Summary of Red de frio para la conservación, manejo y transporte de vacunas.

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this section, the speaker welcomes the audience to a virtual session on the cold chain for vaccine preservation , handling, and transportation. They introduce Beatriz Consuelo Mayorga Contreras as an expert in the field and emphasize the importance of proper vaccine management in combatting the COVID-19 pandemic. The speaker also expresses gratitude for the continued participation of the audience. In this section, Mayorga Contreras discusses the concepts of the cold chain for vaccine preservation and the importance of maintaining the quality of vaccines from production to administration. She highlights the need for proper refrigeration and storage, whether in cold rooms, refrigerators, or freezers. Consuelo emphasizes that adherence to storage protocols is crucial to ensure the effectiveness of vaccines in protecting the population. In this section, the speaker stresses the importance of maintaining the temperature range for vaccine preservation, emphasizing the significance of keeping the vaccine within the established temperature range. Risks to the effectiveness of the vaccine include improper storage time, exposure to temperatures outside the recommended range, and exposure to sunlight or contaminants. Proper vaccine handling and management require knowledge and care, as it's more than just placing vials in a designated area. The distribution of vaccines also requires systematic procedures and control to ensure proper tracking of vaccine inputs and outputs at all levels. In this section, the speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining control and proper procedures during the transportation of vaccines, noting that vaccines should not be stored beyond their expiration dates. The speaker mentions different types of transportation, including refrigerated units and using public or official vehicles, and stresses the need for basic knowledge and training to handle vaccines properly. They also emphasize the individual responsibility of each person involved in handling vaccines to maintain the appropriate temperature and ensure their potency. In this section, Mayorga Contreras discusses the importance of maintaining the cold chain for vaccine preservation, management, and transportation. She highlights the use of refrigerated boxes equipped with temperature sensors and thermal insulation and the continuous nature of the process. She emphasizes the need for proper labeling and identification of vaccines and the use of dedicated refrigerators and freezers for the vaccination program. The speaker reminds that failure to adhere to the cold chain can result in the loss of immunological potency and may lead to ineffective vaccinations.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker welcomes the audience to a session on the cold chain for the preservation, handling, and transportation of vaccines. They introduce Beatriz Consuelo Mayorga Contreras as an expert in this field. The speaker emphasizes the importance of proper vaccine management in combating the COVID-19 pandemic. They also express gratitude for the continued participation of the audience in virtual events despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, Beatriz Consuelo Mayorga Contreras discusses the concepts of the cold chain for vaccine preservation and the importance of maintaining the quality of vaccines from production to administration. She highlights the need for proper refrigeration and storage, whether in cold rooms, refrigerators, or freezers. Consuelo emphasizes that adherence to storage protocols is crucial to ensure the effectiveness of vaccines in protecting the population.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, the importance of maintaining the temperature range for vaccine preservation is emphasized. By keeping the vaccine within the established temperature range, its quality and immunogenic power are preserved, enabling it to effectively prevent vaccine-preventable diseases. Risks that can diminish the immunogenic power of the vaccine include improper storage time, exposure to temperatures outside the recommended range, and exposure to sunlight or contaminants. Proper vaccine handling and management also require knowledge and care, as it involves more than just placing vials in a designated area. Distribution of vaccines also requires systematic procedures and control to ensure proper tracking of vaccine inputs and outputs at all levels.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining control and proper procedures during the transportation of vaccines. While there are measures in place to ensure the quality and temperature of vaccines when they reach the state or national warehouse, it becomes difficult to control once they are transported to local or municipal levels. This highlights the individual responsibility of each person involved in handling vaccines to maintain the appropriate temperature and ensure their potency. The speaker mentions different types of transportation, including refrigerated units and using public or official vehicles, stressing the efforts made by healthcare workers to reach even the most remote areas. It is crucial for those transporting vaccines to have basic knowledge and training to handle them properly. Overall, maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of vaccines during transportation is vital in preventing the spread of diseases and maintaining public health.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of maintaining the cold chain for vaccine preservation, management, and transportation. They mention that refrigerated boxes are equipped with temperature sensors and thermal insulation to ensure the vaccines' temperature is monitored throughout the journey. The cold chain is a process that must be continuous, as any breaks in the chain can compromise the quality of the vaccines. It is emphasized that vaccines should not be stored beyond their expiration dates, and there are specific maximum storage times at national, jurisdictional, and local levels. The speaker highlights the need for dedicated refrigerators and freezers for the vaccination program and cautions against using them for other purposes. Failure to adhere to the cold chain can result in the loss of immunological potency and may lead to ineffective vaccinations.