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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

The video features an interview with Immanuel Casto, introduced as an intelligent and empathetic guest unique among the show's guests. Throughout the interview, he engages in discussions about his pursuits, including music, game design, and activism in the LGBTQ+ community. Casto also discusses his views on various topics, such as politics, gender parity, and offensive language in music. He shares his approach to his artistic work while acknowledging the limitations that come with being a pop artist versus an alternative artist. Casto concludes the interview by standing by his artistic choices and the messages conveyed in his song.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, Immanuel Casto is introduced as an extremely intelligent and empathetic guest on Breaking Italy night, who is unique among the show's guests. The host mentions that the guests are not given questions beforehand and must improvise their responses. Casto is described as a singer-songwriter and LGBT rights activist, as well as the president of Mensa Italy, and his clarity of thought and preparedness for the interview are noted. The live audience at the Teatro Carcano in Milan is also thanked, along with the show's sponsors, Nord VPN and Tridom. The section ends with the host welcoming Casto to the show and expressing his enthusiasm for the new season.
  • 00:05:00 In this section of the interview, Immanuel Casto talks about his various pursuits, from music to game design and entrepreneurship, while lamenting the fact that he feels he does too much and never has enough time for it all. He also discusses his role as an activist within the LGBTQ+ community and how he sees himself as a figurehead for the movement, though he espouses radical and progressive views that sometimes diverge from contemporary progressive thought. Casto then delves into the recent Italian elections, expressing disappointment with the left’s failure to reach out to a wider voter base by only speaking to intellectual elites. Rather, he advocates for addressing real issues faced by average people in order to gain their support.
  • 00:10:00 In this section, Immanuel Casto discusses his views on politics and the importance of focusing on both social and civil rights. He mentions that it's vital to understand that self-preservation comes before self-determination in the pyramid of needs, and people tend to vote for their self-preservation first. Casto also distinguishes between rational progressivism and magical progressivism, where the latter involves dogmatism and a belief in changing reality with mere words. He says that the promise of changing reality with words is alluring for progressives who want to change society, but it is not a practical solution. Ultimately, Casto believes that progressivism should focus on both social and civil rights, and merely focusing on one will not bring true progress.
  • 00:15:00 In this section of the transcript, Immanuel Casto discusses his views on the LGBT community and his relationship with it. He explains that he is progressive but has never fully integrated into the community due to feeling excluded and not being able to relate to them. Casto also comments on the exclusivity of the current activism and how it can be difficult for people outside of the community to understand their language and messages. He then goes on to discuss the controversial topic of same-sex families and how there is still a legal gap in Italy that needs to be addressed.
  • 00:20:00 In this section, Immanuel Casto discusses his views on the homoparentality movement and the commodification of solutions to social issues. He notes the disproportionate amount of attention given to the topic of homoparentality in comparison to other issues, and how this is often done at the expense of addressing issues related to class struggles. Casto also expresses concern over the commercialization of solutions by individuals who turn progressive causes into a model for business success. He uses the example of gender-nonconforming individuals as a solution that has been branded and sold by those in the business of writing books, giving talks, and hosting conferences. Casto believes that it is important to acknowledge the issues that certain solutions address but remains critical of their commodification.
  • 00:25:00 In this section, Immanuel Casto discusses the concept of gender parity and how he has difficulty following the logic of those who argue that gender should take precedence over other factors, such as age and identity, when assigning representation in certain contexts, such as politics. Casto argues that the issue is not about whether to force parity or wait until it happens naturally, but rather about whether to strengthen gender parity or accept that certain areas will have a different gender representation. He also discusses the need for safe spaces for different communities and the importance of communicating outside of one's own bubble.
