Summary of Sesión de la Cámara de Senadores | 01/12/2022 | República Oriental del Uruguay

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The Uruguayan Senate is discussing the issue of government spying on its members. They are concerned about the implications for democracy and rule of law, and are calling for a thorough investigation. The president of the republic has agreed to support the investigation.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, the Uruguayan Senate is discussing a written proposal from Sen. Gloria Rodríguez to create a common pension system for all Uruguayans, which would be administered by the Ministry of Development. There is some discussion of earlier missed sessions, as well as complaints about individual senators. The vote on Rodriguez's proposal is taken, and it is approved, with 23 in favor and 24 abstentions.
  • 00:05:00 The Senate is meeting today to consider a request for a quorum for a vote on a motion to declare the existence of a state of emergency due to espionage against two members of the opposition. The motion has been brought by the Frente Amplio, which is made up of members from the left and center parties. The motion is based on information that US security company Nati was hired to spy on the opposition members.
  • 00:10:00 The senators present a note of resignation, and the body is convened to appoint the lady Nidia Reich as senator, who has already given her promise to style. Many thanks, Madam President. In brief, on November 28th it was learned that the security company operating from the United States had tasked the former head of security at the presidential palace, Alejandro Atesiano, with compiling information on the senators opposed to the government-backed movement, known as the "Frente Amplio." The purpose of this intelligence-gathering operation was to tie the senators down so they could withdraw a criminal complaint against the Port of Montevideo. According to press reports, the company, known as Skytes, was founded by retired Uruguayan military personnel. We are now faced with a question of privileges--namely, the news that no one has denied of spying on the senators opposed to the government-backed movement, Mario Vergara and Charles Carreras. This event, which alarms us on its own, is only one in a series of criminal acts that have been carried out by an organization that included the former head of security at the presidential palace, Alejandro Atesiano. This organization used all the machinery
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses the situation of two Uruguayan senators, Vergara and Carrera, who have filed a criminal complaint against the government and its Belgian contractor, Vertical Sky, for an agreement between the government and the company. 15 days later, on 18 March, Vergara and Carrera ratified their criminal complaint at the prosecutor's office, and a few days later, on 20 March, Astesiano and Vertical Sky resumed their chat about the situation. The chat focuses on the purchase of two helicopters from a U.S. company, and on 4 August, Astesiano receives a message from a U.S. number that he doesn't recognize. The jefa de finanzas responds that the CEO of Vertical Sky will call him in 10 minutes. The CEO arrives on the phone, and the transcript shows that Astesiano provides him with the information he requested. The chat ends with the jefa de finanzas telling Astesiano that the CEO will call him in 10 minutes again.
  • 00:20:00 Four days after the transfer of money was affected, on August 8, Andres is the person who is written to again by the head of security presidential, Alejandro, who said you received the money we have There has been no new information so far on the conversation topic, which had changed a few days earlier, the head of vertical skyle had made inquiries about the purchase of airplanes of the air force a subject that would be mentioned in the next weeks in the office of artiste in the fourth floor of the executive tower was also released in the last hours the chats of artiste with the national director of police Hector Ferreira, in which they refer to senator Alejandro Sánchez and forgive for all those who are listening, but I have to say exactly what the subcomisario of the police, referring to senator Sánchez as a a dirty of a scourge a reverend person while they breathe those on the broad front not are going to change words between commas of the national director of police, Héctor Ferreira, the seriousness of the events exceeds the executive power and the president of the republic At some points in very sad times for our country's history, the broad front is
  • 00:25:00 The video discusses the senatorial session, in which a senator from Uruguay discusses the issue of her country being the victim of political espionage. She says that although she was initially angry, she has since come to understand that this is a serious issue and that it cannot be minimized. She thanks the body for debating the issue and, as a result, she has presented a motion asking for more information about her and her colleagues' personal information. It is also mentioned that Astesiano, the former head of presidential security, was involved in the spy operation.
  • 00:30:00 The Senate voted on a motion that presented the Front for a Broad Front. The motion calls for a thorough investigation into the facts of what occurred, as well as the objective events. The senator from the department of Rivera warned that the investigation may lead to the removal of a denuncia that was made about the port's delivery to Catonatí. The senator from the department of Rivera also mentioned the recent agreement between Uruguay and the company, which he believes is connected to the activities of the head of the presidential security. The investigation should include figuring out who hired the company, and why it has a connection to the president. The senators from the Front for a Broad Front hope that this investigation will be thorough and lead to the ultimate conclusion that Uruguayan democracy is always worth defending.
  • 00:35:00 The video discusses the situation of Uruguayan lawmakers, who are concerned about the recent revelations of government spying on them. The speaker explains that this is a political and institutional issue, but also a human one, and Uruguayan citizens are concerned too. The speaker expresses gratitude to all the people who have shown their support, both in person and through social media messages. The speaker concludes the video by stating that the issue is important, and that justice will decide what is true and what is not.
  • 00:40:00 The Uruguayan Senate held a session to discuss the possibility of Argentina being granted full diplomatic recognition. The senators discussed the importance of democracy and the rule of law, and expressed disapproval of the possibility. They also called for the restoration of democracy in Argentina and the punishment of those responsible for wrongdoing. This speech highlights the importance of Uruguay's democracy and its ability to stand up to threats.
  • 00:45:00 Senators hold a session to discuss the current political situation in Uruguay, and the importance of maintaining the country's democracy. They discuss how recent attacks on two of their members, Carrera and Vergara, reflect the danger of allowing anyone to be extorted or blackmailed in Uruguay's political system. The senators express their solidarity with the two senators targeted, and call for the power of the judicial system to be backed by the political will of the nation.
  • 00:50:00 The senator argues that it is important for senators to be willing to take responsibility for what has happened in Uruguay, and not to be negationists. They also discuss the need for the Senate to stand behind the judiciary, which is necessary for the maintenance of democracy. The president of the republic agrees and reiterates that the responsibility falls on the entire political system, not just the executive branch.
  • 00:55:00 The senators discuss a question of constitutional rights after two of them were targeted with private chats that they found compromising. The senators discuss their concerns and agree that the issue deserves to be addressed.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

