Summary of Power Apps Model Driven Apps FULL COURSE for Beginners

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

This video is a full course on building model-driven apps using Power Apps for beginners. The speaker explains that a model-driven app is a front-end user interface for a Microsoft dataverse database, allowing users to shape and manage their data, automate processes, and connect with other applications. The app being built in the course is an asset management app designed to track and allocate assets within an organization. The video covers topics such as app layout and functionality, creating records, signing up for a Power Apps developer plan, working with environments and solutions, customizing tables and forms, and creating views. The instructor emphasizes the importance of working within a solution and provides step-by-step demonstrations for each topic.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video, the speaker introduces the course on building a model-driven app using Power Apps. They explain that a model-driven app is a front-end user interface for a Microsoft dataverse database. The app allows users to easily shape and manage their data, automate processes, set up complex security, and connect with other applications. The speaker provides various use cases for model-driven apps, such as managing customer data, onboarding employees, and handling inspection processes. They also mention that the app being built in this course is an asset management app designed to track and allocate assets within an organization.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the video, the speaker explains the layout and functionality of the model-driven app they are building. They mention the left-hand navigation menu, recently used items, and the ability to pin records for easy access. They also discuss the presence of data tables that are related to each other and demonstrate the end-to-end business process automation. The app includes a search feature that allows users to search the entire dataverse database using keywords. The speaker highlights a dashboard in the middle of the screen that shows a list of available assets, a chart representing assets by status, and a list of allocations in progress. They further explore a list of employees, an individual employee's form with sections for contact information and timeline activities, and a tab displaying assets allocated to the employee. The speaker also showcases an asset details page, which includes a description and allocation history. The video concludes by demonstrating the process of creating an asset allocation.
  • 00:10:00 In this section of the video, the speaker demonstrates the creation of a phone allocation record using Power Apps Model Driven Apps. The process includes looking up an employee, inputting details such as the allocation date, and saving the record. The speaker then explains how business rules are applied to ensure that certain conditions need to be met, such as requesting an exception for an asset outside of policy. The approval process is triggered, and the manager receives a notification in Microsoft Teams to approve the request. Once approved, the asset check is conducted to ensure the satisfactory condition of the asset. The process is illustrated using a sample Power BI dashboard. Overall, the section showcases the end-to-end application with automation and business process flow.
  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker explains how to sign up for a Power Apps developer plan using a work or school account. By going to the Power Apps developer plan site and entering your work or school email address, you can create an environment in the Power Apps maker portal with premium Power Apps capabilities. However, if you don't have a work or school account, the speaker suggests signing up for an Office 365 trial account as an alternative. This will also create an environment where you can access Power Apps. The speaker emphasizes the importance of using a real phone number for verification purposes. Once you have set up your account, you can navigate to to start building your app using environments and solutions.
  • 00:20:00 In this section of the video, the instructor introduces the concept of environments in Power Apps Model Driven Apps. Environments allow users to create different environments for different purposes, such as development, testing, and production. Different users with different permissions can be assigned to each environment. The instructor advises against building a model-driven app in the default environment and suggests creating a separate environment. The next step is to create a solution, which is like a bucket to store all the assets, such as data tables, business process flows, and logic. Solutions allow users to package and move their assets across different environments. The instructor provides a glimpse of the finished solution, which includes tables, processes, and security roles. They also mention that Microsoft Dataverse comes with standard tables that users can utilize instead of creating everything from scratch. Overall, the instructor emphasizes the importance of working within a solution and navigating to it whenever creating new assets.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how to bring in existing tables and modify them in Power Apps Model Driven Apps. They demonstrate bringing in the contact table and adding new columns such as the line manager and profile picture. The speaker explains that these columns can have different data types, such as lookup and image, and highlights the convenience of features like the magnifying glass for lookups. By adding these columns, users can customize the tables to suit their specific needs.
  • 00:30:00 In this section of the video, the speaker demonstrates how to create a form for contacts using Power Apps Model-Driven Apps. They start by navigating to the forms section and creating a new form. They then customize the form by changing the display name, adding sections, and dragging and dropping components such as address, job title, and department. The speaker also removes unnecessary fields like fax and account name.
  • 00:35:00 In this section of the video tutorial, the instructor demonstrates how to customize a form and create a view in Power Apps Model Driven Apps. The first step is to search for and add specific fields to the form, such as departments, line manager, and profile picture. The next task is to adjust the column widths for better formatting. Then, the form settings are modified so that the newly created form appears at the top of the list. After saving and publishing the changes, the focus shifts to creating a view. Instead of creating a new view from scratch, the instructor adds an existing view and makes adjustments, such as removing unnecessary columns and adding job title and department fields. The final step involves saving and publishing the modifications made to the view.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker starts by creating a new table from scratch for assets. They enable attachments and choose an image for the table icon. They also explore other advanced options such as making it an option for SharePoint document management and appearing in search results. Saving the new table adds it to the solution along with security and auditing features. The primary name column is discussed, and the speaker decides to change it to "asset ID" and set it as an auto number. The primary name column will serve as the heading for each record in the table.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, the instructor demonstrates how to create different columns in a model-driven app. They start by creating a primary column with a prefix and a maximum character count. Then, they add an "asset name" column, followed by a "description" column using a text area for multiple lines of text. They set the maximum character count to 4000. Next, they create a "serial number" column as a single line of text, an "acquisition date" column as a date and time, and a "purchase value" column as a currency. Finally, they create an "asset type" column as a choice with local options. The instructor also explains the significance of the schema values and the option to synchronize the choices globally.
  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker explains how to create a form for an asset table in Power Apps. They demonstrate dragging and dropping different elements into the form and adjusting the layout. They also discuss adding a default choice for the allocation status column and placing it in the header of the form.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, the instructor explains how to create views for the asset table in Power Apps Model-Driven Apps. They demonstrate how to modify the default view and create a new view called "available assets" that filters the assets by their allocation status. They also show how to customize the sorting and filtering options for the views. By providing users with different views, they can easily navigate and interact with the data based on their needs and preferences.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