  • 00:30:00 In this section of the video, Immanuel Casto talks about the pleasure he finds in dialoguing with people who have vastly different values than his own. He explains that although it is a purely intellectual exercise that may not lead to any concrete results, he enjoys seeing how people's minds work, particularly the paths their values take. Casto admits that his music is provocative and sometimes offends people, but he does not intentionally set out to offend, rather he wants to give a voice to those whom he feels are not being heard. Casto also discusses how he is different from his artistic persona and that his music is intended for those who are already familiar with certain concepts.
  • 00:35:00 In this section of the transcript, Immanuel Casto discusses how he started his artistic career as a form of Dadaist experimentation, wanting to create a reaction from viewers wondering what they had just seen. Over time, he incorporated more of himself into his performances, but emphasizes that the character he portrays is not entirely representative of his true self. Casto also opens up about being neurodiverse and how his desire to "play with his thoughts" from childhood led to his artistic expression as an adult. He mentions receiving positive feedback from parents who have used his music to connect with their children who are struggling with self-acceptance. Casto also reveals that he is a father himself and is proud of this aspect of his life.
  • 00:40:00 In this section, the interviewer and Immanuel Casto discuss the use of offensive terms and language in his music, and whether it is appropriate for teenagers or families with homophobic views. Casto argues that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to communication, and that applying rules too rigidly can disrupt the principle that the rule was created to uphold. They also discuss the idea of re-appropriating offensive terms as a way of taking back power and asserting oneself, which can help to create a sense of community but can also cause division.
  • 00:45:00 In this section, Immanuel Casto discusses the use of certain words and their offense towards certain groups. He explains that while it may be harmful to use such terms, it is ultimately up to the individual's personal feelings and experiences to determine what offends them. Casto goes on to discuss the idea of improving the world and how it differs due to each person's own interests and characteristics. He envisions a shift away from a majority progressive mindset towards other approaches that may work better. Ultimately, Casto concludes that many people are simply expressing themselves and the journey is more important than the final outcome.
  • 00:50:00 In this section of the video, Immanuel Casto discusses his approach to his work and how he has evolved as an artist over time. He acknowledges that looking back at his early work, there are things he wouldn't do now, but at the time he wanted to do them and that's what mattered. He also talks about how he may have inspired others to pursue a career in the arts, but emphasizes the importance of understanding that it may not always be a viable or fulfilling career path. Casto also reflects on the dichotomy of the mainstream and alternative scenes in the music industry and the different logics that govern them.
  • 00:55:00 In this section, Immanuel Casto discusses the limitations that come with being a pop artist and the total freedom that comes with being an alternative artist. He explains that pop music is meant to satisfy the mainstream audience and therefore, it limits the type of messages or content that can be conveyed in a song. However, in the alternative scene, artists have the freedom to experiment with various types of content, whether explicit, intellectual, or comedic, without fear of losing their audience. Casto gives an example of his song "Zero Carboidrati," which discusses body image and invasive surgeries but doesn't explicitly condemn them. Finally, he talks about a controversial incident involving his song, but he stands by his artistic choices and the message of the song.

01:00:00 - 01:40:00

Immanuel Casto discusses topics ranging from his passion for games to his experience with Mensa, a high IQ society. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the context and objective in communication and stresses the need to educate people on how to think critically. Casto also opens up about his personal experiences with learning disorders and his relationship with the education system, as well as his struggles with neurological issues since the age of 19. Despite facing challenges, he credits his strong communication skills to his background in logic and practice. Overall, Casto advocates for inclusivity and improvement while acknowledging the potential benefits of exclusive societies.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, Immanuel Casto discusses his passion for games and how they can be a tool for teaching and learning. He explains that games are a form of emotional expression that can turn negative emotions into positive ones when played in a safe, fictional space. He mentions that in other countries, the concept of gaming is more widely understood, and it is even used as a tool for teaching subjects like math. Immanuel also recounts an experience with a journalist from "Le Iene" who attempted to discredit him by asking controversial questions about his game, "Squillo," a game with controversial humor that has often been misunderstood by critics.
