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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In the "FLOW SESSIONS: JASON SILVA AND ERIK DAVIS" video, the two philosophers discuss consciousness, empirical language, and the importance of having a sense of meaning. They also touch on the history of psychiatry and how different modes of thought can help or hinder our understanding of the world.

  • 00:00:00 Jason Silva and Erik Davis discuss consciousness and its various ineffable aspects. Silva stresses the importance of empirical language, while Davis emphasizes the importance of poetry and other realms of experience beyond understanding. Both men agree that there is something beyond comprehension that we will eventually come to understand.
  • 00:05:00 Jason Silva and Erik Davis discuss the idea that there are different modes of time, including empirical time and Kairos, which is the realm of the timeless consciousness. They also discuss Jordan Peterson, who has become famous for his discussions of religious truth and archetypal truth.
  • 00:10:00 Jason Silva and Erik Davis discuss the concept of "modes of existence" and how different experiences, such as psychedelic experiences, can help humans see the world in a new way.
  • 00:15:00 In this video, Jason Silva and Erik Davis discuss how people often struggle to embrace the multiplicity of approaches to life because it can be scary. They go on to say that this multiplicity is not only appropriate, but necessary, because there are better and worse tools for bringing different modes of existence to fruition. The video finishes by discussing how the current state of politics is due, in part, to the permeability of modes of thought.
  • 00:20:00 Jason Silva and Erik Davis discuss the idea that there is a distinction between the poetic and scientific grids, and how the current state of flux is leading to a fragmentation of reality. They also discuss the effects of climate change and the importance of having a sense of meaning in the face of mortality.
  • 00:25:00 Psychotherapy is using psychedelic mushrooms to help people with anxiety and depression who are not responding to traditional medication. Some researchers believe that these mystical experiences, which look and feel like religious raptures, have a reality and can have measurable, quantifiable left brain effects.
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses the various boxes that must be checked off in order to experience a mystical or spiritual experience, and how some people feel that these boxes are not as important as others. The video also touches on the history of psychiatry and how hyped moments in the field have led to negative consequences in the long run.
  • 00:35:00 These three philosophers discuss how consciousness resides in a material brain and how psychedelics can engender an experience of knowledge by acquaintance. They believe that what matters is the epistemic value of an experience, and that this value is based on how helpful the experience is in terms of relieving anxiety or depression. They consider the experience of entities to be particularly strange and difficult to describe, and argue that it is hard to make a distinction between an experience of entities and a schizophrenic who hears voices.
  • 00:40:00 Jason Silva discusses how psychedelic experiences can lead to a connection with the world not in the usual Western tool-using manipulative agent mode. He also discusses how the condition of finding oneself in an AI-thou relationship in psychedelic space indicates another dimension of healing.
  • 00:45:00 Jason Silva and Erik Davis discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of psychedelics. Silva argues that psychedelics may be healing and even sacred, but they are also "really weird." Davis points out that this complexity is terrifying, but it is also "important."
  • 00:50:00 "In "FLOW SESSIONS: JASON SILVA AND ERIK DAVIS," a video about the film "FLOW," Jason Silva and Erik Davis discuss the film's themes of inner and outer reality, and the ways in which psychedelics might be able to help us to perceive these realities more clearly. Silva reflects on the idea that any experience, no matter how unusual, is an opportunity to learn and grow, and that if the movie ended there, it would already be a brilliant, frustrating end to the mystery."
  • 00:55:00 Jason Silva and Erik Davis discuss the concept of "the crack," which is a term used to describe the moment when different realities collide. Silva teaches himself how to remain in the not knowing when he experiences fear, and this practice helps him to become more comfortable with mystery. Davis points out that, even though we can't know everything, we can still have a good conversation about the mysteries that exist.

01:00:00 - 01:20:00

In this video, Jason Silva and Erik Davis discuss the concept of modes and how they affect reality. They also discuss the concept of synchronicity and how it can be used to advantage. Finally, they talk about how music can be used as a tool to induce altered states of consciousness.

  • 01:00:00 In this video, Jason Silva and Erik Davis discuss the concept of modes, which are different ways in which the world operates. Silva points out that reality is constantly evolving, and that different modes of reality bleed into each other. Davis says that it is important to be aware of these bleed-through effects and to be able to navigate between them accordingly.
  • 01:05:00 Eric Davis discusses the concept of synchronicity, which is the simultaneous occurrence of events that are not supposed to be related. He discusses the concept of reality constructs and how they can collide, creating a "parched void." He also discusses the idea of pocket universes and how they can be a source of evanescent meaning.
  • 01:10:00 Jason Silva and Erik Davis discuss the effects of synchronicity on consciousness, and how to use them to advantage. Silva points out that synchronicity is a spectrum, with some experiences at the far end of which is psychosis or other forms of extreme mental distress. Davis recommends focusing on the actual phenomenological experience of encountering the sense, and not attempting to understand what the other order of reality might mean. Playing with the revelation and veiling to suit one's needs in the world is allowed as long as the needs are additive to the community and the planet.
  • 01:15:00 Cannabis can be a helpful tool for entering into religious or poetic states of mind. It can also support periods of meditation, but can also distort or lack clarity.
  • 01:20:00 Jason Silva and Erik Davis discuss how music can be used as a tool to induce altered states of consciousness, and how to use it to gain creative control over one's experience. Silva notes that as a musician, he is inherently a director and is thus able to create flows of structured input signals that can induce an altered state of consciousness more easily.

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