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the importance of using refrigerants exclusively for the vaccination program is emphasized to avoid contamination and errors. It is crucial to maintain the vaccines at a temperature between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius, whether they are at national, state, or jurisdictional levels. The guidelines now allow for opened vials to be returned as long as they meet certain criteria and are kept within the temperature range. The use of cold storage chambers is recommended at national, state, and jurisdictional levels, with the reminder that these chambers should only be used for vaccines and not for storage of other products. These chambers should have closed and sealed walls, as well as lighting, communication systems, emergency power, and visual and auditory alarm systems to monitor temperature deviations.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the temperature requirements and proper handling of pre-chambers and ultra-freezers in the vaccine cold chain network. They emphasize the need for pre-chambers to maintain temperatures between 12 to 16 degrees Celsius to prevent vaccine exposure to extreme temperatures. Additionally, ultra-freezers have become an important component in vaccination due to the characteristics of modern vaccines, such as the COVID-19 vaccine, which require temperatures below -70 degrees Celsius. It is crucial to ensure that ultra-freezers are kept at the appropriate temperature, with ambient temperatures between 15 to 20 degrees Celsius. The speaker highlights the importance of continuous and remote temperature monitoring, as well as regular defrosting and cleaning of the ultra-freezers. They also discuss the requirements for refrigerators used for universal vaccination programs, including capacity, temperature control, and the use of stainless-steel baskets to store vaccines. It is essential to maintain the stability of refrigerators by using refrigerant packs and avoiding contact between the vaccine and other items stored inside the refrigerator.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker explains the importance of using freezer packs and water bottles for maintaining the cold air circulation inside the refrigerator used for storing vaccines. These elements ensure stability and quick temperature recovery every time the refrigerator is opened. The speaker also discusses the proper organization of vaccines inside the refrigerator, suggesting that certain vaccines be placed on specific shelves. It is emphasized that vaccines should not be stored in plastic bags, and proper labeling and identification of vaccines is crucial. Additionally, the speaker gives instructions on how to clean and maintain the refrigerator, including defrosting, disinfecting, lubricating, and checking the level of the refrigerator.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of cleaning and maintaining refrigerators and freezers used for storing vaccines. They emphasize the need to remove dust and stabilizing the temperature before placing the vaccines back in the refrigerator. Freezers used for storing vaccines should meet certain criteria, such as maintaining a temperature of at least -18 degrees Celsius, having a control device, stainless steel interior, and being exclusive for vaccines. The speaker also mentions the use of thermal boxes for transporting vaccines, which are designed to maintain the temperature inside. They highlight the importance of monitoring the temperature during transportation and replacing the dry ice to ensure the vaccine's efficacy. Additionally, the speaker reminds the audience of the sensitivity of thermoses and the need to handle them properly to maintain the vaccine's potency.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of properly preparing and using a thermos for the conservation and transportation of vaccines. They emphasize that a thermos, when prepared and handled correctly, can maintain the normal temperature for up to 36 hours. However, they caution against relying solely on a thermos and stress the need for regular maintenance and cleaning. The speaker advises that thermoses should be cleaned daily and checked for any damages or leaks. They also highlight the importance of properly sealing the thermos and ensuring that the refrigerant packs are intact and filled with water, not any other substances. Additionally, the speaker advises against placing anything on top of the thermos during transportation to allow for proper airflow. Finally, they explain the process of preparing the thermos, including the recommendation to let the refrigerant packs condense naturally rather than placing them under running water.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of proper temperature control when handling vaccines. They emphasize that vaccines should not be exposed to extreme temperatures, as they can freeze and become ineffective. The speaker emphasizes the need to calibrate thermometers and record temperatures to ensure that vaccines are stored at the correct temperature. They also mention the different types of thermometers that can be used to monitor temperature, including digital thermometers, alcohol thermometers, and data loggers. The speaker stresses that maintaining the cold chain and monitoring temperatures are crucial steps in guaranteeing the quality and effectiveness of vaccines.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of maintaining the desired quality of vaccines by monitoring temperature graphs in the refrigerator. They emphasize the need to analyze these graphs monthly to ensure that the vaccines have been stored at the appropriate temperature. This is crucial in cases of cold chain accidents, as the temperature graphs serve as evidence of how the vaccines were kept during transportation. The speaker also mentions other control measures such as recording temperatures at least twice a day, tracking the movement of vaccines from the national level to health units, and maintaining clear records of vaccine usage and any losses or discrepancies. They highlight the legal implications of not properly documenting vaccine distribution and emphasize the responsibility of healthcare professionals in ensuring the proper utilization of vaccines. Another important control measure mentioned is labeling opened vials with the date and time of opening to ensure adherence to the recommended usage period. The speaker warns against the habit of discarding opened vials at the end of the day without documenting the time of opening, as this can lead to errors and improper vaccine usage.

