Summary of A Giant Jurassic Sea Dragon, Unearthed | Dean R. Lomax | TED

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00:00:00 - 00:10:00

In this TED talk, Dean R. Lomax discusses the discovery of a giant Jurassic sea dragon at a nature reserve. The team had to raise the water levels in order to find it, and then spent 14.5 days excavating it. The ichthyosaur was much larger than they thought, and the team also had to move fast to avoid further degradation. They were able to take the skeleton out of the ground and record the data before removing anything.

  • 00:00:00 Dean R. Lomax discusses the discovery of a giant Jurassic sea dragon skeleton in Rutland, England. The skeleton is currently being preserved and will be analyzed by Dr. Mark Evans to determine its significance.
  • 00:05:00 In this TED talk, Dean R. Lomax describes the discovery of a giant Jurassic sea dragon at a nature reserve. The team had to raise the water levels in order to find it, and then spent 14.5 days excavating it. The ichthyosaur was much larger than they thought, and the team also had to move fast to avoid further degradation. They were able to take the skeleton out of the ground and record the data before removing anything.
  • 00:10:00 In 2022, one year after finding an ichthyosaur skeleton 180 million years old in Rutland Water Nature Reserve, University of Manchester scientists announced the find on BBC Breakfast. They explain that the ichthyosaur is one of the Apex predators at the top of the food chain, is the UK's first ichthyosaur specimen brought to science, and that the skeleton will need to be cleaned and conserved before it is displayed at Rutland.

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