The video titled "Power Apps Model Driven Apps FULL COURSE for Beginners" covers a range of topics related to Power Apps Model Driven Apps. The instructor explains how to enable the timeline feature, create columns, and establish relationships between tables. They also cover customizing forms, creating quick view forms and quick create forms, and customizing the form layout. Additionally, the video explains how to create business rules and add tabs to the app. Overall, the video provides beginners with a comprehensive guide to building model-driven apps in Power Apps.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the instructor explains how to enable the timeline feature in Power Apps Model Driven Apps. Enabling this feature allows users to track things like emails and appointments. The instructor demonstrates how to enable the timeline feature and also mentions that this decision is irreversible. They then proceed to create columns for the asset allocation table, including lookups to the asset, employee, and requested by tables. The instructor emphasizes the importance of planning out data tables and relationships before implementing them in Power Apps.
  • 01:05:00 In this section of the video, the speaker explains how to create a formula field called "return due date" in Power Apps Model Driven Apps. The formula is created using Power FX, an expression language similar to Excel formulas. The formula uses the "Date add" function to calculate the due date based on the allocation date and a fixed number of years (in this case, three years). The speaker also shows how to create other column types, such as a binary toggle for "outside policy" and a text area for "reason." Additionally, they demonstrate how to create a choice column for "approval status" with options for "approved" and "rejected."
  • 01:10:00 In this section, the speaker explains how to add additional visual indicators to the app by utilizing labels and colors. They demonstrate how to sync choices and allocate checks with global choices. The video also covers creating relationships between tables, such as many-to-one and one-to-many relationships. The speaker showcases how to create relationships using lookup columns and how to create views for the asset allocation. They mention that this is an essential stage in creating data tables and establishing relationships before moving on to the model-driven app part of the process.
  • 01:15:00 In this section, the instructor discusses the importance of adding all necessary columns in a model-driven app and how to fix any errors. They demonstrate adding the "return actual date" column and filtering the view based on whether the column contains data or not. They also introduce the "asset check" table and create various columns, including a lookup to the asset allocation. The instructor emphasizes the use of quick create forms and promises to cover more advanced topics in subsequent modules.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how to customize the columns and create a form and view for a model-driven app in Power Apps. They demonstrate how to rename existing columns and add new ones, such as "checked by" and "checked date." They also explain how to utilize the rich text format for the "notes" column and create a local choice column for the "check type." Additionally, they show how to use a global choice column for the "check results," allowing the reuse of options from a previous column. Finally, they cover setting the data type for the "rating" column and controlling the data entry experience by specifying minimum and maximum values. After creating the necessary columns, they proceed to create a form with two columns and customize the labels and formatting.
  • 01:25:00 In this section of the video, the instructor explains how to customize the layout of a model-driven app in Power Apps. They demonstrate how to add different sections and columns to a form, as well as how to bring in various fields and components such as labels, notes, and star ratings. Additionally, they show how to create views that display related records and discuss the process of creating tables, views, and forms in general. The instructor also mentions that in the next module, they will cover more advanced features and types of forms, such as quick view forms.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, the instructor demonstrates how to create a quick create form and a quick view form in Power Apps Model Driven Apps. A quick create form is used to create a related record quickly, while a quick view form is used to display a summarized view of a record. The instructor guides the viewers through the process of creating these forms by selecting the appropriate options and dragging in the necessary fields. The quick create form is narrow and pops up on the right-hand side of the screen, while the quick view form has limited editing options and is read-only. Overall, these forms provide a convenient way to create and view related records in a simplified manner.
  • 01:35:00 In this section, the speaker demonstrates how to create quick view forms and quick create forms in Power Apps. To create a quick view form, the speaker adds the desired fields from a table and then hides the labels. Similarly, for a quick create form, the speaker adds the required fields and hides the labels. Although quick view and quick create forms have some limitations in terms of customization, they enhance the user experience and add additional elements to the app. Finally, the speaker shows how to bring all the elements together by creating a main form for asset allocation and arranging the sections and columns on the form.
  • 01:40:00 In this section, the instructor demonstrates how to customize the form layout by adding additional components such as quick view forms and sections. He shows how to choose the desired lookup field for each component, and how to rearrange the sections on the form. The instructor also mentions that there are many more customization options available, including business rules, which he plans to cover in the next module. Despite some technical difficulties with the older user interface, he continues to provide step-by-step instructions and encourages viewers to share the video if they find it helpful.
  • 01:45:00 In this section of the video, the instructor explains the process of creating a business rule in Power Apps Model Driven Apps. The first step is to give the rule a name, such as "outside policy business rule." Then, a condition is added to the rule, which checks if a certain field (in this case, "outside policy") equals "yes." If the condition is met, the instructor sets the visibility and makes the field mandatory. On the other hand, if the condition is not met, the instructor sets the visibility of the field to "not visible" and makes it not required. Finally, the rule is saved, validated, and activated. The instructor also mentions that the rule's scope can be adjusted to apply to specific forms or experiences for the user.
  • 01:50:00 In this section, the instructor explains how to create business rules in Power Apps Model Driven Apps. They demonstrate the process of creating a simple on/off business rule using conditions and actions. The instructor reminds viewers that sometimes the process can be slow and advises them to refresh the window if necessary. They also caution against waiting too long and suggest being patient for a reasonable amount of time before refreshing. Once the business rule is created, it is added to the solution and appears in the list of business rules. The instructor then moves on to discussing subgrids, which are an important feature in model driven apps. They explain that subgrids provide visibility of related tables in one-to-many or many-to-many relationships and suggest using them to improve the app experience. The instructor shows how to create a subgrid and mentions the importance of using the right view for the subgrid to avoid unnecessary repetition. They highlight the importance of considering these details to create a great user experience.
  • 01:55:00 In this section, the instructor explains how to add a separate tab in the Power Apps Model Driven App. They recommend using tabs to avoid excessive vertical scrolling and improve user experience. They demonstrate adding a one-column tab named "Asset Checks" and changing the label of the section within the tab. They then add a subgrid to display related records, specifically the asset checks related to the allocation. They also talk about creating a view specifically for the subgrid to avoid repetitive display of the person's name. Finally, they discuss adding the contact table as a tab on the contact form.

