Summary of Comer de todo no es bueno para la salud. Julio Basulto, dietista-nutricionista

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this YouTube video, dietitian-nutritionist Julio Basulto emphasizes the importance of prioritizing safety and parental availability over obsessing over nutrition. He highlights the pillars of a healthy lifestyle, such as avoiding sedentary behavior, reducing alcohol intake, promoting breastfeeding and avoiding unhealthy diets, and dispels myths about the benefits of alcohol and organic foods. He also warns against forcing children to eat "healthy" foods and the risks of false therapies for cancer. Furthermore, Basulto stresses the need for legislation prohibiting the marketing of unhealthy food to children and the danger of unscientific or harmful ideas about nutrition promoted by charlatans or famous personalities.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, Julio Basulto, a dietitian-nutritionist, suggests that parents focus on the first causes of mortality of children, such as accidents rather than obsessing over nutrition. Basulto suggests that parents should remember to supervise their children constantly and prioritize the safety of their children in situations where they could be at risk of accidents such as drowning while swimming or getting hurt in the kitchen. Additionally, the nutritionist advises parents to vaccinate their children and create a peaceful and harmonious environment at home. Furthermore, he lays emphasis on the importance of breastfeeding, parental availability, and setting up an example for children to follow regarding good eating and lifestyle habits.
  • 00:05:00 In this section, the dietitian-nutritionist Julio Basulto discusses the importance of promoting healthy eating habits in children by providing them with access to healthy snack options like fruits and vegetables, limiting screen time to two hours or less per day, and avoiding sugary drinks. He stresses that the availability of healthy snacks at home, being a good role model, and educating children about the importance of healthy foods are all important factors in promoting long-term health in children. Basulto also emphasizes that healthy eating is not just about consuming "good" foods but also avoiding unhealthy options that are low in nutritional value, and that a balanced diet should consist of more vegetables, fewer animal products, and minimally processed foods.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, nutritionist Julio Basulto explains how consuming fruit in its whole form is much healthier than drinking fruit juice, which can increase the risk of obesity and diabetes due to the liquid calories entering the body quickly. He also emphasizes that the population does not lack vitamins, despite the belief that fruit juice is necessary to make up for a poor diet. Basulto recommends the consumption of seasonal and local fruits, while advising people to decrease their intake of sugar, salt, red meat, processed meat, and ultra-processed foods. Finally, he introduces his acronym "SALTAR", which stands for "jump" in English and reminds us to eat more vegetables, consume less animal products, prioritize water, practice mindful eating, walk more, and rest properly to maintain good health.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, Julio Basulto, a registered dietitian, discusses the pillars of a healthy lifestyle that can prevent diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes – namely, avoiding sedentary behavior, reducing alcohol intake, promoting breastfeeding, quitting smoking, and avoiding unhealthy diets. These factors contribute to around two-thirds of deaths where these three diseases are the cause of death. Basulto also stresses the importance of avoiding negative relationships, which he identifies as the most crucial factor to consider.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, Julio Basulto discusses the myth that one glass of wine a day is beneficial for health. He states that there is no medical reason for people to start drinking alcohol, even a glass of wine. While some doctors may recommend it, entities such as the American Heart Association advise against it. Basulto notes that there are doctors who have a conflict of interest with the alcohol industry, and the population is often victims of distorted messages about the benefits of drinking. Scientific studies have shown that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption and it can cause various health problems such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Basulto urges people to exercise caution when it comes to drinking alcohol, as it not only increases the risk of developing diseases but also increases the likelihood of accidents or social problems.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, Julio Basulto, a nutritionist, discusses the risks of alcohol consumption, including the risk of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, which can negatively impact the child's health and the family as well. He emphasizes that moderate drinking is a deceptive message and can lead to dependency, and advises that it's better to avoid alcohol altogether to avoid the risk of dependence and the damage it can cause to the individual's body and those around them. To reduce alcohol consumption among adolescents, he suggests parents lead by example, listen and value their child's opinions, avoid giving too many orders, and be informative without judgment or criticism.
  • 00:30:00 In this section, Julio Basulto, a nutritionist, emphasizes the dangers of false therapies, which could lead people with cancer to abandon evidence-based treatment and opt for unproven alternatives instead. He mentions a book that advocated for bizarre methods, including drinking filtered and solar-charged water while affirming healing statements, to cure cancer. Julio stresses that following such methods has a 400% increased risk of premature death. He also highlights that the age and hereditary factors account for only 5-10% of cancer cases and that many modifiable factors, like sedentary lifestyles, unhealthy diets, etc., significantly increase the risk of cancer. Julio notes that a proper diet cannot cure cancer, but it can help patients prevent weight loss and its adverse effects. He also mentions that professionals need to customize a cancer patient's diet to mitigate or relieve the side effects of treatment.
  • 00:35:00 In this section, Julio Basulto, a nutritionist, talks about the relationship between obesity and cancer. He uses a metaphor of two taxis, the first one being new and the second being old, to explain that obesity is a risk factor for cancer. However, it is not just about weight but rather about habits, and a person with obesity who follows a healthy lifestyle does not have a higher risk of cancer than a person with normal weight who smokes, drinks alcohol or has a sedentary lifestyle. Basulto also explains that claims that eating organic foods or using products with fewer pesticides will reduce cancer risk are not supported by evidence from the World Cancer Research Fund.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, nutritionist Julio Basulto dispels the notion that eating organic food automatically equates to a healthy diet, as it gives individuals a false sense of security that they can indulge in unhealthy behaviors while still eating healthily. Basulto emphasizes that conventional foods are safe and do not increase the risk of cancer or other diseases. While pesticide use has a potential to cause harm to the environment, it poses an insignificant risk to individuals' health. Basulto also debunks the idea that a healthy diet has to include a little bit of everything and instead recommends minimizing processed and ultra-processed foods while prioritizing vegetables and reducing animal products. Parents should encourage their children to listen to their bodies' hunger and fullness cues rather than forcing them to finish their plates to promote healthy eating habits.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, Julio Basulto, a nutritionist, discusses the negative effects of pressuring children to eat. Basulto explains that parents commonly bribe or force children to eat, which increases the likelihood of the child developing obesity or eating disorders. Furthermore, children's appetites are erratic and unpredictable, and parents pushing them to eat could ultimately lead to an aversion to certain foods or overeating. Basulto warns against feeding children unhealthy breakfast foods or snacks, which can cause the child to have a low appetite by dinner time. Additionally, Basulto urges parents to think about the quality of the food they offer their children, as processed and sugar-laden snacks often leave children overeating and not feeling hungry later on.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, Julio Basulto, a dietitian-nutritionist, talks about the "vicious circle" of forcing children to eat "healthy" foods they may not enjoy. He emphasizes that children should not have easy access to unhealthy foods, but banning or restricting them can lead to the opposite effect. The relationship between sugary drinks and obesity is clear, and many reputable entities advise against them, including an addition to the "avoid" list - processed meats. It is important to be skeptical of nutrition information in the media and to pursue the truth, as many headlines and articles lack scientific rigor and may be influenced by industry interests. Nutritional health involves more about refraining from eating poorly rather than eating well.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, Julio Basulto discusses the issue of the greedy food industry and its advertising practices, particularly targeting children through the fast food industry. He compares the amount spent by the administration of Michelle Obama on promoting healthy eating through campaigns like "five a day" with the fast food industry's daily spending to promote their products. Basulto argues that there needs to be a change in legislation to prohibit marketing of unhealthy food to children. Additionally, he highlights the problem of charlatans who promote unscientific or harmful ideas about nutrition, and healthcare professionals who show negligence in their recommendations. Basulto emphasizes that the opinion of famous people holds more weight in many cases than the expert views of healthcare professionals, criticizing such personalities for promoting unhealthy products.

