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This video discusses the history of psychiatry and how it has evolved over time. It features an interview with Fernanda, a nurse who has worked in a hospital for many years. Fernanda tells the interviewer that she is free to go where she wants, and that she feels like she is "somebody" because she has problems but is "well." She cannot live alone because of her problems, but she is free.

  • 00:00:00 The video discusses the history of psychiatry, which is fraught with difficulty and often results in torture and death. However, over the course of centuries, treatment for mental illness has evolved and today there is hope for cure with medication. The video features Fernanda, a woman living in a peculiar Belgian village who is an example of an atypical person. Despite her mental illness, Fernanda enjoys life and is very fortunate in comparison to many people in her situation in the past. Throughout history, people with mental illness have been feared and treated the same as animals. However, in the 21st century, there is hope for change as more people are beginning to understand mental illness as a disease of the brain rather than something supernatural.
  • 00:05:00 This video tells the history of psychiatry, from the 1500s to the 1700s, when thousands of mental patients were burned at the stake for being witches. In the 16th century, it became more systematic to bleed mental patients in order to cure them. At the same time, people believed that the body's vital fluids harbored diseases. Bloodletting was a popular treatment among doctors, who themselves or with the help of bloodletting needles used by bloodthirsty relatives. When they couldn't find veins or saw that veins weren't going to be effective, they used artificial veins. 2,500 years ago, ventosas (surgical instruments for draining fluid from the body) were still being used in Finnish health resorts. There were other strange methods of purging as well: an Irishman invented the circular chair torture known as the "Spanish chair." Mental patients were tied down and spun around in this device, which was popular in Europe by the early 1800s. People believed that most diseases were caused by blood, so by spinning the person, centrifugal force would push the impure blood from the brain to the arms and fingers. But the most extreme expression of this art was the "calming chair" designed to torment patients mentally and emotionally in one
  • 00:10:00 This video tells the history of psychiatry, from ancient patients to the present day. In the 1700s, belief in Satan's possession virtually disappeared in most countries, instead torturing the insane was relegated to asylums and kept away from society. In the 1800s, French physician Philippe Pinel realized that treating the mentally ill humanely was a much better approach than cruelty, and this led to major changes in psychiatry. In the 1800s, American hospitals for the mentally ill became much more humane, and the term "manicomio" virtually disappeared. However, in the early 21st century, psychiatric hospitals are once again becoming popular, this time in Europe and North America. One of the pioneers of this movement was a woman, and psychiatric hospitals began to change their approach to treating patients in the 1800s.
  • 00:15:00 In the early 19th century, when psychiatry emerged, people believed that mental illnesses had strong biological components in the brain. In fact, they were not wrong, but at that time science was not developed enough to study the neuroscience of mental illness, and actually they were not wrong, but by that time science was not developed enough to study the neuroscience of mental illness. Consequently, the role of the brain in mental illness was not scientifically established. Then, in the 1920s, people began to think again about the influence of mysterious cosmic forces on human behavior. One of these forces was called "animal magnetism" and its discoverer was French scientist Messmer. Messmer believed that it was possible to control the mental state of patients by channeling this energy through them. This was accomplished through the use of "mesmerism," a method of trance therapy developed in honor of Messmer's discovery. The theories of Messmer about animal magnetism never caught on, but psychiatrists adapted the therapy of hypnosis and called it "hipnosis" in order to give it greater credibility. Doctors like Dr. Samuel A. Smith began to explore the deepest thoughts of patients through hypnosis, but one of Smith's disciples, Freud, truly revolutionized psychiatry when he discovered that
