Summary of Alejandra Huerta - Inteligencia Emocional

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In the video, Alejandra Huerta discusses the importance of having a strong emotional intelligence. She shares her own experience of growing into an emotional intelligence powerhouse, and encourages others to do the same.

  • 00:00:00 Alejandra Huerta discusses the current personal and global problems and how they are not just due to a lack of resources or knowledge, but can also be due to a lack of emotional management skills. Some research has shown that 80% of success in life can be attributed to emotional intelligence. If you feel like you identify with any of the following six key principles of emotional intelligence, you're on the right track. Don't worry though, because there's good news - emotional intelligence can be learned and acquired over time. Alejandra's name is Alejandra Huerta and she gives a warm welcome to the audience. Today, she is going to talk about the six key principles of emotional intelligence. If you have noticed that something is happening in your life that's going a bit too far, don't be afraid to take action and go see a doctor. We see these tragedies all the time in the news, like a man cutting his wife's head off because she was unfaithful, or a child committing suicide. These events are only a small part of what's going on in the world, and we are dealing with much more serious problems than we could ever imagine. One of the principles that Alejandra is going to talk about is that
  • 00:05:00 Alejandra Huerta discusses the differences between being a successful leader and a successful individual. She discusses the importance of having a strong sense of empathy and social skills, and how a person's level of intelligence and emotional intelligence are both important factors in success. Huerta concludes the talk by urging attendees to start implementing these skills today.
  • 00:10:00 Alejandra Huerta discusses the importance of emotional intelligence and its various components, including self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills. She shares her own experience of growing into an emotional intelligence powerhouse, and encourages others to do the same.
  • 00:15:00 The video discusses the importance of having a strong emotional intelligence, or the ability to recognize and manage emotions. Alejandra Huerta discusses how to identify and connect with your emotions, stating that it is more important to manage reactions than to suppress emotions. The difference between emotions and feelings is that emotions are immediate and feelings are longer-term. Huerta also clarifies that emotions are always accompanied by feelings, which may evolve over time into depression or melancholy.
  • 00:20:00 The video discusses the emotions of anger, sadness, and fear, and how they are natural processes in the body. It goes on to say that if we don't help the body in this process and connect with these emotions, the body will get sick. It then talks about the importance of embracing emotions and living them in order to be able to manage them later. The first emotion is anger, which is described as a disproportionate response between the resources a person has and the situation. For example, imagine a teenage boy having to tell his parents he failed a semester. The main emotion in this case would be fear, as the teenage boy doesn't have the resources to face the situation - his resources are too small. Anger may then arise when thinking about this situation, and may take the form of attacking or fleeing. After attacking or fleeing the situation, one may feel relieved. The video then talks about how anger can take different forms, depending on the situation. For example, someone who has dealt with difficult people may be more likely to show anger in the form of attacking or fleeing.
  • 00:25:00 According to "Inteligencia Emocional," we recognize that we relax, breathe, and sympathize with the best of others when we're faced with a bad situation, and sometimes we can even say things to ourselves inside of good, because I lose the morning all in the bank. But at the end of the day, I have to finish my pending business- that would make someone with emotional intelligence a person who is emotionally not intelligent. Surely, they also get into arguments with the bank teller. And they may say, "What's wrong with you?" when they observe that you're upset, trying to comfort you. And then you become sick, because you cry all the time. When someone feels sad about a loss, the best thing to do is cry all you have to cry, and it will help your body. That's intelligence emotional. Sometimes, people think that we're bipolar when, actually, we're experiencing bipolarity in a relationship. When there are disagreements, the people in a relationship usually say that they're "bad" or "crazy" all the time. This gives the impression that everything is always good, and that is not healthy. Let's go back to a linear relationship where everything is good. Visual, auditory
  • 00:30:00 In this video, Alejandra Huerta discusses how people with emotional intelligence perceive and react to different stimuli. She shares a story about a person who becomes enloquecida, or emotionally disturbed, after experiencing a stimulus. This person's reactions, including anger and fear, are immediate and often accompanied by thoughts. Later, the person with emotional intelligence becomes enloquecida and experiences the stimulus again. This time, the emotional response is different based on the individual's previous experiences with the stimulus. Some people may feel sad or angry, while others might feel happy or excited. The person with emotional intelligence then takes action, either running away or asking for help. This video concludes with a discussion of the third point of emotional intelligence, which is not categorizing things into good and bad. Everyone, regardless of emotional intelligence, sees things differently and has a different reaction to the same stimulus.
  • 00:35:00 Alejandra Huerta discusses the importance of having an emotional intelligence that is not based on categorizing people into good and bad, white and black, or winners and losers. She believes that we can all be colors and enrich ourselves by working together. Huerta also believes that having a healthy self-esteem is important, and that it develops over time as we grow and are loved. Huerta gives examples of how a person's self-esteem can be damaged and how it can lead to negative relationships. She shares her own experience as a mother who tries to raise her children in a way that is healthy for them and helps them to overcome obstacles. Huerta encourages parents to be mindful of the way they raise their children and to be careful not to raise them to be too dependent on others or to be overly demanding.
  • 00:40:00 Alejandra Huerta discusses the importance of having a strong sense of self-esteem, and how to build it by being assertive in the face of adversity. She provides an example of a person with high self-esteem, and one with low self-esteem. The assertive person is able to speak their mind, without being aggressive or passive, and is able to set boundaries with others. This video is a helpful reminder for children and adults alike to maintain a strong sense of self-esteem, and avoid falling into either of the two negative extremes.
  • 00:45:00 Alejandra Huerta discusses the importance of intelligence emotional intelligence, and how being empathetic helps us understand and empathize with others. She also discusses how being emotionally intelligent helps us seek feedback from others and improve our life skills.
  • 00:50:00 Alejandra Huerta discusses the importance of emotional intelligence, which is the ability to be aware and manage one's own emotions, as well as the ability to understand and communicate emotions effectively. She emphasizes that emotional intelligence is something that must be learned, practiced and experienced in order to be effective. Huerta also discusses the importance of being congruent with one's true self, and of being able to empathize and connect with others. Her advice is to take the three-step approach to emotional intelligence development outlined in the video, and to keep practicing it until it becomes second nature.
  • 00:55:00 Alejandra Huerta discusses the importance of having a good relationship with one's parents, and how sometimes communication can be inadequate. She recommends face-to-face communication over text or phone communication, and reminds viewers that not everyone is emotionally intelligent, and that not all people with a good face have a good emotional intelligence. 10 points are made: 1) having a good emotional intelligence means being able to have a sense of self-awareness and control; 2) recognizing when we're angry and handling the situation accordingly; 3) naming and understanding the emotions we're feeling; 4) being able to talk about our feelings openly and honestly; 5) having a strategy for when emotions arise; 6) managing stress in a healthy way; 7) being aware of our own emotions and being able to name them; 8) being able to express our feelings in a healthy way; 9) being able to have healthy relationships with others; 10) being emotionally intelligent means having a name for what we're feeling.