In this YouTube video, various Uruguayan senators discuss the issue of corruption and political persecution. They express their concern about the current state of Uruguayan politics, and the speaker asks the president if she will order the police to investigate these incidents. The president responds that she is not responsible for the police's actions, and the meeting is ended.

  • 01:00:00 The Senate session discussed the issue of spyware, which many senators denounced as incompatible with a democratic system. Sen. Mario Vergara and Sen. Charles Carrera share that they were the target of spyware, with only the spyware itself not being an offence in Uruguay. This is because there is no specific law governing spyware, and it only exists in cases of espionage, which is not regulated in any way in Uruguay. The two senators have filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office, and will presumably be the ones to determine if the spyware was actually used to collect information about their private lives. The senators express their rejection of any behaviour that could influence their will, and reiterate that spyware does not exist in Uruguay.
  • 01:05:00 In this YouTube video, Uruguayan senator Javier Paniza Vázquez explains that he is a citizen of the Republic of Panama, lives in Boca Raton, Florida, and has a wife and child. He bought a home in Uruguay in 2014, using a mortgage he took out on his BMW X5. In 2019, his debt was settled by a collection agency after he failed to pay 170,000 U.S. dollars in outstanding bills. He also owns a company that specializes in recovering lost assets. In February 2020, his company filed a lawsuit against two Uruguayan senators, demanding they hand over a person they believed was using their information to commit espionage. Uruguayan authorities arrested the senator's husband and seized his car, but the case remains unresolved. Paniza Vázquez concludes the video by saying that the government has nothing to do with these events, and that the speculation is unfounded. He asks for silence so that the session can continue.
  • 01:10:00 The senator from Uruguay is discussing the issue of public corruption, which he believes is being perpetrated by the president's opponents. He refers to an incident in which one of the president's sons was insulted online. He asks the president if she will order the police to investigate these incidents. The president responds that she is not responsible for the police's actions, and the meeting is ended.
  • 01:15:00 The Uruguayan Senate session discussed the allegations of intimidation made against Sen. Mario Vergara. Several senators agreed that Vergara had not been the victim of any physical intimidation, but that he had been the target of political persecution. The president of Uruguay, Maria Jose Mujica, confirmed that the government was subject to intense political pressure. She also said that the government was cooperating with the investigation into Senator Astesiano.
  • 01:20:00 The following is a transcript excerpt of a YouTube video titled "Sesión de la Cámara de Senadores | 01/12/2022 | República Oriental del Uruguay" followed by a 1-paragraph summary of the video's main points. According to the video, a funcionaria at the Uruguayan Senate has requested the files of Sen. Charles Carrera, who has been accused of corruption. Carrera has denied the accusations, and the Senate is investigating the matter. The video also mentions that the same funcionaria was previously removed from her position for being involved in an investigation of Sen. Carrera.
  • 01:25:00 The speaker, a senator from the left, talks about how, in March 2020, he ran for office and lost to the incumbent, but then lost his job as a public servant. He thanks the president for allowing him to speak. He discusses how, despite being from different political backgrounds, they all seem to be united in their dismay about the current state of Uruguayan politics. The speaker then goes on to explain that the government is worried because the crisis is getting worse and everyday brings news of something more serious. He talks about how the current situation is similar to a " Pandora's Box" and how all of them are scared every day. Finally, the speaker says that the government should be concerned about this too, because it's one of their own who is responsible.
  • 01:30:00 The video discusses the case of an anesthesiologist who is being investigated for allegedly using his position to extort money from senators. The government claims that there was no spying, but the observer points out that this is not the first time that the government has been accused of wrongdoing. The chat logs between the anesthesiologist's number two in the police, who has taken a leave of absence, and the minister of interior show that the minister was aware of the anesthesiologist's role.
  • 01:35:00 The video discusses the case of a woman who was allegedly killed by her novio, and the Senate's investigation into the matter. It appears that the novio may have used violence against her as part of a domestic dispute, and yet no one from her family has been charged with her murder. Astesiano, the victim's neighbor who made the initial complaint to the police, has asked for the case to be investigated by intelligence services, and the Senate is discussing whether or not this should happen. The government is asking whether or not the novio, who is currently a senator, should be removed from his position.
  • 01:40:00 The video discusses how, according to senators, the government's recent attempt to pass a law granting amnesty to private actors who interfere in the political process is a grave issue. They state that, even if one does not agree with President Trump, it is unacceptable for private entities to interfere in the public's opinion. They also criticize Venezuela's Nicolás Maduro for his recent decision to shut down Twitter and Facebook. Finally, they mention how private actors have also been interfering in Uruguay's political process, most notably with the country's high levels of debt and drug addiction.
  • 01:45:00 The video discusses the opening of the Argentine Senate's session, in which Sen. Roberto Olivari (Frente Amplio, AR) asks about the investigation into the death of prosecutor Alberto Nisman. Olivari says that the investigation seems to be "real" but "bizarre," and that it is "disappointing" that information is being filtered. He worries that this will fuel political speculation and hamper the investigation. The video goes on to discuss a number of scandals in Uruguayan history, including one in which public funds were used unlawfully. It concludes with a warning that if the full extent of these scandals is not revealed, it may be because previous administrations are implicated.
  • 01:50:00 The Uruguayan Senate is discussing a request for a senator's licenciement, with one senator stating that personal reasons prevent him from attending the meeting. Several other senators express their solidarity with the two senators affected, and the meeting ends with a vote to approve the licenciement.
  • 01:55:00 The video discusses the issue of Uruguayan legislators being investigated and threatened with silence by the president's former security chief. The legislators discuss the implications of the investigations on various aspects of Uruguayan politics. The speaker notes that the investigations are not just about political differences between legislators, but also involve private business interests. The speaker concludes the discussion by noting the political implications of the investigations.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

The Uruguayan Senate is meeting to discuss the recent scandal involving the arrest and sale of the president's security guard. They are discussing the implications of the scandal, and how it could lead to a loss of respect for the government. They are also discussing the issue of espionage, and how to prevent further damage to the country's image.

