Summary of NORMATIVAS APA 7ma Edición PARTE 2

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00:00:00 - 00:05:00

The video explains the differences between textual and narrative citations, and provides an example of a narrative citation. It also introduces the NORMATIVAS APA 7ma Edición, a series of videos that provide explanations of the 7ma Edición of the NORMATIVAS regulations. Part 2 of the series covers the topics of registration and acceptance of the regulations.

  • 00:00:00 The video discusses the differences between the two types of citations- the textual citation, which is a short sentence that refers to the origin of the source material, and the narrative citation, which is a longer sentence that refers to the idea contained in the source material. It also provides an example of a narrative citation. The citation for the video is "Verdad Textual corta Denominada Narrativa que Está Dentro Del Texto Verdad De Un Trabajo Puede Ser De Tesis En Un Artículo Científico Otro Texto Verdad Cuando Nos Hablará De Normas Para Séptima Edición" (Truth Textual Short Denominated Narrative That Is Located Within The Truth Of A Work May Be In An Article, A Thesis, Or Any Other Work Where It Begins With The Author's Last Name And Follows The Year Of Publication, As In This Case, 1975, Then Lists The Page Number Where The Truth Exists, Which In This Case Is Page 45).
  • 00:05:00 The video introduces the NORMATIVAS APA 7ma Edición, which is a series of videos that provide explanations of the 7ma Edición of the NORMATIVAS regulations. Part 2 of the series covers the topics of registration and acceptance of the regulations.

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