02:00:00 - 03:00:00

The video titled "Power Apps Model Driven Apps FULL COURSE for Beginners" covers various aspects of creating and customizing Power Apps model-driven apps. The instructor demonstrates how to customize forms, add subgrids, and create lookup views. They also explain how to create business process flows, automate approvals using Power Automate, and update rows in Microsoft Dataverse. The video covers topics like creating tables, building a navigation menu, and adding data to the app. The instructor also discusses important settings and features, such as enabling embedded content and personalizing user settings. The video concludes with a demonstration of creating charts and dashboards, as well as customizing the layout of the app and integrating Power BI. Overall, the video provides a comprehensive overview of building and customizing model-driven apps in Power Apps.

  • 02:00:00 In this section, the instructor is demonstrating how to customize the main form and quick view form in a Power Apps model-driven app. They add a one-column tab and a component one-column tab to the form, naming them "asset allocations". They then add a subgrid for related records, specifically the "asset allocations for an employee". The instructor also highlights the importance of choosing the correct lookup when working with multiple choices. They proceed to add the asset allocation subgrid to the asset form, opting for a different design by adding a one-column section at the bottom of the main form. They configure the subgrid to show the asset allocations for the asset and mention that the columns may not be visible until all changes are published. Finally, they showcase the ability to create a lookup view within the asset allocation section.
  • 02:05:00 In this section, the presenter explains how to create a lookup view in a Power Apps Model Driven App. The lookup view allows users to see and select items from a related table, displaying the name and additional information such as a serial number. The presenter then moves on to creating a business process flow, which guides users through a series of stages and steps in a process. In this example, the business process flow is used for asset allocation, including requesting, authorizing, approving, allocating, and returning assets. The presenter highlights that the purpose of a business process flow is to provide guidance, visibility, and ensure that certain steps are checked off in the process.
  • 02:10:00 In this section, the instructor demonstrates how to add conditional logic to a process in Power Apps. They start by building out the process without the condition and then show how to add it later. The condition is based on a field called "outside policy" in the previous stage. They explain that the condition must be saved in order to add additional steps, and they caution that it's easy to forget this step. Once the condition is added, the instructor adds a new stage for the approval process. They save the changes and activate the process, noting that sometimes the activation process may take longer than expected and may require refreshing the browser.
  • 02:15:00 In this section of the video, the instructor demonstrates how to create an automated approval flow using Power Automate. Power Automate is a tool that allows users to build workflows and automations within the Power Platform. By creating an approval flow, users can trigger an approval and see it in action within the model-driven app. The instructor showcases the different types of triggers available in Power Automate and selects the "instant" option because the approval flow will be triggered by clicking a button in the business process flow. The instructor then proceeds to add a step and selects the "approvals" action, which is a built-in capability of the platform. The approval flow is configured with a title, custom responses, and an assignee. This automation feature is just one example of the business process automation capabilities available within the Power Platform.
  • 02:20:00 In this section, the speaker explains how to get the related table in Power Apps Model Driven Apps. They add another action to get a row from the table related to the business process flow. The speaker mentions that this knowledge comes from experience and learning from others. They also emphasize the importance of naming flow steps sensibly to make it easier to understand. They demonstrate how to pick up the details from the asset allocation table, specifically the reason column. They mention that Power Automate Approvals needs to be installed for the flow to work properly and explain the difference between an error and a warning. They proceed to update the business process flow by setting the status to approved or rejected based on the response from the approver.