  • 02:00:00 Two high-ranking government officials are being investigated for the same crime, and one senator has asked if the insults they directed at other senators would have been considered if the insults were directed at other government officials instead of another senador. The loss of authority and hierarchy in an organization can have serious consequences, and if this situation is not corrected it could lead to a loss of respect for the government itself. The problem is compounded by the fact that government officials in positions of authority are not held to the same standards as ordinary citizens.
  • 02:05:00 The video discusses the scandalous situation in which senators are being threatened with imprisonment for speaking out against government wrongdoing. It discusses the history of how parliamentary privileges protect legislators from such harassment, and quotes Aparicio Sarabia, who wrote in 1897 that patriotism is the powerrespected by its honorable deeds. Today, the senators of the Uruguay Republic are speaking out against these threats, and demand that all political parties take a clear stand on the issue.
  • 02:10:00 The video discusses the importance of the various sessions of the Uruguayan Senate, and how the recent leak of private conversations between lawmakers could have serious consequences for the country's political future. The speaker also mentions that other issues are more important to the Uruguayan people, and that, if legislators are not respected, they will not be able to do their job effectively.
  • 02:15:00 Today, the Senate is meeting to discuss an issue of great importance: the political and institutional crisis that has beset the Uruguayan government. The issue at hand is the arrest and sale of the president's security guard, who was then exchanged for an American company with a U.S. headquarters, allegedly because he was asked to make personal profiles of two Uruguayan senators--two of the politician's political opponents. The senators' defense team is concerned that they may be charged with crimes for carrying out their constitutional obligation to monitor the government's actions and to criticize and denounce what they believe to be wrong or not in accordance with law. According to information obtained by the press, the company in which high-ranking Uruguayan military officers have long been involved asked the secretary-general of the Astor family's business empire for information on two senators--particularly about the sale of naval ships. Furthermore, intercepted phone chats suggest that the government is attempting to discredit the senators by accusing them of treason for filing a treasonous complaint about an agreement the Astor family received to monopolize operations at the Montevideo port terminal for 60 years. So far, no one has denied the chats, which everyone has pointed to as evidence of government wrongdoing
  • 02:20:00 This video discusses the allegations against Interior Minister Luis Alberto Heber of attempted espionage and blackmail against legislators, and calls for his resignation. It also discusses the context of the allegations and Heber's past record of negligence.
  • 02:25:00 The head of security at the presidential palace received a request to spy on two senators, and how he will handle it is still being determined by the justice system. It is clear that he rejected the request, as he would have if it had been illegal, but he took it as a possible request and also received a payment from the company that made the request. This constitutes a significant amount more than an indication, and furthermore, it is essential to remember that this same parliament, in the case of the congress of deputies, formed a commission to investigate spy activity in 2016. After two years of work with bipartisan representation in parliament, the commission found that spy activity had been common between 1985 and 2005 and was condemned by all political parties and recently filed for prosecution. However, because the crimes had been prescriptive according to law at the time, in his report, the senator stated that spy activity had been confirmed, meaning even though many people deny it exists, it is recognized in all areas of society. Therefore, we are not talking about prehistoric practices or theory of conspiracies, we are talking about practices that were common among intelligence services and were confirmed by parliamentary investigations. Furthermore, administrative measures by the executive in the presidency of the republic in the ministry of interior in intelligence and
