Summary of Sesión 12: Participación ciudadana en la lucha contra la corrupción

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this video, various experts discuss the role of citizen participation in the fight against corruption. They emphasize the importance of media in this fight, and discuss how the concept of citizenship has historically been exclusive and patriarchal. They also discuss how the concept of "body" is related to the gender binary, and how the feminist movement has made some progress in terms of equality for women.

  • 00:00:00 This video discusses the importance of citizen participation in the fight against corruption, and presents Professor Oscar Mejía Diana, from the University of Colombia, as a speaker. He discusses the idea that corruption has a negative impact on society, and how citizens can help to fight it. He also addresses the question of how to better connect media with the goals of citizen participation.
  • 00:05:00 This video discusses the hypothesis that the Colombian media has a role in promoting democratic values and preventing the rise of authoritarianism. The presenter covers the history and theory of the republican and democratic models, and explains how the republican model is more focused on consensus and the democratic model is more focused on fundamental reform. The presenter also covers the rise of the post-modern democracy model, which is more focused on participatory democracy.
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses the republicanism philosophy, which includes the concept of "disobedience to the sovereign and contestation of law from the beginning of modernity to the contrary, liberalism proceeds through majority rule, so that this equation between liberalism and consensus is false. Even at any given time, it is false. Many professors who have returned to the error of Chantalmus have picked up on this. Liberalism is a false consensus. Even though it defends disobedience to a tyrant, it does not defend disobedience of the law. On the contrary, republicanism begins with Maquiavelo with continues with Montes and Bolívar. In our context, Bolívar's teacher, Simón Rodríguez, is a plebeian but also later, Artigas, Benito Juárez, and Pedro Romero are all republicans. In Colombia, we are going to have a popular republicanism represented by mulatto Pedro Romero. Elements of this republicanism are present in the independence of Cartagena province, and then we'll find it in the Constitution of Cundinamarca and even in the Tunjana Proclamation. There are even republican elements in 1910, as an alternative to the fratricidal struggle between liberalism and
  • 00:15:00 In this session, Rosan Balón discusses the concept of democracy with regards to two different models: the traditionalist and the post-liberal. He also talks about the idea of public opinion and how it should be defended in the context of justice. Finally, he discusses the concept of civil disobedience and how it can be used to defend a consensual constitution.
  • 00:20:00 Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech is discussed in relation to contemporary debates over how citizens should participate in the fight against corruption. King's message is that peaceful resistance is the only political course of action available to citizens who are against injustice. He also argues that democracy is a contestatory form of government against corruption, meaning that the people are the ones who suffer from corruption and are therefore the first to have to stand up against it. Rose argues that deliberation should be the priority over procedural justice in fighting corruption, and he presents a model of deliberative democracy called the "postresaliana." Nancy Fraser discusses the "medios de comunicación alternativos," or alternative media, and their role in creating a pluralistic and enlightened political culture.
  • 00:25:00 This video discusses how journalists should cover politics and corruption. It discusses how the media should be objective and factual, and be careful not to bias the news. It also talks about how the media should cover different perspectives, and how presenters in the media often have political biases.
  • 00:30:00 In this session, participants discuss the role of citizen participation in the fight against corruption. They discuss how media outlets, such as radio stations, are important in the formation of political culture, especially in a country with a strong oral and political culture based on parish-based, dominant citizenry. They also look at journalists such as Néstor Morales, Zuleta Lleras, Ricardo Ospina, and Paola Herrera, and see how their record shows a clear political bias. Finally, they look at Daniel Coronel, Felix Bedood, and Julio Sanchez, who all present a clear tendency towards politicization and partisanship in their journalism. They discuss how this trend is harmful not just for the current government, but also for the previous government, which was supported by more objective reporting. They also look at personal, subjective journalism, which lacks investigative journalism and institutional voices. This session ends with a discussion of María Teresa de TVES's report on citizen participation. Participants discuss how citizen participation has become politicized, and how journalists have lost sight of their role as sources of objective information.
  • 00:35:00 In this video, professor Diana Hincapié discusses the importance of media in the fight against corruption, emphasizing the need for balanced and unbiased reporting. She also speaks about her work as a lawyer and professor, as well as her experience with the Colombian Association of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Finally, she offers an invitation to the public to join her group's research on reforming the law.
  • 00:40:00 This video discusses the idea of "emerging citizens." It discusses how these citizens have been historically marginalized and silenced, and discusses how they can be empowered through dialogue and critical thinking. The presenter offers a proposal for how to talk about these citizens, and goes on to discuss how this concept is in dialogue with Nancy Fraser's theory of "publics divided."
  • 00:45:00 The video discusses the idea that the citizenry as we know it is a privileged class, and that not all citizens are equal. It traces the origins of this idea to ancient Rome, and specifically to the Roman law code known as the Romano gallo. This code presented two opposing categories of order - human beings and things. People were considered people only if they had ownership of things, and within those things were the wife, children, slaves, and other property. It was in the middle of this binary that the Roman gallo presented the concept of judicial action. Actions were not seen as a way to resolve conflicts between people, but as a way to supercede them by resolving conflicts between things. This dichotomy is still present in our legal system, and is inherited from the Roman law code. Today, only a very few people have the privilege of being considered citizens.
  • 00:50:00 The video discusses the concept of citizenship and how it has been historically viewed by society. It also discusses the difference between citizenship and civil rights and how this distinction has affected women and minority groups. The talk then moves on to discuss the Colombian code of civil law, which was enacted in 1873 and has only been modified a few times. The code is exclusive in that it privileges citizenship over other rights and privileges individuals over things. Finally, the talk touches on the issue of citizenship being exclusive and patriarchal.
  • 00:55:00 Roberto Espósito, an Italian philosopher, discusses the concept of "body" in relation to the gender binary in a talk entitled "Sesión 12: Participation of citizens in the fight against corruption." 343 women, who had procured abortions illegally, signed a declaration published in "Observatorio Político" in 1971. Espósito discusses how the feminist movement in France has achieved many victories in terms of rights and protections for women, such as the legalization of abortion. He also points out that despite these advances, there is still a long way to go in terms of gender equality. He quotes 343 women as saying "We are all possible."

