Summary of Sherlock Is Garbage, And Here's Why

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The YouTube video "Sherlock Is Garbage, And Here's Why" criticizes the show for its lack of story development, its focus on Sherlock's character over the actual mystery, and its poor use of other characters. It argues that the show is full of plot holes and that the writing is often nonsensical.

  • 00:00:00 This video essay argues that Sherlock is a waste of time and energy, and that there are many better options available. It covers the history of the show and its writer, Stephen Moffat, and explains why it is so bad.
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses the problems with the current season of Sherlock, which has been written by current showrunner Steven Moffat. The main issues are that the stories are not connected and that the show is focused too much on the Doctor's persona instead of on the stories themselves.
  • 00:10:00 The author of the YouTube video critiques Sherlock, pointing out that the show's plot is unnecessary and does not adhere to the original source material. They also argue that the creator, Steven Moffat, is a capable writer but should not be responsible for an entire show.
  • 00:15:00 The author of the video critiques the writing and pacing of "Sherlock," noting that while the show exhibits some good qualities, it is marred by problems such as bad writing and poor pacing. The author also points out that the show's backstory is poorly explained and full of errors. Ultimately, the author argues that "Sherlock" should have been handed off to other writers, as its creator, Moffat, is not adept at writing these types of episodes.
  • 00:20:00 The video compares the writing in two scenes from different Doctor Who episodes, one from the first season and one from the current season. The first scene from the first season is praised for its clear setup and simple reveal, while the second scene from the current season is criticized for its lack of resolution and vague plot.
  • 00:25:00 The author argues that, although the show has its good moments, its main focus is on developing the characterization of Sherlock, rather than on telling an interesting story. This often results in plots that are irrelevant to the mystery at hand, and leaves the viewer feeling frustrated.
  • 00:30:00 The video argues that the Sherlock Holmes character in popular culture is fake and does not accurately reflect the character in the books or in the original BBC Sherlock series. The video argues that the character is focused more on clever deductions than on character development or plot. The video argues that the character in the show is often clever but also makes assumptions that do not have factual basis.
  • 00:35:00 The author of the video expresses dissatisfaction with the recent portrayal of Sherlock in the television series "Sherlock." He argues that the show has largely replaced intelligent deduction with a conjuring trick, in which viewers are told how clever Sherlock was after the fact. He also points out that the show's excessive focus on Sherlock's antics detracts from the story of the actual crime.
  • 00:40:00 Sherlock is criticized for being boring and lacking in conflict, as well as being queer coded and featuring an unnecessary plot device of Moriarty coming back for every finale.
  • 00:45:00 Sherlock is full of plot holes and terrible characterization. The special effects and music are too distracting, and the style is over-produced and forgettable.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses the problems with "Sherlock", which includes over-the-top production values and nonsensical scenes. It argues that these issues are compounded by the writers' poor use of character development and plot. The video finishes with a plea for more episodes that focus on character and story development, rather than production values.
  • 00:55:00 This YouTube video criticizes the focus of the second principal character in the Sherlock Holmes stories, John Watson, and the lack of attention paid to other, more interesting elements of the story. The video points out that Watson is barely a presence in the show and that his skills as a doctor and war survivor are barely used. Mary, John's wife, is also barely used, and is only mentioned in order to criticize the limited roles of women in British society at the time the story was set. Finally, Mary is killed off-screen in an action that serves to create tension for the show's main characters, Sherlock and whoever this other guy is.

01:00:00 - 01:45:00

The "Sherlock is garbage" video argues that the BBC's adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes is not an accurate or faithful adaptation, primarily due to its poor plot and characters. The video claims that the show is designed to be entertaining rather than following a logical or compelling story, and that the various plot twists are ultimately not worth the effort. The video finishes by urging viewers to boycott the final season of the show, which it predicts will be the last episode that is worth watching.

  • 01:00:00 In "Scandal in Belgravia," Sherlock is outsmarted by Adler, who manages to get away with her crimes. While the original story didn't have a clear victor, this adaptation removes any ambiguity by having Adler be the one who actually defeats Sherlock. Additionally, the scene in which they imagine eating a scene from the crime is ridiculous and unnecessary.
  • 01:05:00 <could not summarize>
  • 01:10:00 The "Sherlock is garbage" video discusses various reasons why the show is bad, including poor writing, lack of character development, and a lack of plot. The theory is that a fourth episode, "Appletree Yard," which aired after the show's creator admitted it was an adaptation of a book people liked, was actually a fake episode. The video argues that this makes the entire show bad and Johnlock the endgame.
  • 01:15:00 The episode ends with Sherlock revealing he knows what Moriarty's people are going to do next, and it's not what he was expecting. The episode then goes back to Mary and her attempts to escape, with Sherlock catching up to her in the end.
  • 01:20:00 The "Sherlock is garbage" video argues that the BBC's adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes is not an accurate or faithful adaptation, primarily due to its poor plot and characters. The video claims that the show is designed to be entertaining rather than following a logical or compelling story, and that the various plot twists are ultimately not worth the effort. The video finishes by urging viewers to boycott the final season of the show, which it predicts will be the last episode that is worth watching.
  • 01:25:00 In the final episode of "Sherlock," Moriarty returns, but the story quickly becomes apparent to fans as being fake. Almost every setup is undone, including Mary betraying her friends and comrades, and the mystery of who the shady guy is is solved. In the end, Sherlock is killed, leaving many fans angry and disappointed.
  • 01:30:00 <could not summarize>
  • 01:35:00 In "Sherlock," the creators deliberately withhold information about how Sherlock survived his apparent death, so that viewers could speculate. However, in Season 3, they make fun of people who try to figure out the mystery, calling them "stupid." The true fans of the show are the ones who are actually trying to piece things together, while the creators are treating those same fans like idiots. This contemptuous treatment of the audience is Avant-garde, and it takes balls to do that.
  • 01:40:00 The author critiques the Sherlock fandom, pointing out that these fans are "simple pleasure seekers," who are "overcomplicating" the show and adding in secrets that are not necessary. The author contends that the show is bad and that the only people who will stick with it are those who believe in the promise of the show.
  • 01:45:00 The video criticizes the new Sherlock, which it says is full of self-indulgent nonsense that fails to live up to the mystery stories it is based on. Benedict Cumberbatch is criticized for his acting and face, and the video ends with a plea for viewers to watch shorter videos that will credit everyone involved.

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