  • 02:30:00 The video discusses the sesión of the Senadores, in which there was no mention of any members of the opposition not attending. This is due to two of their members, Mario Vergara and Charles Carrera, having family ties. This is raising concern among some members of the opposition because some have family and others do not. Additionally, chats that refer to events that have caused public outcry were not mentioned in the press. These events are being investigated, and it is clear that they need a strong response from the political system as a whole. This means that those responsible for the investigation should be brought to justice, regardless of their political affiliation. It is also worth noting that the only thing that has caused public outcry is the knowledge of these internet chats and transfers. This raises suspicion as to who is behind the legislator, and whether he was spied on. As this is an unprecedented event, it is important to think objectively about what is happening. The evidence so far suggests that this is a case of corruption of high-ranking officials in the government. As this is a serious issue, we cannot let the opposition forget that judges, prosecutors, businessmen, military personnel, and journalists are all at risk.
  • 02:35:00 The Uruguayan Senate session discussed the situation with the resignation of the President of the Republic, and the investigation of the opposition party Colorado regarding the alleged sale of influence. The speaker, Sen. Daniel Orlesker, said that everyone in the room was lamenting the situation, but that they were all proud to be there to discuss the constitutional rights of this institution. They believe that the events analyzed are completely condemnable and must be fought against from outside, as they feel attacked both from within and outside of the institution. They believe that democracy, independence of powers, and the protection of individual rights are all in danger, and they are hopeful that the justice system will be able to get to the truth of these events. They are confident that the families of the people involved and the country as a whole will be protected by these institutions in the strongest way possible. They believe that the investigation needs to be given time to progress, and that the justice system should be allowed to do its job properly in order to protect the security of the country.
  • 02:40:00 The senator from Uruguay discusses the need for further investigations into the alleged involvement of a foreign company in the care of Uruguayan children. She believes that the president, as well as other members of the government, should be worried about this situation.
  • 02:45:00 The speaker discusses the at-tack on Uruguayan senators, which he believes was carried out with the intention of intimidating them and silencing them. He calls for an investigation into who is responsible, and asks the president to protect him from retaliation. He also speaks about the need to find a precedent for this kind of intimidation, and reminds the audience that it was during the dictatorship that these practices began. He ends by calling for those responsible to be identified and prosecuted.
  • 02:50:00 In this video, Senators discuss the seriousness of the current corruption situation in Uruguay, and call for an immediate meeting of the Senate's Commission on Security and Social Protection in order to discuss ways to improve transparency and prevent further damage to the country's image. The speaker also mentions the economy being politicized, and how when public transparency begins to decline, it is followed by economic problems.
  • 02:55:00 The senators are discussing a request for a leave of absence for one senator due to personal reasons. They are discussing how to vote on the leave of absence. They are also discussing the issue of espionage, which is defined as any act that relates to intelligence activities over the public, such as the interception of telephone calls or letters, or the examination of documents that are secret. The senators are discussing whether this definition covers all acts of espionage, or just those that are done without the consent of the judicial system.

