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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video discusses the conditions of workers in Yucatán, Mexico in the early 20th century. The workers are paid by the weight of the leaves they collect, and they are given a bonus for every two thousand leaves they collect. The workers are often children, who are happy and indifferent to their work. The purpose of this video is to explain how the textile industry benefits from the exploitation of workers.

  • 00:00:00 In 1908, Mexico was on the brink of a revolution that would change the world's eyes onto the nation that was struggling to survive in poverty and inequality, with a majority of the population living in poverty while a small minority enjoyed opulence. The winds of change were running through the country with the change of democracy and the lack of reelection of Porfirio Díaz being the main flags being flown. Francisco I. Madero, Lázaro Guttierrez, and other progressive intellectuals of the era were drawing attention to the state of the country and the ideals of the reformists, igniting the flames of freedom in the hearts of all people on Earth. One of these freedoms was the American John Kenneth Turner's right to free speech, which would be permanently inscribed in the preamble of the Mexican Revolution. Mexico Barbaro Complete tells the story of this same reality.
  • 00:05:00 The video discusses the work of a Mexican liberal, Lázaro Cárdenas, during the Mexican Revolution. The two main topics discussed are Cárdenas' arrest and imprisonment, and his work with the English publication, "Borda." Lázaro and his wife, Margarita, slept during the Revolution while their son, Lazaro, worked on behalf of the Revolution. Cárdenas later served as the Director of Regeneration for the Liberal Party of Mexico and was also the Director of the English page of the same publication. His involvement in the Revolution began after he moved to Mexico in 1955.
  • 00:10:00 This YouTube video tells the story of John Turner, an eminent American writer and lawyer who travelled to Mexico in 1913 to investigate the rising violence and corruption in the country. He met with President Madero and was given this photograph. Turner later wrote a letter to his wife describing his experiences, including his arrest and imprisonment.
  • 00:15:00 This video introduces Mexico as a barbaric country, complete with wild and lawless behavior. However, it also discusses the two trips that journalist and activist Andrés Manuel López Obrador took to Mexico during the Porfirio Díaz regime. The first trip was in 1909, when he was sent to investigate the political aspects of the Díaz regime. He obtained employment as the director of the sports page of the Mexican "Heart" magazine, and used this position to conceal his true purpose - clandestine work. Obrador accompanied López Obrador on the second trip, which took place in January of 1909. This time, López Obrador's objective was to study the political situation in Mexico City. He succeeded in obtaining a job as the director of the sports page of the Mexican "El Universal". From this position, he was able to conceal his true purpose and work clandestinely. He discovered that Mexico was not the barbaric country he had been told, but rather a country with a Constitution and legal system similar to ours, but where neither the Constitution nor the laws are followed. Mexico is a country without political freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, free elections, a fair judiciary, or political parties
  • 00:20:00 Mexico was in peace with the world and had won a heroic war against a foreign prince, Maximilian, who had been imposed as emperor by the French army of Napoleon III. My special interest in Mexico's political history was first aroused in 1908, when I established contact with four Mexican revolutionaries then imprisoned in the municipal jail of los ángeles, California. These Mexican intellectuals educated and universitarily-trained were all accused of planning an invasion of a friendly country with a military force from North American territory, because some cultured men wanted to take up arms against a republic because they needed to come to the United States to prepare for military maneuvers. I spoke with these Mexican prisoners, who asserted that at some point during the past few years they had peacefully agitated within their own country to overthrow the government without violence, within the constitutional framework bequeathed to them by the majority of enlightened men. However, because of this, they declared they had been arrested and their properties destroyed by the secret police. The police force had followed their footsteps and life had been threatened and
  • 00:25:00 In this video, a tour of Mexico's "barbaric" conditions is narrated, starting with the human and social conditions that would certainly lead to the Revolutionary uprising of 1910. Written material does not present an idealized view of a tourist who understands the demands of a whole population as expressions of their folklore. All of that shame and participation risks is risking not believing in the despotic government's promises of peace or in the alliances it makes in the name of social peace, observing reality and describing it is a protest. Mexican Revolution protests will be heard by many, and will be the key to hearing the voice of a colorful Mexican people. Mexico 1908, the economic structure on which the country's economy is based, is not very different from the economic systems in feudal Europe, for example, in the north there are terraces where landowners exclaim with sarcasm, "Come, sir, and treasury! 9 is in Chihuahua, Chihuahua. It's in my hacienda in the south-east, and in the south-west, Yucatan is divided into the hands of 50 kings with all slaves. There are 1,000,000 slaves according to statistics, and John Kenneth Turner found that slavery is not a metaphor, but a
