Summary of AI Blog Post Summarization with Hugging Face Transformers & Beautiful Soup Web Scraping

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00:00:00 - 00:30:00

This video demonstrates how to summarize a blog post using the "Hugging Face Transformers" and "Beautiful Soup" web scraping libraries. The summarizer is able to extract the core sentences from each of the chunks of text and then combine them into one short sentence. This is a helpful tool for those who want to quickly read and understand a long blog post.

  • 00:00:00 In this video, Nick demonstrates how to use AI to summarize long blog posts using hugging face Transformers and Beautiful Soup Web scraping. First, Nick installs huggin' face Transformers and Beautiful Soup, then loads the summarization pipeline. He then scrapes a blog post from the internet and passes it to the summarization pipeline. Finally, he exports the summary to a text file.
  • 00:05:00 The video introduces the Hugging Face Transformers (HF Transformers) pipeline, which allows for easy importing of a summarization model. Beautiful Soup library is then imported to programmatically scrape a blog post from the web. Request library is also imported to make HTTP calls to the web. Finally, the summarization pipeline and request libraries are set up. The blog post link is copied into a variable, and a new variable, url, is created to hold the link to the blog post. The request is started and processing begins. html, metadata, and text are all contained within the variable r. Beautiful Soup is used to extract the title and subtitles from the blog post.
  • 00:10:00 The video introduces the topic of AI blog post summarization, and shows how to use Beautiful Soup to extract text from a website. The first line of code creates a new Beautiful Soup instance, and the second line passes through two parameters - the text that has been extracted from the website, and the tag search pattern. The text is then filtered and pre-processed, and finally, it is concatenated into one big block of text.
  • 00:15:00 The video explains how to chunk text into sentences and how to limit the chunks that are sent to a summarizer to 500 words.
  • 00:20:00 The AI blog post summarizer usessentence splitting and wordjoining to create a 500-word chunked summary of a blog post.
  • 00:25:00 This video demonstrates how to create a summary for a blog post using the "Hugging Face Transformers" and "Beautiful Soup" web scraping libraries. The summarizer is able to extract the core sentences from each of the chunks of text and then combine them into one short sentence.
  • 00:30:00 This YouTube video walks viewers through the process of summarizing a blog post using text-to-text conversion and machine learning algorithms. The video demonstrates how to summarize a blog post from Hackernoon, a popular website. Next, the video shows how to use text-to-text conversion and machine learning algorithms to summarize a different blog post. Finally, the video provides a one-paragraph summary of the two blog posts summarized.

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