03:00:00 - 04:00:00

In the video, senators discuss the importance of maintaining freedom of speech and freedom of the press. They discuss the threat to these rights posed by spyware and the Espionage Act of 1942. They also talk about the need for all political parties to work together to ensure these freedoms are always preserved.

  • 03:00:00 In the video, senators talk about the importance of maintaining freedom of speech and freedom of the press. They discuss the threat to these rights posed by spyware. They also talk about the Espionage Act of 1942, which applies only to military personnel, and the Law of 10.279, which was repealed six months later. They agree that only espionage that is against the state is punishable, and one senator points out that this is what was previously stated in a previous discussion. They express their agreement that the truth needs to be revealed in order to protect the rights of citizens.
  • 03:05:00 The video discusses how different opinions among lawmakers can damage the democratic process, and how it is important to always stand up for the Constitution and the interests of the people when it comes to investigating or calling for extraordinary measures in the Senate. The speakers suggest that, even if a party disagrees with a lawmaker, it should still work to agree on important issues in order to strengthen democracy. They also encourage lawmakers to be open to changing their opinions and stay committed to the principles of democracy.
  • 03:10:00 In this video, senators discuss the case of astesiano, a Uruguayan politician who is accused of using his position to secure fraudulent passports for Russian citizens. They discuss the various institutions involved and how they are working to ensure transparency and prevent any doubt about the legitimacy of investigations. They also discuss the need for all political parties to work together to ensure these freedoms are always preserved.
  • 03:15:00 The video discusses a possible scandal involving the purchase of aircraft for Uruguay's military, and it involves the Ministry of Defense, National Security, and the Interior Department. A person involved in the scandal is mentioned as the director of Uruguay's National Police, and then the Interior Department is mentioned. Finally, the issue of access to internal security resources is brought up, and it involves the Ministry of Interior. According to the transcript, 84,000 passports may have been tampered with, and social media and security camera data may also have been accessed without proper authorization. The government is in a precarious situation because of the lack of trust citizens have in its institutions.
  • 03:20:00 The video discusses an apparent conflict of interest involving a company that supposedly awarded campaign donations to Uruguayan senators. The senator in question, Carlos Carrera, has said he is not involved in the company, and the situation appears to be compromising his freedom and civil rights. It is important to remember that the legislature, as a whole, has the protection of its independence guaranteed by the separation of powers in a democracy. If it is determined that a secret investigation into the senator's life was actually conducted, this would be a serious violation of democratic norms and would reflect poorly on Uruguay's progress as a nation.
  • 03:25:00 The senators discuss the recent arrests of Spanish businessmen in Uruguay, and how these incidents could have been prevented if the government had been more transparent. They also discuss the recent scandal of a policeman being allowed to have unmonitored access to the president's security footage.
  • 03:30:00 The senators discuss some of the things that were said during the session, including that we should be focusing on other topics. I agree, and believe that we should be focusing on the serious issue of the situation Uruguayan citizens and citizens of Uruguay are facing with the crisis, poverty, the issue of these bombings, like the social security project, educational transformation, and others. I also think that the topic of the right to immunity should not be confused with the issue of whether or not to give the senators' trial the green light. We must be careful not to get bogged down in the details and confuse matters, as we would when we believe in justice. I fully support my fellow senators when they say that we should not let the issue of the senators' immunity stand in the way of justice. This is a very serious issue that affects our democracy and the social fabric of our country. We must all stand together and support our senators, regardless of their actions.
