bearish stock market history. Only this one remains. And I don't see anymore. I have never seen this before. Web sentimental, a very influential website in the market, released this graph which caused the earthquake. It published this along with a study which said that each time the market has shown more than 60% of alcistas, the next year there have been very few occurrences of those stocks becoming alcistas again. In the four previous occasions when this occurred, the market had bottomed out within a year afterwards. Vespac, a large financial analysis firm, immediately released an analysis after the graph was released warning its readers to not jump into the pool prematurely
  • 00:45:00 This video discusses how stock prices are trending downward and how the current market conditions are similar to those experienced in 2008 and 2000. It predicts that a buying opportunity will soon arise, but cautions that it is risky to invest blindly.
  • 00:50:00 Inflation is one of the challenges the economy will face in the future, and it is something that the Federal Reserve is closely watching. In a recent study, JP Morgan recommended buying stocks when the prices fall, as this is a sign that the economy is weakening and that the inflation rate may decrease. However, investors should be aware that the stock market is susceptible to sudden changes in the inflation rate, which may not reflect the true reality of the economy. Therefore, even if the inflation rate decreases by 0.3 per month on average, the effect on the stock market will be large.
  • 00:55:00 This week, the four key points of the week's economy were discussed in a video. One of the points was that the market has moved in reaction to the war in Ukraine, with stocks dropping when the topic is mentioned. One of the banks that is influential on Wall Street changed its investment strategy and went from bullish to bearish. They expect the stock market to go down to around 3,600 in the near future. They also say that the war in Ukraine is causing a lot of pain for the Euro, as it goes up when the topic is discussed and down when it's not.

01:00:00 - 01:10:00

The video provides an overview of the current market conditions and discusses how they may lead to a market rebound. It offers advice on how to prepare for such a rebound by investing in smaller, more volatile companies. The video also points out that the current market conditions are not normal and that there are few opportunities like this in years.

  • 01:00:00 The video discusses the current market conditions, and provides tips on how to avoid getting caught in a market crash. It provides a historical perspective on market crashes and discusses the risks of investing in risky assets. The speaker concludes that there is no clear exit strategy for investors in risky assets, and that the current market conditions are indicative of a potential market crash.
  • 01:05:00 The video discusses the current market conditions, and how they may lead to an eventual market rebound. It provides advice on how to prepare for such a rebound, by investing in smaller companies that are typically more volatile. It also points out that the current market conditions are not normal, and that there are few opportunities like this in years.
  • 01:10:00 The video discusses how to trade stocks and bonds, and how to watch for news about water safety and other stories to stay up to date on technical analysis. It also mentions that the next JP Morgan stock exchange opening will be on Monday, and that it is possible for the stock to go up by a large amount, which could cause big movements in the market.

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