Summary of South Farm Finished! + HD50F Issues 😆

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00:00:00 - 00:20:00

The video explains that the South Farm has been completed, and that there are still some issues with the HD50F camera. The farmer demonstrates how to remove a reel from a windmill, and mentions that the windmill is typically running at a speed of around eight miles per hour. The video also discusses an issue with the header on the tractor, header slap, and how it can be a problem if the tractor smacks the ground too hard.

  • 00:00:00 The South Farm is finished, and all the combines are now at the farm yard. One bolt on the header is broken, and a new one needs to be put in. The video also shows how to remove the nut on the top of the bolt head.
  • 00:05:00 The author of the video discusses an issue with the header on their tractor, header slap. Header slap is when the tractor's header smacks the ground when the tractor is moving at a fast speed. This can be a problem because it can break the nuts on the header, and also cause the tractor to lose traction. The author has reduced the air pressure on the tires to reduce the chance of header slap.
  • 00:10:00 The farmer demonstrates how to remove a reel from a windmill using a lever and ratchet, and how to tension the reel so that it doesn't blow away. He also mentions that the windmill is typically running at a speed of around eight miles per hour.
  • 00:15:00 The South Farm is finished, and the farmer found a new code that says a fault when he tries to throw in his header. He's had problems three times with the same issue. The wind is really strong out there, and it feels like a furnace. He's hoping that they don't have a fire, but they do every year. Surprisingly, they haven't had one this year. The farmer also has a fire wagon, and he needs to keep it on all the time because it will fluff up the straw and chaff and instantly light up.
  • 00:20:00 The video explains that the South Farm has been completed, and that there are still some issues with the HD50F camera.

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