  • 02:25:00 In this section, the video instructor explains the process of updating a row in Microsoft Dataverse using a cloud flow. They demonstrate how to update a specific record in the asset allocation table by changing the approval status to "approved". They also show how to copy the action and modify it for the "rejected" path. Once the cloud flows are set up, the instructor shows how to add them to the business process flow and create a model-driven app. The app creation process is described as the easiest part, as all the underlying components have already been created. The instructor emphasizes the importance of publishing all customizations before creating the app.
  • 02:30:00 In this section of the video, the speaker explains how to add tables and create a navigation menu in a model-driven app. By checking the appropriate boxes, the custom tables that have been created can easily be added to the app. However, the speaker recommends unchecking the "show in navigation" option in order to manually create the navigation menu later on. The speaker demonstrates how to add pages and organize them into groups and sub-areas. By following these steps, the navigation menu can be customized to fit the specific needs of the app. Overall, the process of adding tables and creating a navigation menu is simplified with just a few clicks.
  • 02:35:00 In this section, the app has been created and published, but it does not yet have any data in it. The instructor demonstrates how to create contacts and assets within the app, but encounters an issue with a mandatory field. They show how to fix the problem by going back to the maker experience and adjusting the column properties. After making the change, the app needs to be published again to see the updates. The instructor advises testing multiple changes before publishing to save time.
  • 02:40:00 In this section, the instructor demonstrates the process of making changes in Power Apps Model Driven Apps. They show how to publish changes, perform a hard refresh to see the changes take effect, and test the app with updated data. They also discuss the deployment process and recommend enabling certain feature switches in the Power Platform admin center. The instructor informs viewers that they have now successfully created a model-driven app and encourages them to add more data. They also provide a preview of what's to come in the next sections, including adding dashboards, integrating Power BI, exploring settings, and adding additional automation.
  • 02:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses various settings and features worth switching on in Power Apps Model Driven Apps. These include enabling embedded content such as Power BI visualizations, using the modern advanced search experience, collaborating with co-presence, adding and joining Teams meetings from appointments, and co-authoring with others. The speaker also advises turning on the Dataverse search feature for global search capabilities. Additionally, the speaker explains how to personalize settings for individual users, such as changing date formats and time zones. The section concludes with a demonstration of how to bring in Power BI dashboards and reports for more sophisticated visualizations and graphs in the model-driven app dashboard.
  • 02:50:00 In this section, the speaker demonstrates how to create a pie chart in the Asset Management solution using Model Driven Apps in Power Apps. They navigate to the asset table and select the option to create a chart. They choose a pie chart and specify the allocation status as the field and count as the method of measurement. The speaker then previews the chart and saves it. Next, they create a dashboard called "Asset Manager Dashboard" and add the pie chart to it. They explain that the dashboard can also include other components such as lists and different views.
  • 02:55:00 In this section of the video, the presenter demonstrates how to customize the layout of a model-driven app in Power Apps. They show how to add multiple views and charts to the app, adjust the screen layout, and add an embedded Power BI dashboard. They explain the process of creating a Power BI workspace, importing a sample report from the Power BI samples, pinning the report to a dashboard, and then linking the dashboard to the model-driven app. They emphasize the importance of naming the dashboard and the workspace in a sensible way. Overall, the presenter showcases the basic but solid functionality of customizing a model-driven app in Power Apps.

