Summary of Jo Boaler: How to Learn Math | Lex Fridman Podcast #226

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00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Jo Boaler talks about the importance of math education, and how it is important for students to have a deep understanding of the subject. She also discusses how teachers can help their students learn math, and how parents can support their children's math education.

  • 00:00:00 Jo Boaler discusses the beauty of mathematics, saying that it can be seen in different ways and that it can be explored in multiple ways. He also discusses the importance of intuition when solving math problems, and shares examples of famous mathematicians who used intuition to solve problems.
  • 00:05:00 Jo Boaler discusses how intuition can be an important part of solving problems, and how it can be helpful in learning mathematics. She also talks about how math can be difficult for some people, and how it is important for students to be able to understand that they can learn math and that it is not always easy.
  • 00:10:00 Jo Boaler talks about the difference between struggle and difficulty. She says that some people are "wired in a way where they need to learn in very different ways." Boaler also talks about her experiences growing up in the Soviet Union and how math was viewed as essential to overall development. She says that while it is important to have a multi-dimensional approach to math, the focus on excellence can be limiting.
  • 00:15:00 In this video, Jo Boaler discusses the importance of math in the school system, highlighting the role of teachers in cultivating a love for math in their students. She also discusses a study that found that giving students feedback that says "I believe in you" can help boost their academic performance in English a year later.
  • 00:20:00 Jo Boaler discusses the importance of believing in students, and how teachers can communicate this to their students in a way that is meaningful and inspiring. She also talks about a mathematician, Marion Miz AKani, who despite being told she couldn't do maths, went on to win a Fields Medal. Boaler argues that this story shows that anything is possible if you have the motivation and determination to try.
  • 00:25:00 Jo Boaler discusses how to learn math, citing research that shows that a single teacher can change a student's math achievement. She also discusses how parents can help their children learn math, and how the new California math framework recommends teaching in a way that emphasizes big ideas.
  • 00:30:00 The video discusses how grade-based assessments can be a hindrance to deep learning in mathematics, and how a rubric can be a more effective way of assessing student achievement.
  • 00:35:00 Jo Boaler discusses how to learn math, emphasizing the importance of teachers paying attention to the individual strengths of their students. She encourages teachers to give students opportunities to extend their skills, and to create a supportive learning environment. Lex Fridman podcast #226
  • 00:40:00 In this video, Jo Boaler discusses how groupitizing can predict how well someone does in maths. She also discusses how creativity and flexibility are important in learning maths. Finally, she discusses how other humans are important in the learning process.
  • 00:45:00 Jo Boaler shares her experience of teaching mathematics to Stanford undergraduates in a way that avoids "silo" thinking and encourages collaboration. She emphasizes the importance of textbooks as tools, but also recognizes the power of experiential learning in helping students develop a deep understanding of mathematics.
  • 00:50:00 Jo Boaler discusses the benefits and drawbacks of using textbooks or online courses to learn mathematics, emphasizing the importance of individualized learning. She also mentions Sebastian Thrun's successful MOOCs.
  • 00:55:00 Jo Boaler, a mathematics educator, discusses the importance of online education, how to create engaging and accessible lessons, and how to erase maths anxiety. She also discusses her company, You Cubed, and their mission to provide teaching resources to teachers.

01:00:00 - 01:30:00

Jo Boaler discusses the importance of appreciating mathematics and how to learn it. He gives advice on how to ask questions and reflect on what was learned, and urges students to think about the bigger picture when learning mathematics. He also discusses the role of the student outside the classroom, and has hope for the future of education.

  • 01:00:00 Jo Boaler discusses how to learn mathematics best, giving advice on how to ask questions and reflect on what was learned. She also addresses the role of the student outside the classroom by saying that it is important for students to think about the bigger picture when learning mathematics.
  • 01:05:00 In this video, Jo Boaler describes how he learned math, and how he advises students to approach the subject. He recalls a teacher who was incredibly helpful to him, and mentions another teacher who discouraged students from asking questions. He advises students to show kindness and respect to their teachers, in order to maintain a productive relationship.
  • 01:10:00 Jo Boaler discusses how to learn math, citing the example of a student who was inspired to change his approach after getting help from a teacher working on deep problems. Boaler encourages teachers to give students opportunities to work on deep problems, and also recommends practice in visualization.
  • 01:15:00 Jo Boaler discusses how to learn math in a scalable way, and how he uses visuals and storytelling to engage students. He also discusses mit's Open Courseware platform and the effectiveness of online learning.
  • 01:20:00 Jo Boaler discusses the origins of MOOCs and how they have the potential to democratize education, but there is still work to be done in order to make online learning more accessible to all. She gives advice for middle school and high school students on how to live a life that they can be proud of, and notes that success is something that should be celebrated even when it's achieved at a young age. Boaler urges parents to encourage their children in all areas of their life, and reminds listeners that their parents were once in the same position as them.
  • 01:25:00 Jo Boaler discusses how to learn math, and how to connect with people who believe in you, no matter how hard that may be. She also has hope for the future of education, believing that it will change in ways we cannot yet imagine.
  • 01:30:00 In this video, mathematician Jo Boaler discusses the importance of appreciating mathematics and how to learn it. He urges listeners to check out the sponsors of this podcast, and quotes Albert Einstein.

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