  • 00:20:00 In the early 20th century, water therapy was used to treat patients with mental illness. This involved placing patients who were experiencing mental illness in warm water to calm them down. However, this method of treatment proved to be ineffective over time, as there were no other effective treatments available at the time for mental illness. One of the most serious diseases of the 20th century, schizophrenia, was one of the most commonly caused diseases of mental illness. In 1917, a Viennese neurologist, Julius Wagner-Font, discovered a radical cure for neurosyphilis - injecting patients with a benign form of malaria. This treatment, called "metabolic therapy," proved to be very successful in treating patients with schizophrenia. However, it was later discovered that this therapy was also effective for treating other mental illnesses, such as depression. psychiatrists began to investigate other physical therapies for treating mental illnesses, such as epilepsy. They realized that, based on this observation, if seizures could be artificially induced, it might be possible to cure schizophrenia. The first method used to test this theory was to inject patients with insulin. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels, and a person can develop insulin resistance if they consume too much of it. This led to a number
  • 00:25:00 The video discusses the history of psychiatry, focusing on the use of electric shocks and other treatments in the past. It shows how this treatment became more controlled and then turned to another elemental force, electricity. The doctors of ancient Rome used their power to place electric shocks on the heads of their patients to produce a state of confusion. This was called narcosis or "sleep of the mad" and derives its modern term, "narcotics," from this period. The use of insulin and magnetism was also attempted at this time, with mixed results. However, the electroshock treatment became popular worldwide and eventually became the standard treatment for many serious mental illnesses. However, the success of this treatment has also led to abuses, with the average treatment duration being 5-10 applications. Many patients received 300-400 applications without stopping, resulting in serious side effects to the senses and to the brain. This treatment should be supervised by an experienced doctor. However, many patients are afraid of electroshock therapy, despite the fact that it does not usually cause pain. This fear is much greater than the fear of another radical treatment, lobotomy.
  • 00:30:00 This person has depression, this person has melancholy because she looks a lot like a depressed person. In the late 1800s, doctors used photography as a way to diagnose mental illness. Patients were required to take photos as part of their treatment. However, not only was sight used as one of the senses used to diagnose mental illness, but the therapy also involved touch. The Frenology theory is a pseudoscientific idea that looks can be used to determine someone's personality. It was invented by the Austrian doctor Franz Xaver von Fränkel in 1798. However, the church soon banned the practice, which gave it even more popularity. The advantage of using visual diagnosis was that people believed that crazy people had demons inside them and doctors could exorcise them by hitting them on the head with a stick. Dr. Carl G. Jung developed the theory of archetypes in the early 1900s. This theory involved the idea that certain aspects of a person's personality are located in specific areas of the brain. In 1847, a worker named Phineas G. Cage hit his head with a metal rod too hard and the explosives he was handling detonated, blowing his head off. He survived, but his personality
  • 00:35:00 In 1949, Nobel Prize-winning physician, James Watson, discovered the link between schizophrenia and the brain disease, lobotomy. Watson was initially cautious about using lobotomy as a treatment for mental disorders, believing it should only be attempted as a last resort. However, his disciples were not so selective, and soon a ambitious American doctor, Walter Freeman, read about his work. Unlike money, who saw lobotomy as a cure for most mental illnesses, Freeman saw it as the cure for most mental illnesses- and as a way to relieve overcrowded mental hospitals. In 1952, the first modern drug therapy for mental illness- psychopharmacology- began with the discovery of a drug to combat nausea after anesthesia. This was a revelation to the psychiatric community in general, and it showed that ancient herbal remedies such as San Juan's herb (St John's wort) could have therapeutic effects for psychiatric diseases. In the 1950s, the field of psychiatry went into a steep decline as lobotomy was discredited and electroshock replaced it as the treatment of choice for mental disorders. However, by the end of the century, psychopharmacology had begun to revive interest and the discoveries of new drugs had brought hope to the psychiatric community and patients alike.
  • 00:40:00 This video discusses the history of psychiatry, including the role of drugs in the development of the field. It discusses the re-emergence of psychiatric diseases as a main focus of medicine alongside other diseases, and the return of psychiatrists to their position of "main doctors" in this field. It also discusses the development of psychoactive drugs, notably Prozac, and the controversy surrounding their use.
  • 00:45:00 This YouTube video is about the history of psychiatry, and it features an interview with Fernanda, a nurse who has worked in a hospital for many years. Fernanda tells the interviewer that she is free to go where she wants, and that she feels like she is "somebody" because she has problems but is "well." She cannot live alone because of her problems, but she is free.

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