Summary of Collapse 101: The Inevitable Fruit of Progress (Dowd)

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The video discusses the inevitability of climate change and the potential for mass extinctions. It also points to the increasing awareness among scientists of the threat of climate change and the need to act.

  • 00:00:00 In "Collapse 101: The Inevitable Fruit of Progress", Michael Dowd discusses the inevitability of collapse and its consequences, including ecological destruction and death. He argues that living in integrity and embracing reality is not easy, but is essential in times of crisis. He covers the history and evidence of human-centered measures of success and well-being leading to ecological destruction and collapse, and the need for an ecological and historical post-doom perspective in order to collapse wisely.
  • 00:05:00 The author of the video, William Caton, talks about the concept of overshoot and how it is related to the increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. He also discusses the potential consequences of continued carbon dioxide levels increase, including the possibility of human extinction.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses how civilizations and economies tend to collapse, and points to examples from history. It suggests that an ecological worldview, which understands the limits of Earth and its resources, may be our only hope for surviving this century. John Michael Greer's book "The Ecotechnic Future" is mentioned as a good introduction to the subject.
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses the history of civilizations, mentioning that up to about 11 20 there were many but then we begin to see totalitarian agriculture come on. It takes a long time but this is where we start seeing human-centered agriculture that doesn't care about other species, only humans. The video also discusses the consequences of industrial overshoot, including the sixth mass extinction and the carbon pulse. Finally, the presenter encourages viewers to watch resources on the topic, including videos by meteorologists Nick Humphrey and Paul Beckwith and essay by Robert Hunsinger.
  • 00:20:00 The author speaks about the inevitability of climate change, the potential for mass extinctions, and the shrinking human population. He also points to the increasing awareness among scientists of the threat of climate change and the need to act.
  • 00:25:00 The author discusses how humans are likely to go extinct in the next few seconds or within the next few decades, and how expecting technological progress or the market to sustain what is unsustainable is futile.
  • 00:30:00 In this video, Collapse 101, Dawson discusses the inevitability of collapse based on the fact that progress leads to overshoot and human civilization is a heat engine. He also covers the issue of progressive denialism, which is common among liberals and progressives. Finally, he provides examples of how history has judged human centeredness to be folly.
  • 00:35:00 Thomas Berry and Edward Goldsmith discuss the inherent dangers of human-centered progress and the need for a life-centered norm in order to sustain life. John Michael Greer and William Opel provide additional perspectives on ecology and sustainability.
  • 00:40:00 Collapse 101: The Inevitable Fruit of Progress (Dowd) explores the causes of civilizations that collapse due to over-use of resources and other issues. Paul Tillich and Joseph Brodsky quote extensively, warning that the end of humanity is near due to our reliance on technology and civilization.
  • 00:45:00 The book, "Collapse 101: The Inevitable Fruit of Progress (Dowd)", argues that human technology that doesn't integrate with nature's technology does more harm than good as it just does it over time. It also points to religious failure as a fundamental cause of collapse. The book has four overviews of the book, one of which is available on YouTube.
  • 00:50:00 This video provides a breakdown of the concept of collapse, which is based on the premise that human health and well-being is not the only thing that matters, and that humans are approaching a point of no return in terms of their impact on the world. According to the presenter, the two main causes of collapse are technological devastation and ecocide, which are both caused by economic growth and development. He predicts that collapse will happen much sooner than 2030, and that it may already be underway.
  • 00:55:00 In 2011, two reviews of the limits to growth debate were published, one by Hugo Bardi and the other by Tim Jackson and Robin Webster. According to these reviews, the economists and those who tried to trash Limits to Growth got it dead wrong. The ecologists and those coming from an ecological worldview nailed it. Stephen Pinker and other prophets of progress don't get this because they are blinded by their religion, the secular religion of perpetual progress. The creation story of the secular religion of perpetual progress is that you got the stone age, you know even though it's 97 percent of human history, but you know it's the cavemen, savages primitives, the hunter-gatherers, then you have the agricultural revolution, civilization, the enlightenment, reason, science, humanism, progress, and again, I'm adding these exclamation points simply because that's the enthusiasm that these prophets of progress speak about. But then we see the industrial revolution, again, notice the positive term fossil fuels, technology, and then globalization. Space travel and techno optimism have a star trek vision of the future, it's not just Elon Musk and I believe all of these are blinded by the techno idolatrous myth. The ecocidal myth

01:00:00 - 01:15:00

The YouTube video "Collapse 101: The Inevitable Fruit of Progress (Dowd)" discusses the inevitability of collapse and the reasons behind it. The author provides a litany of books and essays on the topic, and encourages viewers to explore collapse through reading, listening to audio content, and visiting his websites.

  • 01:00:00 The video discusses the five stages of awakening, Dead asleep, full-blown denial, awareness of one fundamental problem, awareness of many problems, and awareness of the interconnectedness between the many problems. The fifth stage of awakening is awareness of the possibility that there may not be a solution. This can lead to depression. However, a spiritual path is essential, and a post-doom practice is vital in order to deal with this realization. Transcription "Collapse 101: The Inevitable Fruit of Progress (Dowd)" According to recent research, there is not enough resources to support a population of nine billion people. We would need ten planets to provide all the resources needed. The situation is called the carrying capacity deficit. At the fifth stage of awakening, people begin to realize the interconnectedness between the many problems. This leads to large-scale system level thinking and a realization that a solution in one domain may worsen a problem in another. This is when the possibility of hope begins to vanish. People at this stage tend to withdraw into tight circles of like-minded people in order to trade insights and deepen their understanding of what's going on. These circles are necessarily small because both personal dialogue and the number of people
  • 01:05:00 The author presents a case for the inevitability of collapse, arguing that the root of our predicament is technological progress and economic growth. He describes post-doom as a way of living meaningfully and courageously in the midst of these events, even if we go extinct in the near term. Christopher Ryan's books, Sex at Dawn and Civilized Death, discuss human nature in the raw and are both excellent resources for understanding the phenomena of collapse.
  • 01:10:00 The video clips discuss the inevitability of collapse, the reasons behind it, and the things that can be done to prepare for it. It also covers the different stages of awakening, the challenges faced, and what people can do to help.
  • 01:15:00 This video covers the inevitability of collapse and the reasons it is hard to live a meaningful and courageous life in an unfaithful anthropocentric culture. The author provides a litany of books and essays on the topic, and encourages viewers to explore collapse through reading, listening to audio content, and visiting his websites.

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