  • 03:35:00 In this video, Uruguayan senators discuss the issue of arrest and detention of legislators. Juan Castillo, a senator from the conservative Colorado Party, firmly and unequivocally declares that legislators should not be arrested or detained, and that this should be a matter of constitutional pride for Uruguay. He goes on to say that the purpose of the special protection given to legislators is to prevent them from being prevented from fulfilling their duties. Vergara, from the left-leaning Frente Amplio, argues that the privilege is not the responsibility of legislators, but rather that of the legislative power itself. However, Castillo points out that, regardless of the power dynamics at play, legislators always share a common interest in ensuring that their work is protected.
  • 03:40:00 The video discusses the session of the Senate, discussing how a senator, who claimed to have pressure applied to him not to file a formal complaint, was interrupted by the president. The senator then clarified that she was addressing what the senator was saying, not the senator himself. The president then allowed the interruption. The video then goes on to discuss how eleven other people were left out of the complaint, and how they may have been pressured not to sign it. The video ends with the president asking if the senator would like to speak. The senator says no, and the video ends.
  • 03:45:00 A debate about the constitutionality of voting by indicia, or mere evidence in an early stage of a criminal trial, took place in Uruguay's Senate. One senator argued that the evidence should be accepted as valid, while another argued that the principle of innocence should be upheld. The vote resulted in the proposal being accepted, despite opposition from some senators. This suggests that they believe there is probable cause to believe that the individuals being investigated had committed a crime.
  • 03:50:00 The following is a transcript of a speech given by senador Héctor Grossi (PJ) on the floor of the Senate, in which he addresses the issue of lawmakers' immunity from prosecution. Grossi mentions that no lawmaker should be above the law, and that the issue of lawmaker immunity should be dealt with transparently and in a fair manner. He also mentions that the Senate should be supportive of the work of the Prosecutor General's Office.
  • 03:55:00 The senator discusses how people are accusing him of eroding the democracy pact and how this harms Uruguayan institutions. He also mentions that the government is not listening to the people and that they are instead trying to pursue secret investigations. He asks for the floor to be granted so that he can speak about these accusations.

04:00:00 - 04:05:00

The senators vote unanimously to investigate the government's involvement in a secret chat investigation. They express their concern that the chat investigation could be modified or even halted, and ask for the investigation to be done in a transparent manner.

  • 04:00:00 The senators discuss a motion to investigate the government's involvement in a secret chat investigation. They express their solidarity with the implicated legislators and reiterate their concern for their privacy and safety. They ask for three minutes to speak so that they may vote. The senators express their concern that the chat investigation could be modified or even halted, and ask for the investigation to be done in a transparent manner. They vote unanimously in favor of the motion.
  • 04:05:00 A motion to proceed to reading is brought to the table on November 28th, a press release reporting that an ex-government official currently under investigation in a legal process allegedly carried out actions to investigate clandestinely two members of the Senate, with the goal of having the criminal accusation against conception dropped. Considering the actions to be in violation of democratic principles, the Senate declares that this situation of possible civil liberties and political rights infringement warrants a clear message from all of the political system in the sense that they will not be tolerated. The way to guarantee the institutional strength of the country is for the truth to emerge and be determined in facts and corresponding responsibilities, as these actions are unacceptable in a democratic regime and the Parliament must safeguard the respect for civil rights and political rights of all citizens by this unanimous response from all political parties with representation in this chamber. The Senate also declares itself in opposition to any practice that could eventually endanger civil liberties and political rights of all residents of this country, and four parties in this body agree to this as a unified act of reaffirmation of democracy. This strengthens the commitment of the respect and defense of constitutional institutions in Uruguay. The vote is in favor of the affirmative, with 30 in favor and no objections being raised. The matter is closed.

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