01:00:00 - 01:20:00

In this video, Alejandra Huerta discusses the importance of intelligence emotional intelligence in relation to taking proactive measures to maintain healthy relationships. She notes that while it may be difficult to break free from a toxic person, it is important to be as assertive as possible, and to seek professional help if the situation becomes too difficult.

  • 01:00:00 Alejandra Huerta discusses the importance of intelligence emotional intelligence in relation to taking proactive measures to maintain healthy relationships. She notes that while it may be difficult to break free from a toxic person, it is important to be as assertive as possible, and to seek professional help if the situation becomes too difficult.
  • 01:05:00 Alejandra Huerta discusses how to deal with people who are toxic, and how to overcome the difficult situation with your parents after they divorce. She says that it is always important to respect your parents, even if they are difficult to deal with, and advises using your emotional intelligence to approach them in a kind and respectful manner. Finally, she recommends that, if you are unable to meet all of your colleagues in person, at least get to know two or three of them well.
  • 01:10:00 Alejandra Huerta discusses how to deal with feelings of sadness and how to propose actions to follow. Jonathan asks a follow-up question. Fresher than this one, Jonathan asks about ideas for how to manage when working with a person who is always asking questions but always takes the aggressive position of questioning instead of listening. Alejandra says that, if someone is already detected by other team members, it may be difficult to confront them directly. However, being assertive, speaking directly, and not attacking the person's questions can help. Jonathan asks a question. Francisco says that one of the keys to having a successful team is establishing clear communication and being assertive. If everyone feels listened to and respected, teamwork will be improved. Francisco also shares a personal story.
  • 01:15:00 In this video, Alejandra Huerta discusses the importance of having positive thoughts, as these thoughts also lead to emotions and then become like a guardian of our mental intelligence. The positive thinking mindset is one of the pillars of emotional intelligence, and is essentially the ability to motivate ourselves. It's also important to be self-motivated, and to have a positive outlook on life - this isn't always easy, but it's definitely achievable if you take care of your thoughts. Things can get frustrating for someone with a mental illness who is constantly being treated by doctors, but fortunately there are other options available to them. You should be very cautious when dealing with a person with a mental illness, and always be aware of their state of mind and be prepared to provide support in whichever way is necessary. Be sure to also have a good relationship with your psychiatrist and psychologist, and be patient while they help your loved one. Good luck!
  • 01:20:00 Alejandra Huerta discusses how Rodrigo, the person you are describing, is a toxic person who is able to manipulate people to make them feel guilty. She says that this type of person is called a "toxic" and that they have a great ability to manipulate people to the point where they can make you feel like you are at fault. She says that she is fed up with this situation and that if you are clear about your own innocence, you should defend your rights. She also says that this is not just about being able to do something, it is about being able to take care of yourself. Finally, she talks about how our attitude and attitude towards life can affect what happens to us after we die. She hopes that each of you will remember what he or she has said and make the person feel bad about what he or she has done, rather than just forgetting it. Finally, she says that she would like to see each of you again. Many thanks. A round of applause.

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