01:00:00 - 01:55:00

This video discusses how citizens can participate in the fight against corruption, and provides three examples of how this can be done. It also discusses the importance of citizen participation in the fight against corruption, and how the media has changed.

  • 01:00:00 This YouTube video discusses the 1973 French Declaration of Human Rights Emerging, or "Dude" Declaration, which is different from other human rights declarations in that it places emphasis on the rights of citizens to freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly. The declaration was created by the French Assembly of National Representatives and was signed by 343 women who had all been arrested for abortion. The women are using the declaration to argue against laws that punish abortion, and to demand that France break the cycle of sexual and reproductive oppression that is so deeply rooted in Catholic doctrine.
  • 01:05:00 This video discusses the idea of participatory democracy, which is said to be more in line with the principles of democracy expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The video refers to the idea of human rights as emerging rights, which are rights that are not limited to just liberal democracy. It also discusses the idea of participatory democracy in terms of gender, as it is important to consider the different perspectives of different groups of people when discussing human rights. Finally, the video proposes an approach to democracy that is more representative and inclusive, emphasizing the role of civil society organizations.
  • 01:10:00 The video discusses how citizens can participate in the fight against corruption by creating their own statutes and being recognized by the appropriate authority. It also proposes that non-governmental organizations that arise from the periphery, such as public contrapublics, become juridical Kantian subjects by becoming internal to the political periphery. Democracy within these groups is essential for deliberation and decision-making. The third proposal is to deconstruct the legal language so that everyone can understand it. This would allow for democratic deliberation and decision-making within groups, regardless of socioeconomic status.
  • 01:15:00 The presenter introduces three important proposals for citizen participation: 1) using language more akin to that of Kantian morality, 2) reducing the legal language barrier, and 3) addressing citizen rights in a comparative international context. The presenter introduces their colleague, the lawyer Tatiana Margarita Oñate, who will speak about her work as a principal professor of jurisprudence at the Universidad Del Rosario and her recent work on administrative and international law. The presenter then invites the doctor Tatiana to give her presentation. Tatiana is a lawyer and specialist in administrative and comparative European international law. She has been a professor at the Universidad Del Rosario's law faculty and has worked in a variety of legal areas, including administrative law and international law. Her most well-known book is La dignidad de la corte constitucional (The Dignity of the Constitutional Court), which has had a widespread readership among colleagues in different academic and professional fields. Tatiana is currently a deputy prosecutor with the Justice Department and specializes in territorial and social dialogue. She plans to speak about social dialogue in the context of the current administration of justice. The presenter next introduces their colleague Eduardo, who has recently changed his name to "Entidades Territoriales y
  • 01:20:00 The video discusses the importance of citizen participation in the fight against corruption, and how the herramienta created to combat this problem can be more versatile if it is based on trust and understanding between the community and the government. Through the use of this tool, communities can take control of their own lives and solve their own problems.
  • 01:25:00 The video discusses the importance of citizen participation in fighting corruption, and discusses how residents can become involved in the fight by learning more about what is happening in their community and by speaking up when they see corruption. It also discusses how to ensure that corruption is identified and stopped, and how to ensure that citizens have confidence in the government. Finally, it provides an example of how citizen participation can be used to help achieve these objectives.
  • 01:30:00 This video shows how the Procuraduría General de la República is using a web tool called "Caja de Herramientas" to help citizens participate in the fight against corruption. The tool provides information on how to access local anti-corruption initiatives in different parts of the country, and offers tips on how to communicate with government officials.
  • 01:35:00 Four modules on participatory democracy were offered for people to consult and offer suggestions on how to improve. Delegated government and territorial management representative, Diana de la Vega, shared their experience with participatory democracy and how it has helped to resolve conflicts. A problem arose in that people thought of themselves first and foremost as legal representatives instead of guardians of the river. To address this, a dialogue exercise was held in which people were allowed to share their thoughts and concerns about the law and guardianship. The guardian's role was clarified and they were given the opportunity to create their own rules and statutes. This exercise has been successful in bringing people together and solidifying their commitment to guardianship.
  • 01:40:00 The video discusses how citizens can participate in the fight against corruption, and provides three examples of how this can be done. The participants then take questions from the audience. One question asks what criteria should be used to decide which media outlets should be granted a degree of impartiality, and another asks what citizens can do to increase their understanding of the news. The last question asks how universities should approach the training of journalists.
  • 01:45:00 The video discusses the importance of citizen participation in the fight against corruption. It discusses how the media has changed, and how women are increasingly using their positions of power to get married to powerful men. It also discusses how difficult it is to confront issues like this, and how important it is for citizens to have access to unbiased information. One participant asks if the language inclusive of all actors is actually being used, and if so, how liberally. Another asks if the polarization of the citizenry is intentional. The speaker concludes by saying that they are open to dialogue, but if there is no interest, they will go to the courts.
  • 01:50:00 In this YouTube video, Professor Mejía discusses the constitutional rights of citizens to participate in the political process and to know about the Constitution. He also discusses how to desencrypt the language of the Constitution for citizens to understand and use. He then invites two of his students to share their thoughts on the subject.
  • 01:55:00 This video discusses how citizens can participate in the fight against corruption. It discusses how the government is trying to create rules for how citizens can participate, and how this can be a problem. It also discusses the success of the her

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