01:00:00 - 01:10:00

In this video, nutritionist Julio Basulto discusses the impact of our dietary choices on both personal health and the environment. He highlights the harms of consuming processed and red meats, as well as the potential dangers of mercury in certain types of fish. Basulto emphasizes the need to reduce waste and pollutant materials generated by the food industry and to make more sustainable choices. He also emphasizes the importance of parents taking responsibility for the food they provide at home and educating their children on the negative impacts of unhealthy foods and activities. Finally, Basulto stresses the importance of avoiding unhealthy products, even if they seem exceptional, to maintain good health for ourselves and future generations.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, Julio Basulto discusses the importance of sustainable eating habits and the environmental impact of consuming animal products. He emphasizes the need for a reduction in the consumption of processed meats and red meat, stating that this has a significant impact on the environment. He also notes that many organic products are sourced from far away, resulting in a large carbon footprint. Furthermore, he discusses the consequences of global emissions on the health of future generations and highlights how small changes in personal food choices can have a significant impact on global health. Finally, he references the presence of mercury in certain types of fish and how government advisories suggest that certain groups, such as pregnant women and young children, should avoid certain types of fish due to this risk.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, Julio Basulto, a dietitian-nutritionist, discusses the impact of our dietary decisions on the environment. Basulto explains that many types of fish contain not only mercury but also dioxins, furans, perfluoroalkyl substances, and cadmium that are harmful to humans and the planet. He highlights the need to reduce our use of single-use plastics and to consume less processed and frozen foods that generate waste that pollutes the environment. Basulto also emphasizes the importance of parents taking responsibility for the food they provide at home and mentions an anti-obesity strategy that focuses on informing children about the negative impact of unhealthy foods and activities.
  • 01:10:00 In this section, Julio Basulto, a nutritionist, emphasizes that consuming healthy food such as soybean sprouts does not compensate for the damage caused by consuming unhealthy products regularly. He urges people to remember that the key to maintaining good health for themselves and their children is to stay away from unhealthy products that one might think are exceptional, but are actually the norm.

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