Summary of Ghost Recon Breakpoint: Stutter & Choppy Frame Rate Fixed!

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00:00:00 - 00:05:00

The video discusses how to fix a laggy frame rate in the game Ghost Recon Breakpoint by changing a setting in the Nvidia "manage 3d settings" window. According to the person who filmed the video, this fixed the frame rate issues for the game.

  • 00:00:00 The video discusses how a laggy frame rate can be fixed by exiting the game and closing all of the relevant processes, including the game itself.
  • 00:05:00 In the video, an Nvidia "manage 3d settings" window is shown, and the "Stutter & Choppy Frame Rate" setting is changed from "Normal" to "Prefer Maximum Performance." This fixed the frame rate issues for the game, according to the person who filmed the video. Division 2 also had issues with frame rate, but this was fixed when all of the cores on the computer were checked. Ubisoft Paris may need to update the game's software to fix this issue.

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