01:00:00 - 01:35:00

In this YouTube video, the speaker discusses the importance of properly managing and maintaining the cold chain for vaccines. They highlight the need for accurate labeling and tracking of vaccine vials, regular temperature monitoring, and verification of equipment functioning. The speaker emphasizes the significance of having an emergency plan and training personnel on handling the cold chain. They stress the importance of timely notification and reporting of cold chain accidents, as well as proper management and disposal of expired vaccines. The speaker also touches upon hygiene practices and the role of the National Guard in the COVID vaccination program. Overall, the video emphasizes the importance of maintaining the integrity and quality of vaccines throughout the storage and transportation process.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of properly managing and maintaining the cold chain for vaccines. They explain that it is crucial to label vaccine vials and accurately track their usage to ensure that vaccines are still effective and safe to administer. They also emphasize the need to regularly monitor the temperature of refrigerators and verify the proper functioning of the equipment. Additionally, the speaker highlights the importance of having an emergency plan in case of any failures or accidents in the cold chain system. This includes identifying designated units to store vaccines safely and establishing communication channels between relevant areas and personnel responsible for the cold chain. Overall, they emphasize the significance of maintaining the integrity and quality of vaccines throughout the storage and transportation process.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, the speaker emphasizes the importance of training and capacitación to ensure that the vaccine remains within the appropriate temperature range. This includes training healthcare personnel as well as non-healthcare staff like cleaners and security personnel on the proper handling of the cold chain. They also stress the need for supervision and evaluation of the cold chain at all levels of healthcare facilities. A contingency plan is also highlighted as a crucial document to establish what actions should be taken in case of a cold chain accident, with clear communication channels and a visible directory of responsible parties. Additionally, the speaker notes that data on temperature exposure should be collected and reported nationally to determine the viability of the vaccine. Overall, ensuring the quality of the vaccine and maintaining its immunological capacity is of utmost importance in the event of a cold chain accident.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, the speaker emphasizes the importance of verifying the temperature and time of occurrence when there is an issue with the cold chain network. They recommend checking the plug and connection, identifying the possible cause of the failure, and contacting the appropriate person in case of an accident. They also mention the need for coordination and having refrigerant packages available for immediate use. The speaker stresses the potential consequences of delays and exposure to vaccines due to mishaps in the cold chain network, including the loss of vaccine efficacy. They highlight the importance of notifying the appropriate authorities and documenting the incident to avoid potential repercussions. Additionally, they encourage continuous temperature monitoring and immediate action to assess and rectify the issue.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the process of reporting a cold chain accident and emphasizes the importance of timely notification. They explain that not only the incident report but also temperature graphs from the past three months must be submitted to experts for analysis. The experts will determine if the vaccines can still be used. The report should be sent to the local level within a day, but it is crucial to notify the national level promptly. Failure to do so may result in the loss of vaccines and the responsibility for the cost. The speaker also highlights the significance of accurately documenting the vaccine involved and its price. They conclude by mentioning the importance of recording the temperature at the time of the accident and any subsequent temperature changes if the vaccine is transferred to another health unit.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker explains the importance of proper management and disposal of expired vaccines in the cold chain network. They emphasize the need for accurate records and evaluation of vaccines based on their characteristics and temperature exposure. The temperature requirements for refrigerators and thermos are discussed, with a range of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius. The number of bottles in the refrigerator depends on its capacity and the bottles should be spaced 2 to 5 centimeters apart. The speaker also mentions the importance of maintaining the integrity of lids and the need for proper sanitization during vaccination activities, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 01:25:00 In this section, the speaker emphasizes the importance of following hygiene practices such as handwashing and mask-wearing, rather than relying solely on gloves. They also mention that it is not obligatory for vaccinated personnel to reuse face shields, but it is crucial for them to wear masks and maintain hand hygiene. In response to another question about the role of the National Guard in the COVID vaccination program, the speaker explains that the vaccination process is separate from the universal vaccination program and is carried out through the "Operativo Correcaminos" led by multiple institutions, including the National Guard. They highlight the significance of nursing interventions in the vaccination process and assure that proper training and guidance are provided to auxiliary personnel and nursing students to ensure safe and effective vaccination practices.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the importance of the vaccination process in controlling preventable diseases. They also mention the procedure for deactivating empty vaccine vials and state that only vaccines with live viruses should be deactivated, preferably through heat processes such as autoclaving or boiling. The conference concludes with the speaker expressing gratitude to the guest lecturer and inviting participants to continue their engagement with the vaccination program and to consider certification. They extend a warm embrace and reiterate their admiration and appreciation.
  • 01:35:00 In this section, the speaker expresses their respect and gratitude towards the group for their immediate response in dealing with the pandemic. They particularly thank the College of Mexican Licensed Nurses and the Institute of Hispanic Nations for providing a useful digital space for communication. The speaker concludes with a farewell and thanks.

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