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses how Yucatan's wealthy, powerful kings controlled the slave trade in the early 20th century. Many of these kings were of mixed race, and their families were very well-educated. The video explains that everything in Yucatan and all of Mexico depends on the 50 kings of the henequén, a type of palm tree. These kings rule the state and make their own decisions for their own benefit. Yucatan's slaves are mostly indigenous Yaqui people from Sonora, and there are also a few thousand Chinese and Koreans working on their plantations. The Maya people make up the majority of the population of Yucatan, and most of the 50 kings are of mixed Maya and Spanish descent.
  • 00:35:00 The video discusses the unique culture and civilization of the Maya people, who were living in the Western Hemisphere when the Europeans arrived. The Maya had their own, advanced culture, and it is known that their civilization was as advanced as that of the Aztec people in central Mexico or the Inca people in Peru. When talking about the dawn, the Maya are a people singularly unlike any other in the world. Other Mexican and North American natives, as well as Chinese, Hindu, and Turkish people, do not resemble the Maya in appearance, but one could imagine that the fusion of these five very different cultures might create a people similar to the Maya. Maya are nottall, but have fine features and statuesque bodies. Their skin is tan and their faces have a delicate, graceful appearance. They wear a lot of white clothes, and their necklines and skirts are decorated with colorful beads around the lower edge of the dress and around the neckline of the dress, respectively. Farmers in Yucatan call their workers "slaves" because they do not consider themselves owners of them - they view them as debtors who are owed a debt and are not sold, but transferred. This is the true form of slavery, in which a man's
  • 00:40:00 In this video, Mexican baroque is explained in detail. One of the main points is that the price of slaves was always paid in cash, just like the price of land, machinery, and livestock. The average price of a slave was 400 pesos, and that figure would be reflected in the prices charged to landowners many times. One hacendado told me that if I bought slaves now, it would be a good opportunity because the crisis had reduced the price of slaves by a year ago to mil pesos per man. I verified this information by investigating the details of the sale operation. One hacendado told me that they give a man with a photograph and identification papers, and that's all that's needed. Another hacendado receives the identification and debt account paperwork, and takes a rigorous measure of debt. One hacendado told me that a third person would be enough to convince me that buying slaves was a good idea, but that their debt wouldn't be considered valid unless the man escaped. A fourth person said that a man's papers of identification are all that's needed if he escapes. A fifth person assured me that anyone in debt is necessary to cover the price of the market in order to free the slave. From
  • 00:45:00 This video discusses the treatment of slaves in Mexican farms. The main points are that slaves are not beaten very often, and if they do get hit, it is not by Marian, and they cannot come up with any reason why she might hit an enslaved person. They also mention that the cane used to beat slaves is very old in Mexico and is a common punishment in farms. Sometimes, slaves are made to stand in the sun or in the rain, or they are made to walk on their hands and knees. Sometimes, masters will hang slaves from their fingers or their feet. This type of sugar cane farming is very old in Mexico and is commonly used in all plantations. Slaves are also often made to kneel down and release their clothing in extreme cases. In addition, some masters enjoy beating their slaves in public, for example, by throwing water on them or making them stand in the rain. There are also prisons and sleeping quarters for slaves in Mexican farms. For the most part, slaves are very clean and well-dressed. There are about 700 male slaves who are fit for work and about 380 female slaves, along with 380 children who are allowed to live with their families on small plots of land.
  • 00:50:00 This video, "México Bárbaro completa", shows the extreme economic conditions in Mexico in the early 20th century. Many families in rural areas used pedregosos (stony soils) and estériles (sterile) to cultivate someone else's land in addition to their own meager harvest, receiving credit at the store for 25 centavos per row. This credit-based system is still prevalent in nearly half of Mexico's islands, with the other half limiting themselves to providing rations, which is essentially the same thing, but with some farmers attaching themselves to the credit system to maintain the appearance of paying salaries. The mind for better beyond time and distance the abuse against the Yaqui and indigenous Maya and even against Chinese and Koreans brings the echo of a desperate people. Mexico's barbaric expose the origin of the conspiracy the Mexican Revolution needs to be nourished from the wounds of slave labor on 16-hour days at the store of raya clerks. Cananea and Río Blanco workers' strikes have ignited the fuse. The sacrifice of many will be the detonator. Mexico 1908 Farm Workers in Yucatan endure an absolute state of slavery, completely useless trying to escape the
  • 00:55:00 This video shows workers in rural Yucatán, Mexico, collecting henequén leaves. The workers are paid by the weight of the leaves they collect, and they are given a bonus for every two thousand leaves they collect. The workers are often children, who are happy and indifferent to their work. The purpose of this video is to explain how the textile industry benefits from the exploitation of workers.

