Summary of Special Meeting: Ottawa Police Services Board Agenda 51 - February 5, 2022

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The Ottawa Police Services Board is holding a special meeting to discuss their response to the ongoing demonstrations in the city. They are discussing the need for more resources, including increased legal resources and new legislation to allow for increased police powers.

  • 00:05:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board meets to discuss Agenda 51, a controversial plan to redesign the city's infrastructure.
  • 00:10:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board is holding a special meeting to discuss the ongoing demonstrations and the provision of adequate and effective policing. The meeting is taking place on short notice, and there is a possibility of technical difficulties. The agenda includes discussing the ongoing demonstrations, crime prevention, emergency response, and assistance to victims of crime.
  • 00:15:00 The police chief of Ottawa shares his opinion that the city is under siege and a threat to democracy, and that there is no concrete plan for such a scenario. He asks for a resource to help with the ongoing demonstrations.
  • 00:20:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board is meeting to discuss the risks posed by the ongoing demonstrations, which have resulted in thousands of protesters and counter-demonstrators occupying various locations in the city. The board has announced a deployment of 150 additional uniformed officers to the downtown neighborhoods of Center Town, lowertown, and bywood Market, as well as an expansion of the "hardening" of the protest zone. The board has also announced an increase in the number of charges laid against protesters, as well as investigations involving the FBI and National Security Agency.
  • 00:25:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board discussed the city's response to the "Unlawful assembly" protest and the hiring of 60 additional RCMP officers. The Board also discussed the strain on officers and thanked those who have been supporting the department.
  • 00:30:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board will discuss various plans for dealing with protests and demonstrations in the city, including the need for more resources and the need for new legislation. Deputy Chief Bell and Trish Ferguson will discuss the short-term plans.
  • 00:35:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board discussed the need for more resources to deal with core operations and traffic during a special meeting on February 5, 2022. Deputy Chief Ferguson outlined that it takes 495 officers to staff a 24-hour cycle and that there are currently 150 officers available for Front Line duty. CEO Duncker shared her thoughts on what legislative changes or other enablements would help with the police service's core operation.
  • 00:40:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board discussed how they will deal with the protests that have been taking place in the city. They said that they need more investigative resources, more cyber capabilities, and more legal resources.
  • 00:45:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board is discussing ways to increase its legal resources and to advocate for immediate legislative changes to allow for increased police powers.
  • 00:50:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board is holding a special meeting to discuss Agenda 51 and the need for more resources to address the city's crime problem. The meeting will include a discussion of the Charter rights of citizens and the need for tow trucks to be available to seize and impound vehicles if needed.
  • 00:55:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board is discussing ways to join a procurement process with RCMP Commissioner Lucky and how to deal with protesters. Deputy Chief Ferguson will describe the current situation with protesters and how the department is trying to respond. Member Smallwood will talk about how to ticket protesters for behavior that will cease.

01:00:00 - 01:55:00

The Ottawa Police Services Board discussed the current protests and how they are different from other protests that have taken place in the city. Deputy Chief Ferguson discussed the transportation plan based on the threat intelligence information they had two weeks ago. The Board also discussed the need for more resources to address the situation.

  • 01:00:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board Agenda 51 video overviews the concerns of residents regarding Roads, Transit, parks, and other facilities, as well as how the police surge and contain strategy has not resulted in a meaningful increase in officers in Centertown, Sandy Hill, or the byword market. The chair requests a comprehensive plan from the board, council, and public to address these concerns.
  • 01:05:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board discussed the current protests and how they are different from other protests that have taken place in the city. Deputy Chief Ferguson discussed the transportation plan based on the threat intelligence information they had two weeks ago.
  • 01:10:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board held a special meeting on February 5, 2022, to discuss Agenda 51. The board discussed how to de-escalate and maintain safety during protests, and acknowledged that this is unprecedented. The board also discussed a possible short medium-term plan, but said that they need more information before making any decisions.
  • 01:15:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board discussed the Eighth Day of Protest and the efforts being made to end the demonstration. The board discussed the progress made so far, and noted that negotiations and mediation are a core component of the plan to end the protest.
  • 01:20:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board discussed the framework for addressing the ongoing protests in Ottawa, and the need for more resources to address the situation. Deputy Chief Bell mentioned the need for more legal resources, and member Johnson asked about a plan to arrest protesters. Chair Nelson said the board needs to see concrete results before they can take any further action, and member Man said the community is feeling frustrated because they don't see any progress.
  • 01:25:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board discusses the city's response to the protests and communicates its frustration with lack of information. The Board also discusses the intersect model, which involves all of the local government parties. Deputy Chief Ferguson describes the arrests and charges that have been laid, and Stephen reviews the intersect model. The Board expresses its hope that the NCC will approve a request to enter Confederation Park.
  • 01:30:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board is discussing how to end the protests in the area. The board is also discussing how to deal with the criminal activity that has arisen from the protests.
  • 01:35:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board held a special meeting to discuss Agenda 51 and its effects on policing. The meeting was attended by the Minister of Justice, the Deputy Minister of the Solicitor General, and the Chair of the Board. The police service has been overwhelmed by the protests and needs more resources to deal with the situation. The Board asked the legal counsel to investigate ways to bring the protests under control.
  • 01:40:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board is discussing ways to address the growing crisis situation in Ottawa. One option is to use section 63 of the criminal code, which allows for the arrest of an unlawful assembly. However, the board is aware of the legal challenges involved.
  • 01:45:00 The video discusses the Ottawa Police Services Board's agenda for February 5, 2022, which includes a discussion of the province's authority to declare a state of emergency that would provide the police with the tools they need to bring the situation in Ottawa to a peaceful conclusion.
  • 01:50:00 The video discusses the Ottawa Police Services Board's agenda for February 5, 2022, which includes discussion of invoking certain sections of the law to address a potential nationwide and international issue. The video also notes that while the issue is primarily federal, there may be ways for the board to reach out to other levels of government to help resolve the situation.
  • 01:55:00 The Ottawa Police Services Board approved the appointment of 250 RCMP employees as the need arises through this event pursuant to section 53 of the police services act.

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