  • 01:05:00 In this section, Immanuel Casto talks about a board game he created called "Witchem Beach." The game, which was crowdfunded, features witches battling against societal enemies, including homophobes represented by a bearded man with a fat body. Casto explains that the man was upset because he recognized himself in the illustration, even though the character did not bear any physical resemblance to him. Casto also touches on his role as the president of the Mensa association and briefly discusses the complexities of the concept of intelligence and IQ.
  • 01:10:00 In this section of the video, Immanuel Casto discusses his involvement with Mensa, a high IQ society. While acknowledging the elitist nature of Mensa, he explains that its purpose is to create a community for individuals with high IQ scores who may have experienced loneliness and exclusion due to their intelligence. He also addresses criticisms of the society, such as lack of diversity in gender, and emphasizes that while Mensa is exclusive, its members come from diverse backgrounds and the society serves as a place for intellectual discourse and friendships.
  • 01:15:00 In this section of the video, Immanuel Casto discusses his experience with Mensa, an exclusive high IQ society. He acknowledges the criticism of the organization as being repressive and arrogant and he admits that he has not had positive experiences with people from within the society, except for the interviewer. Casto goes on to explain that the stereotype of high IQ individuals lacking in emotional intelligence is false and can vary from person to person. Casto also recognizes the exclusivity of Mensa and the difficulty in promoting inclusiveness while maintaining the exclusive persona of the society. He states that Mensa is founded on the idea of superiority, but he has always promoted improvement and rationality. Casto concludes that while he can acknowledge and understand the arguments against Mensa, he ultimately defends the freedom to choose to participate in exclusive societies while also advocating for inclusivity.
  • 01:20:00 In this section, Immanuel Casto discusses the challenges faced by parents of highly intelligent children and the discomfort some people feel about taking intelligence tests. He notes the danger of feeling superior or inferior depending on the results of such tests and reminds viewers that specific skills, whether physical or mental, do not define a person's identity. Casto also acknowledges the importance of excelling in something to gain respect for oneself without falling into the trap of feeling superior to others.
  • 01:25:00 In this section, Immanuel Casto opens up about his personal experiences with learning disorders and his relationship with the education system. Despite struggling with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and ADHD, Casto had strong verbal skills that impressed adults. However, his perception of himself was that he was unintelligent and incapable due to negative responses from the outside world. Casto shares how receiving a diagnosis and having a mentor-like Italian teacher who saw his talents and limitations made a significant difference in his life. He believes that it is crucial for children with learning disorders to receive diagnoses at the right time to have access to resources that can help them succeed. Casto also mentions how the Italian education system places a lot of emphasis on skills that are difficult for those with learning disorders, causing frustration and low self-esteem.
  • 01:30:00 In this section, Immanuel Casto discusses how he became a skilled writer and effective communicator, which he views as fundamental to his success. He credits his ability to communicate effectively through writing to his background in logic and practice. Casto also reveals that he has struggled with neurological issues since the age of 19, although he does not disclose any details about this condition. Additionally, he shares that his family did not openly discuss differences or difficulties they faced, but rather chose to ignore them, reflecting a cultural mentality of that time period. Finally, the interviewer compliments Casto's strong communication skills and reflects on how society has changed since the '80s regarding diversity and tolerance.
  • 01:35:00 In this section of the transcript, Immanuel Casto discusses the evolution of language and how he would approach communicating different themes. He stresses the importance of understanding the context and objective in communication and states the need to educate people on how to think critically about certain conclusions. Casto hopes that the trend towards teaching critical thinking at a young age will have a positive ripple effect on social and political discourse. While he does not have concrete plans for entering politics, he does not rule it out entirely and acknowledges the many factors that would need to be taken into consideration.
  • 01:40:00 In this section, the speaker thanks the audience and the sponsors for their participation and support in the event. They also express their hope that the audience enjoyed the show and mentions their ignorance about the messages sent to them during the hour and a half. The section ends with some music and the speaker's goodbye, promising to meet again in the future.

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