03:00:00 - 03:20:00

This YouTube video titled "Power Apps Model Driven Apps FULL COURSE for Beginners" covers various topics such as bringing a Power BI dashboard into a Power Apps Model Driven App, automating processes in the app using cloud flows, managing security roles, and assigning permissions. The instructor provides step-by-step demonstrations on how to perform these tasks, emphasizing the flexibility and automation capabilities of Power Apps Model Driven Apps. The video also highlights the importance of customizing security roles for specific apps and assigning them to users. Overall, this course provides a comprehensive overview of building model-driven apps in Power Apps, including advanced features like automation and security.

  • 03:00:00 In this section, the speaker explains how to bring a Power BI dashboard into a Power Apps Model Driven App. They demonstrate how to pin a Power BI report to a dashboard, choose the workspace and dashboard, and save it. They then show how to add both the model-driven app dashboard and the Power BI dashboard to the app, as well as add them to the sitemap navigation. The speaker also discusses the navigation menu, adding groups and sub-areas, and arranging them accordingly. They save and publish the customizations, and then demonstrate how the dashboards, search bar, and flow are working in the app.
  • 03:05:00 In this section of the video, the instructor discusses how to automate processes in a model-driven app. They demonstrate an example of automating the update of an asset's status when an allocation date is entered. They go through the steps of creating an automated cloud flow trigger based on a change in the allocation date column and show how to configure the flow to update the related asset record. This highlights the flexibility and automation capabilities of building model-driven apps on the Power Apps platform.
  • 03:10:00 In this section of the Power Apps Model Driven Apps course, the instructor explains how to automate processes in the application. They demonstrate how to retrieve and update a specific asset using Dataverse. By creating a flow, they define the steps to get the related asset and then update its allocation status. The instructor emphasizes the importance of using the unique identifier of the asset record and shows how to set the allocation status to "allocated." They then discuss sharing the app with other users and the concept of security roles. The instructor demonstrates how to associate security roles with the app and explains that permissions and access can be customized based on these roles. Overall, this section provides a practical overview of automation and security in Power Apps Model Driven Apps.
  • 03:15:00 In this section, the video discusses how to manage security roles in Power Apps Model Driven Apps. The speaker explains that out-of-the-box security roles do not have access to the tables and records that the user has created, so it is necessary to create custom security roles specific to the app. The recommendation is to not edit existing security roles, but rather save as and create a new one. The speaker demonstrates how to create a basic user security role and explains the matrix of permissions that can be configured for each table. The speaker also mentions that the security roles are specific to the environment and can be brought into the solution when moving it to another environment.
  • 03:20:00 In this section, the speaker walks through the process of assigning security roles and permissions in Power Apps Model Driven Apps. They demonstrate how to create a basic role that allows users to perform certain actions within the app, but restricts their ability to delete. They also mention the importance of ensuring that the business process flow has the appropriate permissions. The speaker shows how to add the newly created security role to the app and then assign it to specific users. They emphasize that sharing the app with users does not automatically send an email, so it is important to manually share the app's URL with users. Overall, the video provides a comprehensive guide to building a complete model-driven app and includes advanced features like security and permissions.

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