01:00:00 - 01:15:00

The video provides an overview of the conditions faced by workers on the Maya Yaqui farm in Mexico. It highlights the harsh conditions they endure, including long hours, little rest, and meager food. It also discusses the difficulties faced by free workers in the city of Mérida, who are constantly at risk of being mistaken for slaves and imprisoned.

  • 01:00:00 This video shows 300 slaves sleeping in a large, stone and straw building surrounded by a 4-meter high wall with barbed wire on top. There is only one entrance, and a guard armed with a saber and pistol watches over them. This was the sleeping quarters for unmarried men on the Maya Yaqui farm. There are also 300 Chinese workers on the farm, and they share the sleeping quarters with the Maya Yaqui workers. The workers on the Maya Yaqui farm are usually assigned to complete half a year of work, with no rest breaks during that time. They are only allowed to visit their families once a month, and they are fed by the farm at a rate of 12 and 1/2 cents per day. They are given a small amount of money each day to cover their costs of living. I asked a worker on a medio tiempo (half-time) job if he liked it. He replied, "No, always they catch us and give us a beating when we're here. We want to escape, but we can't when they catch us at night. They never let us escape when we have a chance." The video then shows a group of workers being taken to work.
  • 01:05:00 The video introduces the city of Mérida, Yucatán, and its notorious reputation for being a "barbaric" place. The narrator, a free worker, discusses the difficulties he experiences each time he is stopped for identification purposes by government officials. He is always at risk of being imprisoned, and must go through great effort to prove that he is not a slave, often enduring harsh conditions in order to do so. Compared to the Siberian countryside, Yucatán is said to be an "inferno in frozen flames." However, I found few points of comparison in common between the two countries. It is true that the Yaqui people have been forced to leave their homes, but this is also true of political refugees from Russia. As for the refugees themselves, they are often described as "savage" and "barbaric." However, like the slaves in Yucatán, the slaves in the south before the Mexican Revolution were not always mistreated. In fact, they were often well-fed and allowed to leave the plantation to visit town at least once a week. Life for black slaves in the south was not always as bad as is commonly thought. They were allowed to laugh and sing from
  • 01:10:00 In this video, I toured the opulent, residential district of Mexico City called "Bárbaro," which American tourists may believe doesn't have any art or architecture. However, this impoverished Central American peninsula has palaces with a million-dollar price tag like in New York City and possesses miles of them among beautiful gardens, marvelous palaces, and a marvelous park full of fairy-like creatures born of the curses of slavery of Maya and Yaqui tribes. Between the slaves of Yucatán there are 10 Maya for every Jackie, but the story of the Yaquis is the one that most caught my attention. The Maya die in their own land between their own people, but the Yaquis are deported and die in a strange land even more quickly and alone. Far from their families, since all Yaquis sent to Yucatán are broken on the way there, husbands are separated from wives and children taken from mothers. On April 8, 1911, the day this text is being written, there are close to 30,000 American soldiers stationed near the Mexican border, and military ships from the United States are sailing in the vicinity of Mexican ports. Although a single American soldier has never crossed the border nor the ships fired
  • 01:15:00 In this video, John Kenneth Turner provides a prologue for Mexico's Revolution, describing the tragedy of the country's situation. He argues that the analysis of the situation is not enough to make a commitment to liberation and to denounce the intervention in the affairs of a people. He asks his American compatriots to protest the crime of intervention and to take the risk of a revolution if necessary to get the government to listen. Two years later, the Mexican Revolution was underway.

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